How do you actually find what you want from offline QT documentation? - qt

I wanted to go through QtQuick/QML Button API, which I found here online.
But I can't find it from the offline documentation available in QTCreator. The offline search gives me less relevant results.
Any tips for searching...? Thanks!

One trick I use is this:
Type the item (e.g. "Button") into the code editor
Hover my mouse cursor over the item
Press F1
That will open the documentation for the Button QML type. Works in C++ too.

Google has much more powerful search engine comparing to offline documentation browser. So you just didn't find matching article in help browser search. You can:
Find "Button" instead of "button" in help browser search results
Place cursor on interesting identifier in code and press F1 to show help
Select appropriate documentation in "Contents" mode of help browser left panel


Does VoiceOver have a links list and heading list similar to JAWS?

In the screen reader, JAWS, pressing insert + F7 produces a list of links on a web page. Is there a similar function for iOS' VoiceOver?
Is there a similar function for iOS VoiceOver?
The only way to know if some links are exposed and select them is to **use the VoiceOver rotor** and choose the links/headings item to move from link/heading to link/heading. Many other gestures are also available if need be.
Moreover, as you mentioned JAWS, I suggest you would like to know how to make this kind of feature work with macOS. Take a look at this Deque University keyboard shortcuts and this commands and gestures reference from Apple to get the similar behavior.
Following this rationale, you can have a links/headings list for your iOS/macOS devices.

Adobe Extendscript Photoshop Guides Visibility

Is there a way via extendscript (jsx) to get the visibility status of Photoshop' guides?
The code to show and hide the guides is the same code as it 'toggles' the guides on or off so it must know the status when this code is executed, but how do I get at it?
I appreciate this could be done via a preference switch but that seems an awkward hack for something this simple, especially as something somewhere must be accessing this 'property' during execution of the 'toggle' code.
What would be great is to have activeDocument.guides.visible property, returning either true or false. Is there anything like that?
OK. Further investigation reveals that creating a guide using guides.add does not automatically toggle guides ON, however, using the code generated via the scriptListener does.
I would rather use guides.add as its only one line of code compared to fourteen so in order to toggle the guides to ON I thought I could run a function that created and then deleted a guide using the scriptListener code during the onLoad of the HTML.
This works great, except getting this function to run only when a document is opened is now the new problem.
documentAfterActivate is supposed to be the code to do this except it doesn't work unless a flash panel such as kuler is opened first.
So the question now is really what part of the flash code is allowing documentAfterActivate to work properly and how can I use it in my code instead of opening a flash panel I don't need?
It doesn't look like you've got a direct toggle option. You'd need to record the position of the guides somewhere and use script listener code to clear them when you wanted to toggle them off and use the add method on the Guides object to re-add them.
Keep in mind that even getting to the guide position via the photoshop DOM wasn't avail before CS4 I think? maybe CS5.
And i realised I just mis-read your question quite a bit. Anyway, this way you'd also know if the guides were visible based on whether or not they are there :) But yes, it isn't as nice as it could be.
The solution:
As stated, the workaround is to create and delete a guide with the fourteen lines of code from the scriptListener.
This toggles the guide visibility to ON regardless of its current state.
I can then save this status as a preference using putCustomOptions.
A function to do this is fired during the onLoad of the HTML but only when a document is opened otherwise guide creation fails.
documentAfterActivate does not work as expected unless a further flash panel (such as Kuler) is also opened beforehand.
An alternative to documentAfterActivate is to register the open event using CSevent instead.
The code can be found HERE.

TideSDK - Show unread count (Icon Badges)

I intend to create a basic chat program with TideSDK. I was now wondering if it's possible to display new/unread message count in the dock/tray icon. For example, like this dock icon in OSX:
I did a quick search the docs but could not find anything about these so-called icon badges. Is this correct? My second thought was to update the entire dock/tray icon with a manually redrawn version to simulate badges. However, while I found API functions to update window icons I could also not find a way to update the main app icon.
Any ideas on how I could solve this?
Turns out this was a pretty stupid question. Didn't realise the UI node could also be clicked in the doc navigation tree. The desired functionality is actually built-in. See the relevant doc page here:!/api/Ti.UI
You have the following methods to achieve the desired or related result:

How to create Numeric KB interface with previous, next and done button

I was on website on my iPhone and I encounter websites' guestbook. with those textFields. my keyboard appearance was totally change as you can see in screen below.
I am having many text fields in my app, I am wondering if I can create anything like that.
As I am new to development, still unknown what are the limits.
Can anyone guide me to right direction or to right documentation.
Is there is some regular way or its just total customization over Keybard.
I have one more doubt, does it matter what kind of keyboard is popping up as my all fields have numeric keyboard.
Well I just wanted to be helpful to someone who is following the same learning curve as me.
To achieve the affect in screenshot in question. UIToolbar control can be used to make those buttons. after the you need to just make this toolbar appear and disappear with the keyboard.
To make previous and next button work, you can use the tag property of textfield. on clicking on previous or next you can focus to previous or next text field.
Sorry about not posting code as I have not coded it yet but wanted to give pointer to anyone, who is looking.

How accessible is Fullcalendar?

I'm having problems making FullCalendar fully accessible. I'm using the default month view and can't access the next, previous, and today buttons on the top right without using a mouse. If I run a screen reader, I can access those buttons but not without running the screen reader.
And on another note, I currently am using tool tips that pop up when you mouse over an event title to display more information. If anyone has any tips on how to make those accessible to a screen reader or accessible without a mouse, I'd greatly appreciate it!
Regarding the buttons, I would advice that you write new buttons if accessibility is important. These buttons you could then hook up to your own javascript functions that moves to previous and next.
Check out this documentation example
Regarding the second problem, I think that's the same problem not just for physically impaired but also for things like mobile browsers. My tip would be to avoid onmouseover if the information that appears is really important.
