BizTalk MQSC Adapter - biztalk

I am having problems testing the MQSC Adapter in BizTalk to communicate with a Queue on Z/OS Host.
The test senario: While sending messages though Biztalk I (Force)stop and start the Host channel, to mimic a HOST IPL.
In this scenario I experienced the following outcomes:
Sometimes there are messages left uncomitted on the Host MQ.
Even after the channel are started again. This way I don't know if the messages have been processed by Biztalk.
Question Is there a way to make sure that messages are always committed on the Host MQ or still available on the MQ if not committed
Once I experienced duplicate messages and once that messages was lost
Since these things happened only once each. I hope to find problems in my test applications / procedure.
Not really a question, but if others have experienced the same errors I would like to know.
The test Setup
Biztalk 2009 on 2 nodes
WebSphere MQ client (Transactions supported)
MSDTC - XA Transactions are enabled (Edited to reflect comments)
MS Biztalk Adapters for Host Systems 2.0
Port Configuration
Receive Location
Send Port

If you are using MQ transactions, that is just MQPMO_SYNCPOINT and MQCMIT, then the disconnection (either explicitly or implicitly due to STOP CHANNEL(chl-name) MODE(FORCE)) will cause any outstanding transaction to be completed (committed on an explicit disconnection, rolled-back on an implicit one).
If you are using 2-PC transactions with a Transaction Manager (TM), then the transaction will need to be dealt with by the TM, depending on how far through it is, is it prepared already for example.


Capture port information on iSeries programmically

Currently we receive on port 9020 from a client. That client uses port switching on their end and sometimes we wind up with multiple "Established" connections on the one port - all with different remote ports. We can manually end each established connection and our job will connect again after a few seconds. We can also run ENDTCPCNN for each remote port listed. We are looking for a way to programmatically see if there are multiple remote ports connected to the local port and if so end the established connections (while leaving the Listener running). Does anyone know of a way to get the information?
To answer your question, assuming you are on a supported version of the OS, take a look at the QSYS2.NETSTAT_INFO SQL view.
select local_port, remote_port, protocol, tcp_state, idle_time, network_connection_type
from qsys2.netstat_info
where local_port = 9020;
Otherwise, you'd need to use the List Network Connections and Retrieve Network Connection Data APIs yourself.
But are you sure you need to do this? Sounds like the client is leaving the connection open for re-use. That's a good thing for performance. You server code should be automatically timing out and closing idle connections.

retrieve dynamically assigned tcp port from remote

My job is to write a distributed client/server application with some concurrent tasks. So i decided to use for the concurrency issues. To implement the ipc between server and client akka remote is used. For some reasons there may run more than one client of the same type on a workstation. So i configured these clients for dynamic assignment of a tcp port. This worked fine for sending messages to the server.
My problem is to push some information to the clients. To accomplish this task an actor on the client exist. Now the server creates a reference for this actor. Therefor it needs the port the client is listening on . My idea is to send the tcp port the client uses to the server in some sort of connection procedure using a actor on the server.
After searching for some hours I didn't find any hint where to find the dynamically assigned tcp port. So how would the client get the assigned tcp port?
Ok, I could use akka.cluster. But using akka.cluster is breaking a fly on the wheel, I think. And if it solves my issue reamins to be seen.
Two suggestions, assuming that it is your client that makes the first contact with the server.
I'd have the server keep track of which clients are connected. I'd probably have a heartbeat message that gets sent once every few seconds from each client system. This way you can store an IActorRef for each alive client and send messages back without the need for finding the port. IActorRefs are preferable wherever possible for location transparency.
If you actually need to explicitly find the port, you may be able to extract it from the Path property of the IActorRef of one of the actors on the client system.
Thanks to patricks suggestions my issue is solved.
The solution is to extract the needed information from the senders path available while executing the hello message. With this information the server is able to maintain a list of all connected clients and theire network address.
Thanks a lot # patrick.
Regards Gregor

SQL to resume suspended messages in order

We have an upcoming deploy for a system that processes a lot of messages through BizTalk. Since those messages are cumulative updates they need to be queued up during the deployment outage then processed in order when the deploy is finished. Since there may be a large number of them it’s difficult to do this manually.
One possible solution is to leave the send port stopped and let the messages suspend. We can then resume them in order when the deployment is completed.
Is it possible to run a SQL script (or a tool) against the BizTalk messagebox database that will resume suspended messages, for a specific port, in order of receipt?
If you have an ordered requirement (you either do or don't), then the Send Port should be marked for Ordered Delivery.
If so, then when you Start a Stopped Send Port, the messages will be processed in the same order they were submitted.
If you stop the port (but leave it subscribed) and start it again afterwards it should resume the message itself, or if not it is simple enough to go into the Administration Console and batch resume them.
However if the response messages of the send port are subscribed too by running Orchestrations you will not be able to un-deploy the Orchestrations until they have all completed, so stopping the send port would not work in this scenario.
Sometimes one option is if the initiating port is a one way receive, is to stop the receive location and let everything complete. You can then stop the application and redeploy and restart it and the send port will pick up all the waiting message to process.
If the above is not possible you may want to look at doing a side by side deployment where you increment the version numbers of all the assemblies in the solution so you can have both versions deployed at the same time and you can then allow the old version to finish running but have the new version processing any new messages.
The better option is to send messages to msmq, usually there is no extra coding required for this. You can just route messages to msmq using MSMQ adapter and then after deployment receive them in order as MSMQ adapter allows to receive in order. Just make sure you do a small test in yr QA environment before doing it in production.

