How to declare and initialize integer variable in Decision Table? - initialization

I want to declare and initialize integer variable in Decision Table. I created a sample rule in .drl file. It's working fine but i want that rule in drool spreadsheet. Anybody know How to do it?
Sample Rule code.
rule "GoodBye1"
salience 5
a : Message(count == 45)
int temp = a.getTemplatesFromDba("123");
System.out.println("-Raj--> "+temp);

You'll have to write it in to the Action part of your decision table. Here's one way to do it with a decision table. What suites best for your needs requires a bit more info on the details.
Condition | Action
a : Message |
$param | a.setPrio( a.getTemplate( $param) ); update(a);
count == 45 | "123"
If you need, you can add the System.out.prinln calls in the Action block as well. If you have a lot of operations to execute, it might be better to create a helper function for that.


KQL ipv4_is_in_range with datatable

Good day,
Attempting to check IPAddress from SiginLogs with a datatable. I am able to perform the Scalar function ipv4_is_in_range() with a single value. Ips are changed for privacy
ipv4_is_in_range(IPAddress, '')
When I try to use a declared datatable it does not recognize the values and returns nothing.
let srcIPs = datatable (checkIP:string) [''];
| union srcIPs
| where ipv4_is_in_range( IPAddress, checkIP)
let srcIPs = datatable (checkIP:string) [
| union srcIPs
| where ipv4_is_in_range( IPAddress, checkIP)
if I replace the 'where' with 'extend' I will get one IP address that does show correctly but will include another IP address that is not within that range.
My question is how do I get the function to recognize the values from srcIPs correctly?
#Michael. I went a head a revisited that document and reattempted. The workspace still shows and error when I hover ipv4_lookup stating it is not defined. YET. It still ran, something I didn't attempt. Now the code looks like.
let IP_Data = datatable(network:string)
| evaluate ipv4_lookup(IP_Data, IPAddress, network)
| where UserType == "Member"
| project-reorder IPAddress, UserPrincipalName
So this code got me what I was looking for. TY all for your assistance.
Answering my own question with working code for record.

Create a perl hash from a db select

Having some trouble understanding how to create a Perl hash from a DB select statement.
$sth=$dbh->prepare(qq{select authorid,titleid,title,pubyear from books});
$sth->execute() or die DBI->errstr;
while(#records=$sth->fetchrow_array()) {
%Books = (%Books,AuthorID=> $records[0]);
%Books = (%Books,TitleID=> $records[1]);
%Books = (%Books,Title=> $records[2]);
%Books = (%Books,PubYear=> $records[3]);
print qq{$records[0]\n}
print qq{\t$records[1]\n};
print qq{\t$records[2]\n};
print qq{\t$records[3]\n};
while(($key,$value) = each(%Books)) {
print qq{$key --> $value\n};
The print statements work in the first while loop, but I only get the last result in the second key,value loop.
What am I doing wrong here. I'm sure it's something simple. Many thanks.
OP needs better specify the question and do some reading on DBI module.
DBI module has a call for fetchall_hashref perhaps OP could put it to some use.
In the shown code an assignment of a record to a hash with the same keys overwrites the previous one, row after row, and the last one remains. Instead, they should be accumulated in a suitable data structure.
Since there are a fair number of rows (351 we are told) one option is a top-level array, with hashrefs for each book
my #all_books;
while (my #records = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
my %book;
#book{qw(AuthorID TitleID Title PubYear)} = #records;
push #all_books, \%book;
Now we have an array of books, each indexed by the four parameters.
This uses a hash slice to assign multiple key-value pairs to a hash.
Another option is a top-level hash with keys for the four book-related parameters, each having for a value an arrayref with entries from all records
my %books;
while (my #records = $sth->fetchrow_array()) {
push #{$books{AuthorID}}, $records[0];
push #{$books{TitleID}}, $records[1];
Now one can go through authors/titles/etc, and readily recover the other parameters for each.
Adding some checks is always a good idea when reading from a database.

