Clojure applying a map and keyword arguments destruction - dictionary

Consider a function with the following signature:
(defn make-widget [& {:keys [x y] :or {x 10 y 20}}]
What is the best way to pass a map to the function, e.g.:
(make-widget {:x 100})
(make-widget {:y 200 :x 0})
What I have currently thought of is via vec, flatten and apply e.g.:
(apply make-widget (flatten (vec ({:x 100}))
I strongly believe there is a better way to do this. Can you please consider one?

I can't think of a more elegant way, either, though it seems to me to that there should be one (like a map-specific variant of apply).
Using flatten has problems beyond not being very elegant, though. If the values of your map are collections, flatten will work recursively on those, too, so things could get totally mixed up. This alternative avoids that problem:
(apply make-widget (apply concat {:x 100}))

There is also a known (not invented by me at least), function "mapply":
(defn mapply [f & args] (apply f (apply concat (butlast args) (last args))))
which can be applied like
(mapply your-function {:your "map"})
As to why is this language-specific functionality absent from Clojure core, being implemented more natively and elegantly, no one could ever give me a clear answer.
After I have spent much time programming in Clojure, I personally tend to refrain from creating functions that accept a {} as a vararg. Although at first this can seem appealing, in reality experience proves that passing an explicit {} is always better for many reasons.

You can use:
(apply make-widget (mapcat identity {:x 200 :y 0}))


some strategies to refactor my Common Lisp code

I'm Haruo. My pleasure is solving SPOJ in Common Lisp(CLISP). Today I solved Classical/Balk! but in SBCL not CLISP. My CLISP submit failed due to runtime error (NZEC).
I hope my code becomes more sophisticated. Today's problem is just a chance. Please the following my code and tell me your refactoring strategy. I trust you.
Take for example get-x-depth-for-yz-grid.
(defun get-x-depth-for-yz-grid (planes//yz-plane grid)
(let ((planes (get-planes-including-yz-grid-in planes//yz-plane grid)))
(unless (evenp (length planes))
(error "error in get-x-depth-for-yz-grid"))
(sort planes (lambda (p1 p2) (< (caar p1) (caar p2))))
(do* ((rest planes (cddr rest)) (res 0))
((null rest) res)
(incf res (- (caar (second rest)) (caar (first rest)))))))
style -> ERROR can be replaced by ASSERT.
possible bug -> SORT is possibly destructive -> make sure you have a fresh list consed!. If it is already fresh allocated by get-planes-including-yz-grid-in, then we don't need that.
bug -> SORT returns a sorted list. The sorted list is possibly not a side-effect. -> use the returned value
style -> DO replaced with LOOP.
style -> meaning of CAAR unclear. Find better naming or use other data structures.
(defun get-x-depth-for-yz-grid (planes//yz-plane grid)
(let ((planes (get-planes-including-yz-grid-in planes//yz-plane grid)))
(assert (evenp (length planes)) (planes)
"error in get-x-depth-for-yz-grid")
(setf planes (sort (copy-list planes) #'< :key #'caar))
(loop for (p1 p2) on planes by #'cddr
sum (- (caar p2) (caar p1)))))
Some documentation makes a bigger improvement than refactoring.
Your -> macro will confuse sbcl’s type inference. You should have (-> x) expand into x, and (-> x y...) into (let (($ x)) (-> y...))
You should learn to use loop and use it in more places. dolist with extra mutation is not great
In a lot of places you should use destructuring-bind instead of eg (rest (rest )). You’re also inconsistent as sometimes you’d write (cddr...) for that instead.
Your block* suffers from many problems:
It uses (let (foo) (setf foo...)) which trips up sbcl type inference.
The name block* implies that the various bindings are scoped in a way that they may refer to those previously defined things but actually all initial value may refer to any variable or function name and if that variable has not been initialised then it evaluates to nil.
The style of defining lots of functions inside another function when they can be outside is more typical of scheme (which has syntax for it) than Common Lisp.
get-x-y-and-z-ranges really needs to use loop. I think it’s wrong too: the lists are different lengths.
You need to define some accessor functions instead of using first, etc. Maybe even a struct(!)
(sort foo) might destroy foo. You need to do (setf foo (sort foo)).
There’s basically no reason to use do. Use loop.
You should probably use :key in a few places.
You write defvar but I think you mean defparameter
*t* is a stupid name
Most names are bad and don’t seem to tell me what is going on.
I may be an idiot but I can’t tell at all what your program is doing. It could probably do with a lot of work

