Wrong height of DIV image wrapper with percentage width values - css

I want to wrap an image into an html DIV and, since I want this to be fully scalable with the size of the window, I want to set the width of the DIV in percentage as follows:
<div id="wrapper">
<img src="http://openclipart.org/people/netalloy/rally-car.svg" />
#wrapper {
position: absolute;
width: 50%;
#wrapper img {
width: 100%;
The image should determine the height of its container. This is because the image width is set to 100% and the image height is calculated accordingly maintaining the correct aspect ratio.
The result is visible on jsfiddle: http://jsfiddle.net/lorenzopolidori/5BN4g/15/
My questions are:
Why do all modern browsers render the wrapper DIV 5px taller than the inner image?
How can I get rid of this 5px gap, while still setting all the sizes in percentage and without using javascript?
Surprisingly, this happens in Chrome (21.0.1180.89), Firefox (15.0.1) and IE8, while IE7 renders it correctly, matching the height of the DIV with the height of the image.

Check this out :
It's a line-height issue :-)
You need :
#wrapper {
width: 60%;
background-color: #aaa;
margin: 50px auto;
#wrapper img {
border: 1px dashed red;
I used box-sizing to make sure the width of the image doesn't overflow the container

Hi now add vertical-align:top in your img tag throw css
as like this
#wrapper img {
width: 100%;
border: 1px dashed red;
vertical-align:top; // add this line
live demo

OK, fiddling about, I found a good possible solution:
#wrapper img {
display: block;
width: 100%;
border: 1px dashed red;
Changing from the default inline display to a block display eliminates the line-height problem straight away.
This approach is also semantically correct because in this case what we really want is a single image wrapped in a DIV without any other elements in it, so the concept of line-height needs to be completely wiped off by displaying the image as a block.
It works on all major browsers: http://jsfiddle.net/lorenzopolidori/5Cpf2/3/

I think you shuold set align property to force browser show correctly img tag.
<div id="wrapper">
<img align="center" src="http://openclipart.org/image/800px/svg_to_png/74557/rally-car.png" />

I think is because it doesn't see as a Table
i added the display:table in your code
And it looks fine now, check the link
Example Display Table

Your issue is that an image -- the <img> tag, to be exact -- is an inline element. All you need to do is set display: block on the image and the extra padding goes away. Demo.


Position a div next to two images that are displayed inline in one containing div

Consider the following site.
I am trying to position a div that is approx 300px wide by about 400px high next to the picture of the woman. I have tried to display the div as inline but to no avail. I tried to float left but once again no luck. Any thoughts?
You can position it next to the image, by using the following CSS:
.emailForm {
width: 260px; /* anything above 260px will fall over to the next line */
/*float: right;*/ /* remove float */
display: inline-block; /* inline-block since you want specific width and height */
height: 434px;
border: 1px solid black;
NOTE: Pretty sure you are using it, but in case you aren't, do use Firebug or Chrome dev tools for making such tasks a breeze.
Try this,
<div id="wrap">
<div id="nextTo"></div>
<img id="woman" src="#" width="600px" height="400px" />
#wrap {width: 1000px; margin: 0 auto;}
#nextTo {float: right; max-height: 400px;}
This will ensure that your image is fixed width. If you have a wrapper div that is 1000px wide for example, the #nextTo div will be the remainder of what the image takes up (in my example 400px).
Adding the max-height attribute to the #nextTo div ensures that the div will not fall below the image, but not sure if this is what you are after.

