Auto login to facebook using php sdk - facebook-php-sdk

Am working on facebook application using php sdk to post to facebook page as page.I need to let the user automatically log in to facebook instead of asking user to log in.
Please help

This seems to at least partially answer the question (you need first to login from a javascript-based client on the same browser+domain):
Auto login with PHP facebook connect + JS


WordPress Nextend Social Login plugin Facebook login - App verification

On our WordPress site, we needed to have Facebook login functionality.
For that reason, we installed the Nextend Social plugin and configured our app inside the Facebook developer dashboard.
Everything works as expected but we noticed that Facebook has App verification for Business and Individual verification.
We also noticed when we switch our Application inside the Facebook developer dashboard to Live mode everything works as expected without a problem.
So our question is: Do we need to verify our App in order just to use Facebook login functionality where we only need email and user's name?
Thank you all in advance.
I figured it out, and for anyone that is asking the same question the answer is:
If you only need public_profile and email data then you do not need to submit you App to the review, as per the Facebook App review page:
Digging into Nextend Social WordPress plugin I figured out that they only ask for:
protected $scopes = array(

Facebook PHP SDK rights

i am currently working on an autoposter app to publish content on my own fanpages. This is the only function the app is going to be used for. My personal profile will be the only user of the app.
I have read through the documentation for developers but I still have trouble figuring this out.
From what I understand I don't have to submit the app for review to facebook if I only need the manage_pages right.
How does this work for an app that will only be used by me? Do I still have to submit it to facebook to be able to use the manage_pages and publish_pages permission? Or is there a way around that?

hybridauth facebook display=popup setting not working

I'm using hybridauth-2.2.2 to implement facebook connect.
Connecting and login with facebook is not a problem.
At the moment my login page goes to the facebook login page and redirects back, but I want to open the facebook login dialog in a popup window, so I changed the setting display=page to display=popup but it still redirects to the facebook login page. I assume that I'm missing something so just wanted to know what. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Please let me know if you require more details.
guess I was expecting too much of the hybridauth library this time. I thought the display=popup setting would add the js to open the pop up window itself, but I guess it's just to tell facebook api whats been used to connect. So just added the bit of js needed to open a popup window for facebook login

Facebook SDK for .NET - not working

I need a Facebook login button for an ASP.NET 4.5 site (not MVC).
I have followed this tutorial for the Facebook SDK:
But it skips over several points, doesn't provide any downloads and just doesn't work.
How can I do this - ideally using built in methods that require little work to implement - and allow you to retrieve email from Facebook. If that isn't possible a NuGet package (ideally one that is widely used) would be fine.
The Facebook SDK for .NET looks promising but I can't get it working and can't find other examples of its use online.
I need the user to press login, be authenticated, then give me their email (from fb?), enter a password.
I need to know all this and manipulate it all from C# code behind.
If they are already logged into FB - and already signed up for my site - I need them to be auto logged in (I will be using custom authentication on the side).
If you need the Facebook login or singup button then you do not need Facebook .Net SDK. You need to use Facebook Javascript SDK. Then you can use the <fb:login-button> XFBML tag.
If the user is already logged in to Facebook, the plugin can show the user's profile picture, if configured to.
Please refer here:
Eventually I followed this tutorial:
This was excellent and does exactly what I need.

Force All vBulletin Sessions to Logout

I am currently building a mobile app that will use an existing vBulletin install as a login system. I've run into an issue where if a user is already signed on somewhere else, they cannot sign back on using the application. On the vBulletin site, if this happens, you are presented with a "Force Logout" button that will end all existing login sessions and allow you to login again.
Is there a way to implement such a feature use just the API? I cannot query the database, unfortunately, and my only means of accessing the vBulletin system is through api.php methods. The vBulletin API documentation is woefully incomplete, so I am hoping someone else would have an answer for this.
If it helps at all, I am using Flex and AS3 to build the application and have successful login and logout, but the logout only works if you pass an appropriate sessionHash to the API.
This was an issue with our specific vBulletin config. We had to write a custom script that would allow us to access the forcelogout.php page/script and force a logout.
