How to know I tap "taking photo button" with UIImagePicker - uiimagepickercontroller

There are three delegate method with UIImagePickerDelegate.
(void)imagePickerController:(UIImagePickerController *)picker
didFinishPickingMediaWithInfo:(NSDictionary *)info;
This method tell you the piture you take.
But when I tap the "taking photo button", how I know the event?

You should
1) subclass UIImagePickerController
2) set showCameraControls = NO
3) create your own controls on this ViewController's view

Xcode 7.3, iOS 9.3
My way is a bit hacky, but essentially I drill down the view hierarchy to find CMKShutterButton, then attach a method to the the appropriate control event.
See my post and solution here: iOS, UIImagePickerController, is there a way to detect when user taps the take picture button without implementing custom controls? and
Hope this helps! Cheers.


Push Split View iPad

Is there any way that i can Push a SplitViewController in my app?
I have a regular view and when the user clicks a button, i would like to push a SplitViewController.
Simple as that, I can find anything to help on Google.
There is no way to push SplitViewController. If you want to use it according to apple it needs to be the root view of your application.
There is a workaround for that though (not %100 gauranteed to be accepted by apple). You need to change the Root of your main Window in AppDelegate manually and animate it yourself.
I found some code for changing the rootViewController of the window:
AppDelegate delegate = [[UIApllication sharedApplication] delegate];
[[delegate window] rootViewController] = yourSplitViewController;

how to se t the right click operations of a link in qtwebkit

How to edit QtWebKit's right-click context menu in Qt Creator?
how to get response in QtWebKit
i have seen all these threads and more but cant get my anwser
i want to set the righ click menu of links images frames etc. in qtwebkit
in qwebview
i have heard that we have to install an event filter and get the object which is at that position but i am not geting it
can you tell me a simple and sweet solution
tell how to set the operation of that action
also iut would be great if you can give a sample live working code
i have heard that we have to use QMenu and QAction for this.
To get a "standard" menu from QWebView based upon where you clicked, do:
QMenu* ctxMenu = page()->createStandardContextMenu();
to know on what you clicked, use
QWebHitTestResult hit = page()->mainFrame()->hitTestContent(pressPoint.toPoint());

Disable UIPageViewController when ModalViewController opened

I am totaly new to this site, but I already like it :-)
I found it by searching for a question about the UIPageViewController.
I have a normal UIPageViewController App, in which I open a ModalViewController for setting up some settings...
Now the Problem: :-)
If I click on the done Button on the right side of the ModalView, to dismiss it, the PageViewController turnes the page, because he thinks that he is meant by that click ;-)
Can I disable the PageViewController GestureRecognizer as long as I have a ModalView opened?
Is there a method to disable and later his recognizer?
thank you for your help in advance...
cu Matze
It seems odd that your UIPageViewController would steal touches from a modal view presented over it. Unless, perhaps, you are embedding the modal view within the content of the UIPageViewController?
To answer your question -- you can easily disable the page view controller's gesture recognizers by enumerating its gestureRecognizers property (an NSArray):
for (UIGestureRecognizer *gr in [self.pageViewController gestureRecognizers]) {
[gr setEnabled:NO];
Re-enable them later with setEnabled:YES.
In iOS 6 UIPageViewControllerTransitionStyleScroll has been added. UIPageViewControllers that use this transition style return no gesture recognisers in the array returned by gestureRecognizers. Presumably page view controllers with this transition style use an underlying, private UIScrollView instance (it behaves just like a UIScrollView with paging enabled), although I haven't checked this.

UITabBarController not using NavigationController

I'm using MonoTouch and my application setup looks something like this,
This works then I click on a tab and am directed to View1. The problem is that this was performed by the tabBarController and not the navigationController. So I get no Back button. Is there a way to capture a TabItemClicked event and manually use the NavigationController to push the View1 onto the stack? So I can get a back button.
I'm hiding the TabBar once I get to View1, so at the moment, there is no way back from View1.
Hope it may help you

Extjs Custom TriggerField implementation

This is my first question here.
I hope I can contribute with answers too..
My need is to build an Extjs TriggerField implementation which open on trigger click a Panel with a custom loaded page inside...
example: When I click the trigger button I what to open a panel specifying an url as /Views/Test/Blabla.aspx and then storing the selection in the trigger field value.
I hope someone could help me
Thanks in advance
There is an example which pops up a Panel in your examples directory under examples/form/forum-search.html
It's based on a ComboBox (But it configures it to hide the trigger button)
BTW, probably a better idea to ask for help at