How to horizontally center an img in a narrower parent div

I need to center images that will be wider than the parent div that contains them. the parent div is a fixed width and has the overflow set to hidden.
<div style='overflow:hidden; width:75px height:100px;'>
<img src='image.jpg' style='height:100px;' />
I must use an image as the child element because I need to resize the thumbnail dimensions and cannot rely on background-size since it is not supported on older versions of mobile safari which is a requirement. I also cannot use javascript for this, so it must be a css solution.
One more thing to note is that widths will vary between images, so I can't just use absolute positioning on the child element at a hard-coded offset.
Is this possible?
for posterity, I've just found out that this can be accomplished on the older versions of mobile safari by using
-webkit-background-size:auto 100px;
of course, the background will be set as usual using 50% for left positioning. If you need this to work on another browser, the accepted solution is probably the best, but since this question was related to the iphone, this solution is a little cleaner.
How adverse are you to extra markup? Also, is there a max size for the images? For example, if your max image width is 225px then you could try:
<div class="frame">
<img src="image.jpg"/>
.frame {
overflow: hidden;
width: 75px;
height: 100px;
position: relative;
.frame > div {
position: absolute;
left: -5075px;
width: 10225px;
text-align: center;
.frame img {
height: 100px;
display: inline-block;
A fiddle example here: http://jsfiddle.net/brettwp/bW4xD/
Wouldn't using a background image still work? You shouldn't need to resize it.
Does something like this make sense? http://jsfiddle.net/QHRHP/44/
margin:0 auto;
border:2px solid #000;
background:url(http://placekitten.com/800/250) center top no-repeat;
Well if you know the width of the div and the width of the image, you can simply do some math.
Let's say the div is width 200px and the image is width 300px:
div.whatever {
width: 200px;
img.someImg {
left: -50px;
position: relative;
We know that since the width of the div is 200 pixes, then 100 pixels will be cropped from the image. If you want to center the image, then 50 pixels be hidden past the boundaries of the div on either side. Thus, we set the left position of the image to -50px.
Example (knowing the image size): http://jsfiddle.net/7YJCD/4/
Does that make sense?
If you don't know the image size or the div size, you can use javascript to detect these values and do the same thing.
Example (not knowing the image size, using jQuery javascript): http://jsfiddle.net/K2Rkg/1/
Just for reference, here's the original image.

Can background image extend beyond div's borders?

Can background image extend beyond div's borders? Does overflow: visible apply to this?
No, a background can't go beyond the edge of an element.
The overflow style controls how the element reacts when the content is larger than the specified size of the element.
However, a floating element inside the div can extent outside the div, and that element could have a background. The usefulness of that is limited, though, as IE7 and earlier has a bug that causes the div to grow instead of letting the floating element show outside it.
Following up on kijin's advice, I'd like to share my solution for image offsets:
* Only effective cross-browser method to offset image out of bounds of container AFAIK,
* is to set as background image on div and apply matching margin/padding offsets:
#logo {
margin:-50px auto 0 auto;
padding:50px 0 0 0;
background:url(../images/logo.png) no-repeat;
I used this example on a simple div element <div id="logo"></div> to position my logo with a -50px vertical offset. (Note that the combined margin/padding settings ensure you don't run into collapsing margin issues.)
not possible to set a background image 'outside' it's element,
BUT YOU CAN DO what you want with using 'PSEUDO' element and make that whatever size you want and position it wherever you want.
see here :
i have set the arrow outside the span
here is the code
<div class="tooltip">
<input class="cf_inputbox required" maxlength="150" size="30" title id="text_13" name="name" type="text"><span class="msg">dasdasda</span>
strong text
.tooltip{position:relative; float:left;}
.tooltip .msg {font-size:12px;
border:2px #e1ca82 solid;
padding:4px 5px 4px 10px;
top:0%; left:104%;
z-index:9000; position:absolute; max-width:250px;clear:both;
.tooltip .msg:before {
content: " ";
display: block;
height: 20px;
position: absolute;
left:-10px; top:1px;
width: 20px;
z-index: -1;
see here example: http://jsfiddle.net/568Zy/11/
No, the background won't extend beyond the borders. But you can stretch the border as far as you want using padding and some clever tweaking of negative margins & position.
I understand this is really really late, and I am not even sure if this is best practice but I found a little way to do this with my footer. My last section had a background image that I wanted to overflow into the footer and I fixed it with a few lines of CSS. Also added a little padding the section with the background image.
background-color: transparent!important;
top: -50px;
margin-bottom: -50px;
I tried using negative values for background-position but it didn't work (in firefox at least). There's not really any reason for it to. Just set the background image on one of the elements higher up in the hierarchy.
After a little bit of research: No and No :)

