Different style in same browser [closed] - css

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I made a website where you find a div with some text placed in it.
I am using the exact same FireFox version as my client, however, the text stands out of the box a bit for her while it looks perfect here.
How can that be? We use the exact same version of Firefox!

her browser zoom is set to a different default than yours
her font size is set to a different default than yours
she has different fonts installed than yours
she has a different OS and/or different OS type rendering default settings
Odds are you are using fixed size elements and/or absolute positioning and aren't taking into consideration the wide variations in type rendering and user preferences. Make sure your text elements are contained and are able to expand as needed.


Different result on stretched image CSS by Firefox and Chrome [closed]

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Closed 2 days ago.
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i faced this problem showing my images and i tried to figure out how to prevent this but didn't succeed.
On firefox the images is stretched , on chrome they appear good. im confused because a lot of Css rule on different class.
there is a special CSS rule to add to get the same result on both navigator or need to modify the CSS rule applied ?

How to move a CSS class below another? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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On http://www.csszengarden.com/ how can I move classes (which contain headings and paragraphs) around?
The current order is:
I want:
It should keep the structure with any screen resolution, as it does now.
I don't think there's any way to do it other than using position: absolute and manually placing it on the page.
That may be pretty impractical, depending on what you're trying to do.
It's totally doable with Javascript but that's not what you're asking.
I think that flexbox has an order property, which lets you order your flex items.
For more information, see the specification at http://dev.w3.org/csswg/css-flexbox/#order-property
Note, the flexbox layout module is an Editor's Draft. It might not work as intended in all available browsers, especially in older browsers.

Borders and vertical dividers [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I want to create some kind of different vertical dividers than usual ones. Instead of using the classic css border properties, how may I implement something like the dividers at the bottom(blue footer) in the following page: https://www.ote.gr/en/web/guest/consumer. I think this must be a picture. If so,any idea where to find some similar pictures?
Thank you very much
The website you gave does indeed use a picture, which is probably the easiest way for this effect.
I would strongly advise you to learn to work with Chrome Inspector or Firebug. This would show you the following:
And this would even learn you the image can be found at https://www.ote.gr/ote-corporate-theme/images/divider.png
I would advise you to create your own image though. Shouldn't be that hard...

what css framework is this website using? [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm creating a web app and I want people to be able to use it from their phones
this website seems to be using a great responsive css framework:
when you zoom in a lot the top menu collapses very nicely.
any one knows what framework they are using?
The menu collapses not because of zoom but window.innerWidth. When it decreases below a certain width, the menu collapses into drop-down menu.
You can find an example here | JSFiddle demo
Edit: Many frameworks provide this effect but you really don't need one if you only want this effect
Gumby Framework
I never use this framework but they are used that
Github: https://github.com/GumbyFramework/Gumby

Strange IE issues - CSS positioning incorrectly [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Here is the link to the site http://kennunn.com/our_attorneys-new.html.
If you load this in Chrome you will see how it supposed to look. The problem is that IE 7-9 will load this page correctly up until it decides to do a little rearranging and it moves the attorney pics and content next to them completely out of place. I am not sure what is causing it to suddenly mess up right at the end of the page load.
We are using web fonts from fonts.com with their CSS API but I have tried removing it and it did not help.
Hopefully someone can help us out as I have been pulling my hair out over this.
Thanks for you time and efforts.
The issue appears to be related to your script, fixpng.js. At a quick glance, it appears to be setting the parent node of the images to be position:absolute, which would naturally screw up your layout.
When I skip that code, it renders fine.
