ctrl+left click not editing terrain Unreal Engine - unreal-development-kit

When I press ctrl + left click in UDK it's doing nothing to the terrain. I've tried both ctrl keys & still can't seem to find the issue.
A picture:

In your picture you seem to have the wrong tool selected. Smooth does not take Ctrl + clicks, only Add/Remove Sectors, Vertex Paint, Paint, Visibility, etc. See the user guide for more info.
Also as a side note, there isn't anything wrong with StackOverflow, but the Epic Games Forums is much more responsive when it comes to UDK issues :)


Babylonjs outline through walls

I'm trying to make a FPS game using babylon.js as a framework. I want the player to be able to see an outline of their allies through walls (so they can know where they are and what they are doing). As a reference, here is an example I found on google from the game Paladins:
The best thing I could find on the babylon.js website (and on google) is how to do the outline:
var hl = new BABYLON.HighlightLayer("hl1", scene);
hl.addMesh(sphere, BABYLON.Color3.Green());
While an effect like this is pretty much what I want, it isn't visible though walls. Is anything like this possible in babylon.js? Thanks in advance!
To render something "on top" of something else you can use rendering groups.
The short documentation can be found here - https://doc.babylonjs.com/resources/transparency_and_how_meshes_are_rendered#rendering-groups , but the basic concept is - the higher the rendering group, the later it renders.
You can see it here in action - https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#2338DN#3
There was an active conversation about the same subject in the forum, which can be found here - https://forum.babylonjs.com/t/highlight-through-objects/8002/3 , credit goes to sebvan

How to add features to the toolbar of any window ? (right click on toolbar)

I am a retired Linux user and I am now only working on Windows 10. There is a super simple feature that I used a lot on Linux "Stay on top".
I don't understand why, but it's never been a feature on Windows whereas it is super useful especially when you program.
I tried a bunch of software to do that but none are as convenient as right click on the top toolbar of Windows 10 and select "Stay on top".
Is there a way using a script or something else to do this on my own ? I think it should be easy but I'm lacking english keywords to find this.
This is the link to an image showing the menu where I want the option to be. (I can't directly post it here :'( )
Thank you for your help, I hope I've been clear enough.

How do you actually find what you want from offline QT documentation?

I wanted to go through QtQuick/QML Button API, which I found here online.
But I can't find it from the offline documentation available in QTCreator. The offline search gives me less relevant results.
Any tips for searching...? Thanks!
One trick I use is this:
Type the item (e.g. "Button") into the code editor
Hover my mouse cursor over the item
Press F1
That will open the documentation for the Button QML type. Works in C++ too.
Google has much more powerful search engine comparing to offline documentation browser. So you just didn't find matching article in help browser search. You can:
Find "Button" instead of "button" in help browser search results
Place cursor on interesting identifier in code and press F1 to show help
Select appropriate documentation in "Contents" mode of help browser left panel

How to create Numeric KB interface with previous, next and done button

I was on website on my iPhone and I encounter websites' guestbook. with those textFields. my keyboard appearance was totally change as you can see in screen below.
I am having many text fields in my app, I am wondering if I can create anything like that.
As I am new to development, still unknown what are the limits.
Can anyone guide me to right direction or to right documentation.
Is there is some regular way or its just total customization over Keybard.
I have one more doubt, does it matter what kind of keyboard is popping up as my all fields have numeric keyboard.
Well I just wanted to be helpful to someone who is following the same learning curve as me.
To achieve the affect in screenshot in question. UIToolbar control can be used to make those buttons. after the you need to just make this toolbar appear and disappear with the keyboard.
To make previous and next button work, you can use the tag property of textfield. on clicking on previous or next you can focus to previous or next text field.
Sorry about not posting code as I have not coded it yet but wanted to give pointer to anyone, who is looking.

Custom Application Icon for processing app

I've written a small Processing App which I'm planning to release soon. What's still missing is a sweet custom icon for Titlebar/Taskbar (Win) and Dock (Mac). Any suggestions how to do this?
Meanwhile I figured it out on my own:
Obviously this works for Mac OS by replacing the sketch.icns file within the exported app, for win & liunx is done by adding this line to your setup method:
frame.setIconImage( getToolkit().getImage("sketch.ico") );
It depends if you have any artistic ability or not.
If not, then you can hire an icon designer to do one, or search the web for free icons - there are billions.
If you have a modicum of artisticness, then you could grab a free icon that is almost what you want and then tweak it. IcoFX is a great free application for doing this sort of thing.
If you think you have what it takes to draw an icon from scratch, then a good plan is to use a vector art package. This allows you to export the same graphic at multiple resolutions so you can get top quality at every icons size you need (from 16x16 to 256x256). Alternatively, draw a large (512x512) verison in a bitmap editor and then downscale it as required. As long as you start big and downscale, you shouldn't have any problems (although to get a good icon at 16x16 and 32x32 you will still need a good eye and a lot of manual tweaking).
In your code, just type this line:
frame.setIconImage( getToolkit().getImage("sketch.ico") );
For Windows/Linux, this will do it. For Mac/OSX, follow these steps:
Find your sketch in Finder
Right click > info, or CmdI
Find your icon and open it in Preview
In Preview, click on your icon and press CmdA or right click > select all
In Preview, press CmdC, or right click > copy
Go back to Finder. Click on the current icon of your sketch. You'll know you've selected it when a blue outline appears. Press CmdV, or right click > paste
The standard icon size is 512x512
When making your icon, make sure that your transparencies are working