Content of div not restricted by div width

I could swear I've seen articles about this problem, but I can't for the life of me find them again!
Basically if I have
<div style="width: 250px;">The width of this div should be no less than 250px wide</div>
In the code below, the content in the div isn't restricting it's width to the width specified causing an overflow problem:
<div class="PostIt">
<div id="tags"><span class="qExtraLarge">Lucky Khumalo</span>
<span class="qLarge">School</span>
.PostIt { display: block; text-align: left; padding: 30px 30px 30px 30px; height: 240px !important; width: 190px !important; background: transparent url("Images/PostIt.png"); }
.PostIf #tags { width: 250px !important; }
Any suggestions would be great!
Thanks in advance.
If you want to hide any overflowing content, use overflow:hidden;
If you want to show the content and just force a line break, use word-wrap:break-word;
Setting a width on a block element alone won't stop any contents that are wider than that width from overflowing the bounds of the element. To do that you need to also set the "overflow" property. Setting it to "hidden" will simply hide anything outside the bounds, but you can also set it to other values to automatically show scrollbars, etc.
See http://reference.sitepoint.com/css/overflow for a good explanation of the overflow CSS property.
Hide your overflow.
Or more precisely
.myclass { overflow: hidden; }

CSS 100% height with padding/margin

With HTML/CSS, how can I make an element that has a width and/or height that is 100% of it's parent element and still has proper padding or margins?
By "proper" I mean that if my parent element is 200px tall and I specify height = 100% with padding = 5px I would expect that I should get a 190px high element with border = 5px on all sides, nicely centered in the parent element.
Now, I know that that's not how the standard box model specifies it should work (although I'd like to know why, exactly...), so the obvious answer doesn't work:
#myDiv {
width: 100%
height: 100%;
padding: 5px;
But it would seem to me that there must be SOME way of reliably producing this effect for a parent of arbitrary size. Does anyone know of a way of accomplishing this (seemingly simple) task?
Oh, and for the record I'm not terribly interested in IE compatibility so that should (hopefully) make things a bit easier.
EDIT: Since an example was asked for, here's the simplest one I can think of:
<html style="height: 100%">
<body style="height: 100%">
<div style="background-color: black; height: 100%; padding: 25px"></div>
The challenge is then to get the black box to show up with a 25 pixel padding on all edges without the page growing big enough to require scrollbars.
I learned how to do these sort of things reading "PRO HTML and CSS Design Patterns". The display:block is the default display value for the div, but I like to make it explicit. The container has to be the right type; position attribute is fixed, relative, or absolute.
.stretchedToMargin {
display: block;
background-color: green;
<div class="stretchedToMargin">
Hello, world
Fiddle by Nooshu's comment
There is a new property in CSS3 that you can use to change the way the box model calculates width/height, it's called box-sizing.
By setting this property with the value "border-box" it makes whichever element you apply it to not stretch when you add a padding or border. If you define something with 100px width, and 10px padding, it will still be 100px wide.
box-sizing: border-box;
See here for browser support. It does not work for IE7 and lower, however, I believe that Dean Edward's IE7.js adds support for it. Enjoy :)
The solution is to NOT use height and width at all! Attach the inner box using top, left, right, bottom and then add margin.
.box {margin:8px; position:absolute; top:0; left:0; right:0; bottom:0}
<div class="box" style="background:black">
<div class="box" style="background:green">
<div class="box" style="background:lightblue">
This will show three nested boxes. Try resizing browser to see they remain nested properly.
The better way is with the calc() property. So, your case would look like:
#myDiv {
width: calc(100% - 10px);
height: calc(100% - 10px);
padding: 5px;
Simple, clean, no workarounds. Just make sure you don't forget the space between the values and the operator (eg (100%-5px) that will break the syntax. Enjoy!
According the w3c spec height refers to the height of the viewable area e.g. on a 1280x1024 pixel resolution monitor 100% height = 1024 pixels.
min-height refers to the total height of the page including content so on a page where the content is bigger than 1024px min-height:100% will stretch to include all of the content.
The other problem then is that padding and border are added to the height and width in most modern browsers except ie6(ie6 is actually quite logical but does not conform to the spec). This is called the box model. So if you specify
min-height: 100%;
padding: 5px;
