CSS - how to make content fit to the width/height of paragraph? - css

I have a paragraph in HTML using the p tag. Now i want to change the height and width of this paragraph so it only shows the begining (head) of the paragraph and then when i hover over it, it displays the full paragraph. How do I do this using CSS?

The following base code will work for you, you can modify it to enable CSS animations etc. as necessary.
p {
// Put whatever height you want here, we're using max-height here so that
// paragraphs that are smaller than this don't get extra blank spacing.
max-height: 20px;
// Hide the extra content
overflow: hidden;
p:hover {
max-height: none;

It's better if you use JavaScript for such stuff, but if you insist on CSS, here you go.
border: solid;
height: 10px;
height: 100%;
A small Example here


Vertical alignment based on x-height

When trying to center content in a container CSS-Tricks has a great guide. However when trying to vertically center some text that's just slightly smaller than its container, I think a different way of vertically centering text might be preferable. Instead of using the entire height of the font, I would rather center it based on the x-height of the font (basically the height of a lowercase x)
And see this example where red is based on the entire height and green is based on the x-height
The only option I could come up with is to add a pseudo element to the text with the same height as the container and to use vertical-align: middle to it.
.pseudo {
white-space: nowrap;
.pseudo:before {
content: '';
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
height: 100px;
width: 0;
This works, but unfortunately only for a single line. I was wondering if anyone else tried to solve this issue and if perhaps there are best practices to follow? I am especially interested using as little "magic" numbers as possible and if there is a good solution for the multi line variant.
See Codepen for an example on why I want to center it based on the x-height, and my solution.
The differece between text center position and the small letters center is equal to (ascender height - x-height - descender height)/2 (basically we need to increase somehow the descender height to make it equal to ascender height - x-height to move the geometric center of the line box to the position of the small letters center). From these 3 unknowns, only x-height is available for CSS (via ex unit). Other font metrics can't be read and remain kind of 'magical numbers', so it's possible only to choose the a specific value for each specific font. But with this 'font-specific magic number' you can center any number of lines - by giving the inner element display:inline-block and assigning the magic value to its padding-bottom.
It seems impossible to get the needed value from the font metrics in pure CSS. Such vertical-align values as text-top/text-bottom can give the position of ascender or descender, but only one of them, exotic values like sub seem to be completely arbitrary, and I found no possibility to 'measure' the difference between two font metrics for one element.
My most successful attempt was the way to move the line (or lines) by half of the needed difference, making 'hybrid' centering (neither caps nor lowercase letters are centerd precisely, but 'optically' the text may look even better centered). This can be done by another pseudo element added to the last line, that has the height of the line box, but its aligned with the center of small letters:
.blue:after {
content: ':'; /* must contain text to get the auto height of the line box */
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
width: 0; /* making pseudo elenent invisible */
overflow: hidden;
Edited CodePen example with the result (I didn't hide pseudo elements there for visualization).
For centering the inline-block itself, any approach can be used, I choose the approach with second helper pseudo element that always has 100% height of the container, so no more magic numbers are needed.
Hope it helps:)
Sorry can't comment.
How about this:
.green {
color: #6c6;
background-color: #cfc;
vertical-align: -16%;
line-height: 60px;
and some info which might help:
I think the only way to get the wanted result is to use Dinamyc CSS (DCSS).
First, you will need to create a function in your website that will retrieve the height of the text (to lower case).
Second, you will need to output the css with a static position which is in reality dynamic since it is printed by your dynamic code.
Here an example pasted from this link http://www.phpsnaps.com/snaps/view/get-text-height-width/ on how to retrieve your text height in PHP :
define("F_SIZE", 8);
define("F_FONT", "arial.ttf");
function get_bbox($text){
return imagettfbbox(F_SIZE, 0, F_FONT, $text);
function text_height ($text) {
$box = get_bbox($text);
$height = $box[3] - $box[5];
return $height;
function text_width ($text) {
$box = get_bbox($text);
$width = $box[4] - $box[6];
return $width;
And then you would echo your (x)HTML with CSS somehow like that :
echo "<span style=\"YourStyleProperty=" . **Your line height / 2 + your text height / 2 (Hint: use the PHP or equivalent if other language)** . ";\"
For more information on the imagettfbbox function :http://php.net/manual/fr/function.imagettfbbox.php
Feel free to post if you are having trouble finalizing the code, I will be glad to help if you show some efforts :).
For more info on DCSS and maybe better ideas/example don't hesitate to google DCSS.
Use this css
.outer {
display: table;
width: 200px;
height: 200px;
.inner {
display: table-cell;
vertical-align: middle;
/*You can align center if you want as well*/
.box {
position: relative;
display: inline-block;
background: orange;
color: black;
font-size: 60px;
background-color: yellow;
And use this markup. So whatever is in the "box" div will be centered.
So it is just about adding an outer to act as table and inner to act as cell so you can use the vertical align middle for multiple lines.
<div class="outer">
<div class="inner">
<div class="box">
here is a codepen
Ilya Streltsyn's answer (the accepted one) is amazing. Exactly the kind of thing I like about CSS - if you know the mechanics well enough, you can accomplish anything.
I have generalized the accepted answer into a reusable class, tested on Chrome, Firefox and Edge. I have also fixed issues with how it sits in the document flow (the container would carry extra width from the ::after elements, and would appear lower than sibling elements). You can easily use the class as follows:
<any class="x-height">
<span class="x-height">
Centered text
And below is the Sass source (Also check it out on Codepen):
%x-height {
content: 'x';
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: middle;
width: 0;
.x-height {
vertical-align: bottom;
&::after {
#extend %x-height;
content: '';
height: 100%;
> .x-height {
display: inline-block;
vertical-align: baseline;
margin-left: -1ch;
margin-right: calc(-1ch / 2);
white-space: nowrap;
#at-root {
#-moz-document url-prefix() {
& {
margin-left: auto;
margin-right: auto;
&::before { display: none; }
&::before, &::after {
#extend %x-height;
visibility: hidden;
&::after {
width: 1ch;
margin: 0 -1ch;
You probably need one of these jQuery plugins:
FlowType: Web typography at its finest: font-size and line-height based on element width
Squishy: A plugin for fitting heading text to its container
Responsive Text: Set font sizes responsively based on its’ container width
TypeButter: Allows you to set optical kerning for any font on your website
FitText: FitText makes font-sizes flexible
SlabText: A jQuery plugin for producing big, bold and responsive headlines
Auto Line-Height: A jQuery plugin for flexible layouts

