WordPress Nextend Social Login plugin Facebook login - App verification - wordpress

On our WordPress site, we needed to have Facebook login functionality.
For that reason, we installed the Nextend Social plugin and configured our app inside the Facebook developer dashboard.
Everything works as expected but we noticed that Facebook has App verification for Business and Individual verification.
We also noticed when we switch our Application inside the Facebook developer dashboard to Live mode everything works as expected without a problem.
So our question is: Do we need to verify our App in order just to use Facebook login functionality where we only need email and user's name?
Thank you all in advance.

I figured it out, and for anyone that is asking the same question the answer is:
If you only need public_profile and email data then you do not need to submit you App to the review, as per the Facebook App review page:
Digging into Nextend Social WordPress plugin I figured out that they only ask for:
protected $scopes = array(


Only page admins are able to open FB posts from our WP website as Instant Articles, everyone else sees them as links that redirect to our website

As stated above, I have been trying to configure instant articles for a news website. i have set up the FB instant articles for wp plugin to access the page through a FB app that I linked to the plugin using the app ID, secret, and Page access token (made using this guide ). The plugin seems to be working fine and posts made on the website are automatically converted to Instant Articles when their links are posted on FB. However only our page admins seem able to open these posts on facebook as instant articles; for all other audience the links open normally, directly to our website. Please help on how I can fix this.

meteor js can't login with social accounts after integrating stripe checkout

i am working on meteor(v 1.3) app that allows their users to login with facebook and twitter .Users also could pay online using strip chekout. Before implementing stripe chekout library, i tested the app i was able to login with facebook and twitter. I also tested the payment and it is working (test mode).The problem is after integrating the stripe checkout i'm not able to login with facebook nor twitter. The console print this worning :
This page includes a password or credit card input in a non-secure context. A warning will be added to the URL wwww.myapplication.com

Login to wordpress website using an existing google

I have a wordpress site.
currently I don't have any login/registration page/form in our website.
I need to create a login page where user can login using an existing google account. it should be the only way to login to our website. Please note, I'm not talking about login page to wordpress admin pages...I'm talking about login page for website.
1) user goes to my website
2) click login link
3) navigates to goole sign in page
4) sign in
5) back to the website , the user is logged in
Is there any WP plugin for such case.
TIA, Anna
Bear in mind that the login page for the WP admin pages is the default login screen for users as WP understands them. I don't know what you expect logged-in users to be able to do or see, but you'd have to manage that access at a different level if you're not using the WP users.
If you just want commenting but with Google logins (and others) I'd recommend Disqus.
You need to sign up with Google for this: https://developers.google.com/accounts/ There are several options there like using Google+ log-in, etc.
I haven't seen a wordpress plug-in for it, and even if there is, you'd probably have to register with Google somewhere in the above link because they need to give your specific website permission.
If you want to cut to the chase, look at this link which talks about installing the google button using HTML https://developers.google.com/+/web/signin/add-button

Link on my website to facebook message a page

I would like to embed a link that will open site visitor's browser with their facebook account in "New Message" writing mode with the "to:" field already pointing to my Facebook page.
Is there a way to do this?
It's a wordpress site, so if there is already a plugin that can do this I'd be happy to know which (without asking the visitor for permissions to a facebook app).
You could try to use the FB.ui send dialog:
There is a parameter called "to" where you could try to add the ID of your Facebook Page. Although i am not sure if it works for Pages, but it´s worth trying.

Auto login to facebook using php sdk

Am working on facebook application using php sdk to post to facebook page as page.I need to let the user automatically log in to facebook instead of asking user to log in.
Please help
This seems to at least partially answer the question (you need first to login from a javascript-based client on the same browser+domain):
Auto login with PHP facebook connect + JS