Using Multiple Variables to Reference a Sub-Sub-Sub Field in a Lua Dictionary

I'm new to Lua (like, yesterday new), so please bear with me...
I apologize for the convoluted nature of this question, but I had no better idea of how to demonstrate what I'm trying to do:
I have a Lua table being used as a dictionary. The tuples(?) are not numerically indexed, but use mostly string indices. Many of the indices actually relate to sub-tables that contain more detailed information, and some of the indices in those tables relate to still more tables - some of them three or four "levels" deep.
I need to make a function that can search for a specific item description from several "levels" into the dictionary's structure, without knowing ahead of time which keys/sub-keys/sub-sub-keys led me to it. I have tried to do this using variables and for loops, but have run into a problem where two keys in a row are being dynamically tested using these variables.
In the example below, I'm trying to get at the value:
But since I don't know ahead of time that I'm looking in "Warehouse_North", or in "department_one", I run through these alternatives using variables, searching for the specific Item ID "rjXO./SS", and so the reference to that value ends up looking like this:
Basically, the problem I'm having is when I need to put two variables back-to-back in the reference chain of a value being stored at level N of a dictionary. I can't seem to write it out as [x][y], or as [x[y]], or as [x.y] or as [x].[y]... I understand that in Lua, x.y is not the same as x[y] (the former directly references a key by string index "y", while the latter uses the value being stored in variable "y", which could be anything.)
I've tried many different ways and only gotten errors.
What's interesting is that if I use the exact same approach, but add an additional "level" to the dictionary with a constant value, such as ["items"] (under each specific department), it allows me to reference the value without issue, and my script runs fine...
Is this how Lua syntax is supposed to look? I've changed the table structure to include that extra layer of "items" under each department, but it seems redundant and unnecessary. Is there a syntactical change that I can make to allow me to use two variables back-to-back in a Lua table value reference chain?
Thanks in advance for any help!
myWarehouseList = {
["Warehouse_North"] = {
["description"] = "The northern warehouse"
,["departments"] = {
["department_one"] = {
["rjXO./SS"] = {
["item_description"] = "A description of item 'rjXO./SS'"
,["Warehouse_South"] = {
["description"] = "The southern warehouse"
,["departments"] = {
["department_one"] = {
["rjXO./SX"] = {
["item_description"] = "A description of item 'rjXO./SX'"
function get_item_description(item_id)
myItemID = item_id
for warehouse_key, warehouse_value in pairs(myWarehouseList) do
for department_key, department_value in pairs(myWarehouseList[warehouse_key].departments) do
for item_key, item_value in pairs(myWarehouseList[warehouse_key].departments[department_key]) do
if item_key == myItemID
-- [department_key[item_key]].item_description?
-- If I had another level above "department_X", with a constant key, I could do it like this:
-- print(
-- "\n\t" .. "Item ID " .. item_key .. " was found in warehouse '" .. warehouse_key .. "'" ..
-- "\n\t" .. "In the department: '" .. dapartment_key .. "'" ..
-- "\n\t" .. "With the description: '" .. myWarehouseList[warehouse_key].departments[department_key].items[item_key].item_description .. "'")
-- but without that extra, constant "level", I can't figure it out :)
If you make full use of your looping variables, you don't need those long index chains. You appear to be relying only on the key variables, but it's actually the value variables that have most of the information you need:
function get_item_description(item_id)
for warehouse_key, warehouse_value in pairs(myWarehouseList) do
for department_key, department_value in pairs(warehouse_value.departments) do
for item_key, item_value in pairs(department_value) do
if item_key == item_id then
print(warehouse_key, department_key, item_value.item_description)

Frama-C-Plugin: Set value of variable in plugin

I am writing a Frama-C Plugin.
I want to develop a plugin, that sets the value of a local variable. By this idea I try to do the value-analysis afterwards, and then I can analyze the reachablility, path analysis and other things by my second plugin.
Is it possible to set the value of a local variable within a plugin (at the start of a function where I know the name)?
I now found out how to make new local variables, how to get the Varinfo of variables and how to create new varinfos. The only missing thing is setting the variable's value.
I started with a code like this:
match kf_cil_fun with
| Cil_types.Definition(a,b) ->
let val_visitor = new value_set_visitor kf in
Visitor.visitFramacFileSameGlobals (val_visitor :> Visitor.frama_c_visitor) (Ast.get());
let old_varinfo = Cil.makeLocalVar a "x" Cil.intType in
let new_varinfo = Cil.makeVarinfo false false "x" Cil.intType in
val_visitor#doStuff old_varinfo new_varinfo;
| _ -> ()
where the visitor is a simple visitor with a method doStuff, and the builtin-methods vfile, vglob_aux and vstmt_aux that simply call Cil.DoChildren
method doStuff old_varinfo new_varinfo =
Cil.set_varinfo self#behavior old_varinfo new_varinfo;
Does anyone have an idea of how to set the value of x to 1 (or a fixed other value)? Am I doing the things right?

Alternative to Recursive Function

I have been working on MLM (multi level marketing) application.
Below is the code snippet (not entire code) of recursive function which I had written in initial phase and was working properly. But now the MLM tree is too deep and recursive function stops. It says maximum nesting level exceeded. I increased nesting function call levels few times but now I dont want to increase it further as I know that's not right solution.
Can anyone suggest a alternative code (may be iterative) to me for this?
function findallpairs($username, $totalusers= 0)
$sql = "select username,package_id from tbl_user where
parent_id = '".$username."' order by username";
$result = mysql_query($sql);
if(mysql_num_rows($result) > 0)
while($row = mysql_fetch_array($result))
$username = $row["username"];
$arrtmp = findallpairs($username, $totalusers);
$totalusers = $arrtmp["totalusers"];
$arrpoints["totalusers"] = $totalusers;
return $arrpoints;
Note : Please remember my original code is too big but I have been pasting just the important aspect of the logic here.
It would be a great help for me if I find the alternative solution to this.
Thanks in advance!
How deep are you going?
The day makes a mutliway tree within your sql database. Trees are recursive structures, and recursive code is what naturally fits.
You may be able use use what i'm calling quasi-memiozation.
This should be easy if you have the children listed in the DB structure. Take a result for all users with no childrin, memioize their value into a hash or tree with the key being the user ID and the value 1. Then just mass iterate over each user (or just the parents of memiozed entries) and if it has values memiozed for all its children, add them together and memoioze that value. Repeat the iteration until you find the root (a user with no parent)
If you don't have a record of children it's likely terribly inefficient.