Rebus HTTP gateway and MSMQ health state

Let's say we have
Client node with HTTP gateway outbound service
Server node with HTTP gateway inbound service
I consider situation where MSMQ itself stops from some reason on the client node. In current implementation Rebus HTTP gateway will catch the exception.
What do you think about idea that instead of just catching, the MessageQueueException exception could be also sent to server node and put on error queue? (name of error queue could be gathered from headers)
So without additional infrastructure server would know that client has a problem so someone could react.
I guessed problems described in the answer would be raised. I should have explained my scenario deeper :) Sorry about it. Here it is:
I'm going to modify HTTP gateway in the way that InboundService would be able to do both - Send and Receive messages. So the OutboundService would be the only one who initiate the connection(periodically e.g. once per 5 minutes) in order to get new messages from server and send its messages to server. That is because client node is not considered as a server but as a one of many clients which are behind the NAT.
Indeed, server itself is not interested in client health but I though that instead of creating separate alerting service on client side which would use HTTP gateway HTTP gateway code, the HTTP gateway itelf could do this since it's quite in business of HTTP gateway to have both sides running.
What if the client can't reach the server at all?
Since MSMQ would be dead I thought about using in-process standalone persistent queue object like that
(just an example implementation, I'm not sure what kind of license it has)
to aggregate exceptions on client side until server is reachable.
And how often will the client notify the server that is has experienced an error?
I'm not sure about that part - I thought it could be related to scheduled time of message synchronization like once per 5 minutes but what in case there would be no scheduled time just like in current implementation (while(true) loop)? Maybe it could be just set by config?
I like to have a consistent strategy about handling errors which usually involves plain old NLog logging
Since client nodes will be in the Internet behind the NAT standard monitoring techniques won't work. I thought about using queue as NLog transport but since MSMQ would be dead it wouldn't work.
I also thought about using HTTP as NLog transport but on the server side it would require queue (not really, but I would like to store it in queue) so we are back to sbus and HTTP gateway...that kind of NLog transport would be de facto clone of HTTP gateway.
UPDATE2: HTTP as NLog transport (by transport I mean target) would also require client side queue like I described in "What if the client can't reach the server at all?" section. It would be clone of HTTP gateway embedded into NLog. Madness :)
All the thing is that client is unreliable so I want to have all the information about client on the server side and log it in there.
Alternative solution could be creating separate service, which would however be part of HTTP gateway (e.g. OutboundAlertService). Then three goals would be fulfilled:
shared sending loop code
no additional server infrastructure required
no negative impact on OutboundService (no complexity of adding in-process queue to it)
It wouldn't take exceptions from OutboundService but instead it would check MSMQ perodically itself.
Yet other alternative solution would be simply using other than MSMQ queue as NLog target but that's ugly overkill.
Regarding your scenario, my initial thought is that it should never be the server's problem that a client has a problem, so I probably wouldn't send a message to the server when the client fails.
As I see it, there would be multiple problems/obstacles/challenges with that approach because, e.g. what if the client can't reach the server at all? And how often will the client notify the server that is has experienced an error?
Of course I don't know the details of your setup, so it's hard to give specific advice, but in general I like to have a consistent strategy about handling errors which usually involves plain old NLog logging and configuring WARN and ERROR levels to go the Windows Event Log.
This allows for setting up various tools (like e.g. Service Center Operations Manager or similar) to monitor all of your machines' event logs to raise error flags when someting goes wrong.
I hope I've said something you can use :)
After thinking about it some more, I think I'm beginning to understand your problem, and I think that I would prefer a solution where the client lets the HTTP listener in the other end know that it's having a problem, and then the HTTP listener in the other end could (maybe?) log that as an error.
Another option is that the HTTP listener in the other end could have an event, ReceivedClientError or something, that one could attach to and then do whatever is right in the given situation.
In your case, you might put a message in an error queue. I would just avoid putting anything in the error queue as a general solution because I think it confuses the purpose of the error queue - the "thing" in the error queue wouldn't be a message, and as such it would not be retryable etc.

Resume BizTalk dehydrated orchestration

How can I resume a dehydrated orchestration ?
the orchestration in question should have been retrieving messages from a MSMQ queue
but the userid permission wasn't set on the queue, so the BizTalk box wasn't able to read from the queue
Corrected the permissions, but the only options are teminate and suspend ?
If the orchestration attempted to start and failed on the MSMQ receive, it's essentially hung and has not removed a message from the queue. I'd terminate it. The orchestration should clear and pickup the new messages. Does your orchestration implement a singleton pattern or are you using ordered delivery on the receive? This makes things a little more complicated.
Shouldn't you be restarting the biztalk service instance for MSMQ?
Dehydrated means the orchestration is still waiting for something. I guess in your case, you must be waiting for a corelated message from MQ. If you restart receive host service instance, it will try to reconnect all connections (MSMQ, SQL, etc that managed by the service instance). Then all messages will be flow through to orchestrations.
update 1:
Check the relevant receive location. Maybe it got disabled by biztalk due to the permission problem. You will have to enable it manually.
update 0:
Your don't have to resume dehydrated orchestration. It's not the orchestration that read from the queue, but the msmq adapter. When a msmq message arrive the receive location will route it into the message box. If the said orchestration have a subscription ( receive port ) that match the msmq message then it will be resumed by the biztalk engine.
Can you suspend, then resume?
It's been a couple years since I did BizTalk. Quirks like this were annoying. Even worse when it's 250k dehydrated and you need to script to restart them. ugh
I feel for you.
BizTalk's ability to resume depends on the place and way it failed, and whether it can replay any part of the operatio; in most cases, when failing in an orchestration, some coding pattern need to be used to allow it to resume.