CSS style doesn't apply to container div

CSS style works (as far as I can see) for all elements except the container div.
I can't get it to work, I have tried everything. It should have width and height and a black background color. This is the code that doesn't apply :
#container {
width: 588px;
height: 617px;
margin: auto;
The code seems right. Both CSS and HTML have passed the w3c validators.
Please help, I'm clueless. Thank you.
right now, looking at the html of your page, you have set the container tag as a class. You need to set it either as a div id, or change it to a class in the css.
so in the code above, simply change the # to a . (period) in front of container
.container { /* replaced # with a period */
width: 588px;
height: 617px;
margin: auto;
you container is a class instead of an id

Is there a way to hide text using css and clear space?

I'm trying to come up with a solution for this problem.
I have a control where the background is an image.
The text that I would like on the form is included in the bg image, however for the purpose of accessibilty, I'd like to include it in an H3 tag.
The problem I have encountered with the solutions I have is that the space is still allocated and I need it to be supressed. It also needs to be Google friendly too.
Here's 2 solutions I have:
Any ideas?
The normal way to hide elements is to use one of the following:
visibility:hidden; which hides the element but still takes up space.
display:none; which hides the element and does not take up space.
I believe the second is what you want in this instance.
Well, first of all
display: none;
But, if you want, there might be other solutions for styling your heading tag
/* on its container */
overflow: hidden;
/* on h3 tag */
float: left;
margin-left: -100%;
font-size: 0;
line-height: 0;
height: 0;
overflow: hidden;
You may also need to set/reset few other properties, to clear any other space around your heading, like
margin, padding, white-space, text-indent, border, etc.
You can give font-size:0; to your h3 tag HEADING will be in your code with your background.
And this will help you in SEO also..
<div id="wrap">
#wrap {
height: 230px;
background:url("http://www.eldercarefunding.org/Portals/18/Skins/s_eldercare_green/images/header.bgL.png") no-repeat 0 0;
#wrap h3 {