Limit the recursion level in a Clojure repl

While working in the repl is there a way to specify the maximum times to recur before the repl will automatically end the evaluation of an expression. As an example, suppose the following function:
(defn looping []
(loop [n 1]
(recur (inc n))))
Is there a way to instruct the repl to give up after 100 levels of recursion? Something similar to print-level.
I respectfully hope that I'm not ignoring the spirit of your question, but why not simply use a when expression? It's nice and succinct and wouldn't change the body of your function much at all (1 extra line and a closing paren).
Whilst I don't believe what you want exists, it would be trivial to implement your own:
(def ^:dynamic *recur-limit* 100)
(defn looping []
(loop [n 1]
(when (< n *recur-limit*)
(recur (inc n)))))
Presumably this hasn't been added to the language because it's easy to construct what you need with the existing language primitives; apart from that, if the facility did exist but was 'invisible', it could cause an awful lot of confusion and bugs because code wouldn't always behave in a predictable and referentially transparent manner.

Is recursion a smell (in idiomatic Clojure) because of of zippers and HOFs?

The classic book The Little Lisper (The Little Schemer) is founded on two big ideas
You can solve most problems in a recursive way (instead of using loops) (assuming you have Tail Call Optimisation)
Lisp is great because it is easy to implement in itself.
Now one might think this holds true for all Lispy languages (including Clojure). The trouble is, the book is an artefact of its time (1989), probably before Functional Programming with Higher Order Functions (HOFs) was what we have today.(Or was at least considered palatable for undergraduates).
The benefit of recursion (at least in part) is the ease of traversal of nested data structures like ('a 'b ('c ('d 'e))).
For example:
(def leftmost
(fn [l]
(println "(leftmost " l)
(println (non-atom? l))
(null? l) '()
(non-atom? (first l)) (leftmost (first l))
true (first l))))
Now with Functional Zippers - we have a non-recursive approach to traversing nested data structures, and can traverse them as we would any lazy data structure. For example:
(defn map-zipper [m]
(fn [x] (or (map? x) (map? (nth x 1))))
(fn [x] (seq (if (map? x) x (nth x 1))))
(fn [x children]
(if (map? x)
(into {} children)
(assoc x 1 (into {} children))))
(def m {:a 3 :b {:x true :y false} :c 4})
(-> (map-zipper m) zip/down zip/right zip/node)
;;=> [:b {:y false, :x true}]
Now it seems you can solve any nested list traversal problem with either:
a zipper as above, or
a zipper that walks the structure and returns a set of keys that will let you modify the structure using assoc.
I'm assuming of course data structures that fixed-size, and fully known prior to traversal
I'm excluding the streaming data source scenario.
My question is: Is recursion a smell (in idiomatic Clojure) because of of zippers and HOFs?
I would say that, yes, if you are doing manual recursion you should at least reconsider whether you need to. But I wouldn't say that zippers have anything to do with this. My experience with zippers has been that they are of theoretical use, and are very exciting to Clojure newcomers, but of little practical value once you get the hang of things, because the situations in which they are useful are vanishingly rare.
It's really because of higher-order functions that have already implemented the common recursive patterns for you that manual recursion is uncommon. However, it's certainly not the case that you should never use manual recursion: it's just a warning sign, suggesting you might be able to do something else. I can't even recall a situation in my four years of using Clojure that I've actually needed a zipper, but I end up using recursion fairly often.
Clojure idioms discourage explicit recursion because the call stack is limited: usually to about 10K deep. Amending the first of Halloway & Bedra's Six Rules of Clojure Functional Programming (Programming Clojure (p 89)),
Avoid unbounded recursion. The JVM cannot optimize recursive calls and
Clojure programs that recurse without bound will blow their stack.
There are a couple of palliatives:
recur deals with tail recursion.
Lazy sequences can turn a deep call stack into a shallow call stack
across an unfolding data structure. Many HOFs in the sequence
library, such as map and filter, do this.

Why aren't recursive calls automagically replaced by recur?