It will actually give you 100% + 5px + 5px for the height. To get around this you need a wrapper container.
.FullHeight {
height: auto !important; /* ie 6 will ignore this */
height: 100%; /* ie 6 will use this instead of min-height */
min-height: 100%; /* ie 6 will ignore this */
.Padded {
padding: 5px;
<div class="FullHeight">
<div class="Padded">
Hello i am padded.
1. Full height with padding
body {
margin: 0;
.container {
min-height: 100vh;
padding: 50px;
box-sizing: border-box;
background: silver;
<div class="container">Hello world.</div>
2. Full height with margin
body {
margin: 0;
.container {
min-height: calc(100vh - 100px);
margin: 50px;
background: silver;
<div class="container">Hello world.</div>
3. Full height with border
body {
margin: 0;
.container {
min-height: 100vh;
border: 50px solid pink;
box-sizing: border-box;
background: silver;
<div class="container">Hello world.</div>
This is one of the outright idiocies of CSS - I have yet to understand the reasoning (if someone knows, pls. explain).
100% means 100% of the container height - to which any margins, borders and padding are added. So it is effectively impossible to get a container which fills it's parent and which has a margin, border, or padding.
Note also, setting height is notoriously inconsistent between browsers, too.
Another thing I've learned since I posted this is that the percentage is relative the container's length, that is, it's width, making a percentage even more worthless for height.
Nowadays, the vh and vw viewport units are more useful, but still not especially useful for anything other than the top-level containers.
Another solution is to use display:table which has a different box model behaviour.
You can set a height and width to the parent and add padding without expanding it. The child has 100% height and width minus the paddings.
Another option would be to use box-sizing propperty. Only problem with both would be they dont work in IE7.
Another solution: You can use percentage units for margins as well as sizes. For example:
.fullWidthPlusMargin {
width: 98%;
margin: 1%;
The main issue here is that the margins will increase/decrease slightly with the size of the parent element. Presumably the functionality you would prefer is for the margins to stay constant and the child element to grow/shrink to fill changes in spacing. So, depending on how tight you need your display to be, that could be problematic. (I'd also go for a smaller margin, like 0.3%).
A solution with flexbox (working on IE11): (or view on jsfiddle)
html, body {
height: 100%; /* fix for IE11, not needed for chrome/ff */
margin: 0; /* CSS-reset for chrome */
<body style="display: flex;">
<div style="background-color: black; flex: 1; margin: 25px;"></div>
(The CSS-reset is not necessarily important for the actual problem.)
The important part is flex: 1 (In combination with display: flex at the parent). Funnily enough, the most plausible explanation I know for how the Flex property works comes from a react-native documentation, so I refer to it anyway:
(...) flex: 1, which tells a component to fill all available space, shared evenly amongst other components with the same parent
To add -webkit and -moz would be more appropriate
-webkit-box-sizing: border-box;
-moz-box-sizing: border-box;
box-sizing: border-box;
Frank's example confused me a bit - it didn't work in my case because I didn't understand positioning well enough yet. It's important to note that the parent container element needs to have a non-static position (he mentioned this but I overlooked it, and it wasn't in his example).
Here's an example where the child - given padding and a border - uses absolute positioning to fill the parent 100%. The parent uses relative positioning in order to provide a point of reference for the child's position while remaining in the normal flow - the next element "more-content" is not affected:
#box {
position: relative;
height: 300px;
width: 600px;
#box p {
position: absolute;
border-style: dashed;
padding: 1em;
top: 0;
right: 0;
bottom: 0;
left: 0;
<div id="box">
<p>100% height and width!</p>
<div id="more-content">
A useful link for quickly learning CSS positioning
This is the default behavior of display: block The fastest way that you can fix it in 2020 is to set display: 'flex' of parent element and padding e.g. 20px then all its children will have 100% height relative to its height.
Border around div, rather than page body margin
Another solution - I just wanted a simple border around the edge of my page, and I wanted 100% height when the content was smaller than that.
Border-box didn't work, and the fixed positioning seemed wrong for such a simple need.
I ended up adding a border to my container, instead of relying on the margin of the body of the page - it looks like this :
body, html {
height: 100%;
margin: 0;
.container {
width: 100%;
min-height: 100%;
border: 8px solid #564333;
<style type="text/css">
.stretchedToMargin {