How do you eliminate overall image css to a single div?

As an example I'm trying to create a thumbnail, but my automatic img css as listed below is applied
img, img a {
border: none;
I can't make sense of it in my mind for some reason. I know the syntax is probably simple, but I can't seem to remember it.
The reason you can not add margin to your images is because img elements are, by default, inline. It means you can not give them dimensions, or add margin from the bottom or top (and some other stuff you should probably read about).
This means that in order to give img element margin from top or bottom, you need to declare it as a block, or rather inline-block. This is achieved using
img { display: inline-block; }
Then you can add away your margins, and viola:
img {
display: inline-block;
margin: 10px 0; }
Are you trying to style all images a certain way, then exclude images within a certain container div? If your container div is called #wrapper, then do something like this:
#wrapper img,
#wrapper a img /* assuming that's what you meant rather than img a */
/* undo what you did above for images inside #wrapper */
margin-top: 0; margin-bottom: 0;
Such loose selectors for img can be troublesome because images are used all the time in different contexts. I prefer to style only images that are inside a #content div, or similar.

Wrong height of DIV image wrapper with percentage width values

I want to wrap an image into an html DIV and, since I want this to be fully scalable with the size of the window, I want to set the width of the DIV in percentage as follows:
<div id="wrapper">
<img src="http://openclipart.org/people/netalloy/rally-car.svg" />
#wrapper {
position: absolute;
width: 50%;
#wrapper img {
width: 100%;
The image should determine the height of its container. This is because the image width is set to 100% and the image height is calculated accordingly maintaining the correct aspect ratio.
The result is visible on jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/lorenzopolidori/5BN4g/15/
My questions are:
Why do all modern browsers render the wrapper DIV 5px taller than the inner image?
How can I get rid of this 5px gap, while still setting all the sizes in percentage and without using javascript?
Surprisingly, this happens in Chrome (21.0.1180.89), Firefox (15.0.1) and IE8, while IE7 renders it correctly, matching the height of the DIV with the height of the image.
Check this out :
It's a line-height issue :-)
You need :
#wrapper {
width: 60%;
background-color: #aaa;
margin: 50px auto;
#wrapper img {
border: 1px dashed red;
I used box-sizing to make sure the width of the image doesn't overflow the container
Hi now add vertical-align:top in your img tag throw css
as like this
#wrapper img {
width: 100%;
border: 1px dashed red;
vertical-align:top; // add this line
live demo
OK, fiddling about, I found a good possible solution:
#wrapper img {
display: block;
width: 100%;
border: 1px dashed red;
Changing from the default inline display to a block display eliminates the line-height problem straight away.
This approach is also semantically correct because in this case what we really want is a single image wrapped in a DIV without any other elements in it, so the concept of line-height needs to be completely wiped off by displaying the image as a block.
It works on all major browsers: http://jsfiddle.net/lorenzopolidori/5Cpf2/3/
I think you shuold set align property to force browser show correctly img tag.
<div id="wrapper">
<img align="center" src="http://openclipart.org/image/800px/svg_to_png/74557/rally-car.png" />
I think is because it doesn't see as a Table
i added the display:table in your code
And it looks fine now, check the link
Example Display Table
Your issue is that an image -- the <img> tag, to be exact -- is an inline element. All you need to do is set display: block on the image and the extra padding goes away. Demo.