In the following (Clojure) SO question: my own interpose function as an exercise
The accepted answers says this:
Replace your recursive call with a call to recur because as written it
will hit a stack overflow
(defn foo [stuff]
(dostuff ... )
(foo (rest stuff)))
(defn foo [stuff]
(dostuff ...)
(recur (rest stuff)))
to avoid blowing the stack.
It may be a silly question but I'm wondering why the recursive call to foo isn't automatically replaced by recur?
Also, I took another SO example and wrote this ( without using cond on purpose, just to try things out):
(defn is-member [elem ilist]
(if (empty? ilist)
(if (= elem (first ilist))
(is-member elem (rest ilist)))))
And I was wondering if I should replace the call to is-member with recur (which also seems to work) or not.
Are there cases where you do recurse and specifically should not use recur?
There's pretty much never a reason not to use recur if you have a tail-recursive method, although unless you're in a performance-sensitive area of code it just won't make any difference.
I think the basic argument is that having recur be explicit makes it very clear whether a function is tail-recursive or not; all tail-recursive functions use recur, and all functions that recur are tail-recursive (the compiler will complain if you try to use recur from a non-tail-position.) So it's a bit of an aesthetic decision.
recur also helps distinguish Clojure from languages which will do TCO on all tail calls, like Scheme; Clojure can't do that effectively because its functions are compiled as Java functions and the JVM doesn't support it. By making recur a special case, there's hopefully no inflated expectations.
I don't think there would be any technical reason why the compiler couldn't insert recur for you, if it were designed that way, but maybe someone will correct me.
I asked Rich Hickey that and his reasoning was basically (and I paraphrase)
"make the special cases look special"
he did not see the value in papering over a special case most of the time and leaving people
to wonder why if blows the stack later when something changes and the compiler can't guarantee the optimization. Untimely it was just one of the design decisions made to try and keep the language simple
I was wondering if I should replace the call to is-member with recur
In general, as mquander says, there is no reason to not use recur whenever you can. With small inputs (a few dozen to a few hundred elements) they are the same, but the version without recur will blow up on large inputs (a few thousand elements).
Explicit recursion (i.e. without 'recur') is good for many things, but iterating through long sequences is not one of them.
Are there cases where you specifically should not use recur?
Only when you can't use it, which is when
it is not tail recursive - i.e. it wants to do something with the return value.
the recursion is to a different function.
Some examples:
(defn foo [coll]
(when coll
(println (first coll))
(recur (next coll))) ;; OK: Tail recursive
(defn fie [coll]
(when coll
(cons (first coll)
(fie (next coll))))) ;; Can't use recur: Not tail recursive.
(defn fum
(fum coll [])) ;; Can't use recur: Different function.
([coll acc]
(if (empty? coll) acc
(recur (next coll) ;; OK: Tail recursive
(conj acc (first coll))))))
As to why recur isn't inserted automatically when appropriate: I don't know, but at least one positive side-effect is to make actual function calls visually distinct from the non-calls (i.e. recur).
Since this can be the difference between "works" and "blows up with StackOverflowError", I think it's a fair design choice to make it explicit - visible in the code - rather than implicit, where you would have to start second-guessing the compiler when it doesn't work as expected.

Common lisp idiom - is there a better way?

I find myself doing this sort of thing all the time. I've been considering writing a macro/function to make this sort of thing easier, but it occurs to me that I'm probably reinventing the wheel.
Is there an existing function that will let me accomplish this same sort of thing more succinctly?
(defun remove-low-words (word-list)
"Return a list with words of insufficient score removed."
(let ((result nil))
(dolist (word word-list)
(when (good-enough-score-p word) (push word result)))
There are several built-in ways of doing this. One way would be:
(remove-if-not 'good-enough-score-p word-list)
And another:
(loop for word in word-list
when (good-enough-score-p word)
collect word)
And yet another:
(mapcan (lambda (word)
(when (good-enough-score-p word)
(list word)))
Etc... There's also SERIES and Iterate. The Iterate version is identical to the LOOP version, but the SERIES version is interesting:
(collect (choose-if 'good-enough-score-p (scan word-list))))
So, yes, you're very likely to reinvent some wheel. :-)
The function you want is remove-if-not, which is built-in.
(defun remove-low-words (word-list)
(remove-if-not #'good-enough-score-p word-list))
If you feel like you are re-inventing something to do with lists, you probably are. Check the Hyperspec to see.
The Hyperspec documentation on remove-if-not
All sequence functions
All list-specific functions
There are a couple ways you can do this. First, and probably most easily, you can do it recursively.
(defun remove-low-words (word-list)
(if (good-enough-score-p (car word-list))
(list word (remove-low-words (cdr word-list)))
(remove-low-words (cdr word-list))))
You could also do it with mapcar and reduce, where the former can construct you a list with failing elements replaced by nil and the latter can be used to filter out the nil.
Either would be a good candidate for a "filter" macro or function that takes a list and returns the list filtered by some predicate.
