How can I change an link's image when it's tabbed to? - css

We are writing a site for a user cannot use a mouse. He wants to press Tab on the keyboard to move between images and press return to go to the href link associated with that image. We got that much worked out OK.
But how can we highlight the image in some way so he can easily see which image he has tabbed to?
We don't have an jQuery skills so we are trying to keep our coding to html and css
We have the code:
I thought I could introduce a class to change something about the image.
For example, we introduced a class
.classA {border:double;}
and using it
But that didn't work. We tried lots of effects but none of them worked.
Any suggestions as to how we can highlight the image he has tabbed to?

how we can highlight the image he has tabbed to
When tabbing between anchors on a page, that element gains "focus" - using the :focus pseudo selector, we can therefore restyle images that are inside an anchor that has been tabbed to with a:focus img - for example:
a:focus img {
border: 1px solid #F00;
Though adding a border could break layouts - you could instead do something like:
box-shadow: 0 0 10px #F00;
To give it a red glow - making it obvious, without affecting the layout of the elements.

Remember that by default, the browser puts on an outline.
img:focus {
border:2px solid #ABCDEF;


styling: how to override primeng tabmenu border-colors on active element

I currently have a global blue theme (saga-blue). I managed to change the text and bottom border color (to match the desired brand colors) by using simple css.
However, when a menu item is first selected, it gets this ugly blue-colored border behind it, as such:
No matter what CSS I try, I can't manage to remove it. I can't find where it comes from when I inspect the element. Also, it gets removed as soon as I click anywhere else on the screen: it is just there for the first click on the item, goes away after any other click.
CSS that I have tried:
.p-tabmenu .p-tabmenu-nav .p-tabmenuitem.p-highlight .p-menuitem-link {
color: $brand-red;
border-left: 0px !important;
border-right: 0px !important;
.p-tabmenu .p-tabmenu-nav .p-tabmenuitem.p-highlight {
color: $brand-red;
border-left: 0px !important;
border-right: 0px !important;
I also tried unsetting any property that had to do with 'left' or 'right' on the menuitem and menulink components - but the ugly blue border just keeps on showing. If anyone has any idea what kind of property this might be, I would really appreciate it.
If your style is not applied and you want to override the primeng default styling, you may need to use :host ::ng-deep.
Another way of applying style to a PrimeNG component nested element, is to use the styleClass template property. It is not everytime efficient, you need to sometime force the css through the !important priority modifier. It is not the cleanest way, but there is few CSS properties that are inlined by calculation on some component.
For your specific problem, the .p-tabmenu (and subclasses) is playing with a mixin of focus, when the element is in focus state.
#mixin focused() {
outline: $focusOutline;
outline-offset: $focusOutlineOffset;
box-shadow: $focusShadow;
You need to play with the property box-shadow to remove/modify this blurred color that you dislike with the advices I gave you on the primeng styling if it is not applied as you wished.
Don't forget the pseudo-class :focus while overriding the style.
You may have this kind of result to remove it completely.
:host ::ng-deep .p-tabmenu .p-tabmenu-nav .p-tabmenuitem.p-highlight .p-menuitem-link:focus {
box-shadow: none;
Try outline: 0 this is something that defaults browsers do for accesibility mainly.

Bootstrap in WordPress adding a gray bar to blockquotes

I am working on creating a plugin that requires Bootstrap. I have enqueued the correct Bootstrap and jQuery libraries. Everything is working fine on the page, but when I put a blockquote in the page, it adds a gray bar to the left. I tried using the following to get rid of it, but it didn't work.
blockquote {
border-left: 0px;
This is what is happening:
Any help or advice is appreciated.
When I inspect element, it points to the blockquote tags. I also put in a blockquote by itself in the page content, which is how I got the above.
I tried the following to see if that would do anything, but it didn't help:
blockquote::before {
border: 0px;
blockquote::after {
border: 0px;
Well - if changing border to 0 px does not change the blockquote's grey bar it means that this element is probably no the one responsible for this bar. To state the obvious. Use browser's Inspector to find which element has this bar - it may be ::before or ::after pseudoelement attached blockquote, or maybe blockquote is wrapped in some div or span? What theme are you using?
I figured out what was happening. bootstrap.min.css had the following:
blockquote{padding:10px 20px;margin:0 0 20px;font-size:17.5px;border-left:5px solid #eee}
I simply overwrote it in my local css file with:
blockquote {border-left: 0px;}
Thanks for those who looked.

How to change Angular-UI Bootstrap Datepicker popup's style using CSS?

I'm using ui-bootstrap-tpls-2.5.0.min.js. I changed dropdown-menu's backgorund color like this in specific html.
.dropdown-menu {
background-color: transparent;
box-shadow: none;
But it makes datepicker's background transparent too. I know why it happened, so I cleared that line but nothing changed.
So I want to change datepicker popup's background using CSS selector like this,
.datepicker .ul{
background-color: white;
//this is an example code.
what selector do I have to choose to change datepicker's background?
If this is what you require, you need to add these two styles that are highlighted.
Happy coding :)

Removing blue border around Contact Button, using Bootstrap 3

I've been implementing Bootstrap 3 onto my website, and I am currently experiencing this issue after having selecting the Contact button and closing the pop-up window that comes up:
I do not want Contact to be lit up or highlighted in any manner after closing the popup. What do I need to edit in my CSS file to make this work?
EDIT: Here is my code showing my nav-bar with all of my options. I believe I'm supposed to select something in here in order to edit the CSS of the Contact area.
In CSS, the focus pseudo class is used for styling an element that is currently targeted by the keyboard, or activated by the mouse.
By clicking on the button, Bootstrap adds styles to your button via btn:focus, btn-primary:focus, et cetera. One of the styles Bootstrap adds is a border around the button. In order to override this style, you can create a selector that hides the border of your button. For example, you could do something like this.
.btn:focus {
border: none;
If this doesn't work, try
.btn:focus {
border: none !important;
This will do it for you see example:
Add this to your CSS:
.btn:active {
outline: none !important;
Check this
input[type="submit"]:focus {
outline: none !important;
} /* for forms */
a:focus {
outline: none !important;
} /* for anchor */

css - user menu - two issues

when I hover the mouse over it, the cursor doesn't change into hand until you actually over over the text. (For example, if you pay attention to SO navigation, your cursor changes into hand as soon as you touch the gray area. I am talking about Questions, Tags, Users, Badges, Unanswered navigation)
when I click on it, it borders the link-text.. like it's dotted border or something by default. How do I get rid of that?
There are two ways of getting the hand cursor on the entire area; either you make the link take up the entire area (perhaps by being the entire area), or you add the style cursor:pointer; to the area. (Making the link cover the whole area is usually the better option, as that also make the entire area clickable.)
To get rid of the dotted border on links when they‘re clicked:
a:active {
outline: none;
For SO navigation, it is done in following way:
<li class="nav">
.nav a {
padding: 6px 12px;
The gray area you see is actually the link itself (achieve by setting the padding). To get rid of the border, you should specify by a:link:
.nav a:active { outline: none; }
For (1), use the <a> around your whole <div>, not just the text, and that will make the cursor change to the hand cursor when entering the div. Another way is to change the <a> to have a style similar to
a { display: block; width: 300px; height: 100px; background: orange }
the background is just for trying it here. It can be removed.
For (2), use
a { outline: none }
Try using the following in your CSS.
a:focus {outline: none;}
However, I believe older versions of IE will not honor this code.
