Plot gigantic correlation matrix as colours - r

I have a correlation matrix $P_{i,j}$ which is $1000 \times 1000$. Given the data the matrix will have rectangular patches of very high correlations. That is, if you draw a $20 \times 20$ square anywhere in this matrix you will either be looking at a patch of highly correlated variables ($\rho_{i,j}> 0.8$) or medium to uncorrelated ($\in [-0.1, 0.5]$). The reason for this is the structure of the data.
How do I represent this graphically? I know of one way to visualize a matrix like this but it only works for small dimensions:
rhoMat = array(rnorm(1000*1000),dim=c(1000,1000))
color2D.matplot(rhoMat[1:10,1:10],cs1=c(0,0.01),cs2=c(0,0),cs3=c(0,0)) #nice!
color2D.matplot(rhoMat,cs1=c(0,0.01),cs2=c(0,0),cs3=c(0,0)) #broken!
What is a function or algorithm that would plot a red area if in that vicinity in the matrix $P_{i,j}$, correlations "tend to" be high, versus "tending" to be low (even better if it switches from one colour to another as we move from positive to negative correlation patches). I want something to see how many patches of high correlations there are and whether one patch is correlated to another patch at a different place in the dataset.
I only want to do it in R.

I think you can use image with the argument breaks to get exactly what you want:
dat <- matrix(runif(10000), ncol = 100)
image(dat, breaks = c(0.0, 0.8, 1.0), col = c("yellow", "red"))
I always fail to think of image for this kind of problem - the name is sort of non-obvious. I started with heatmap and then it led me to image.

Look at the corrplot package. It has various tools for visualizing correlations, one option that it has is to use hierarchical clustering to draw rectangles around groups of high or low correlation.

I've done this in Excel fairly easily. You can change the colour of boxes based on range of values within the boxes. You can even create a gradient from lets say 0 to 1. 1000 x 1000 would be big for Excel, but I think it would work. You would just have to zoom out.


Making a heatmap in R varying both color and transparency

Is it possible to generate a heatmap taking into consideration both the color and the transparency, with these two parameters given from two different matrices (matrix 1 defines color, matrix 2 defines alpha)?
A little more information on what I'm after:
I have successfully used R and the heatmap.2 function in the gplots package to generate heatmaps - in this case to visualize miRNA interactions. Here, what I want to show is the probability of a particular nucleotide along the typical 20-24 nucleotides of the miRNA in being engaged in target pairing. My heatmap matrix consists of miRNAs (rows) and positions 1-24 (columns) with numeric paring probability in each cell. An example would be changing the alpha parameter of the color determined by the matrix values, such that white=no pairing and dark red=high pairing.
The heatmap.2 function works great for a single such plot, but I would now like to take in overlap information from two different species. Thus, I would need my heatmap to basically consider two matrices:
1) A matrix with the degree of species overlap, e.g. ranging from red-purple-blue for species1-only to species1+2 to species2-only.
2) A matrix with the average degree of pairing, e.g. visualized by the alpha parameter going from a weak-to-strong average pairing (whatever the color) at a given position in matrix 1.
I have tried to use the principles from this post:
Place 1 heatmap on another with transparency in R
But haven't been able to apply its suggestions to my own question.
Thanks in advance!

options to allow heavily-weighted points on a map to overwhelm other points with low weights

what are some good kriging/interpolation idea/options that will allow heavily-weighted points to bleed over lightly-weighted points on a plotted R map?
the state of connecticut has eight counties. i found the centroid and want to plot poverty rates of each of these eight counties. three of the counties are very populated (about 1 million people) and the other five counties are sparsely populated (about 100,000 people). since the three densely-populated counties have more than 90% of the total state population, i would like those the three densely-populated counties to completely "overwhelm" the map and impact other points across the county borders.
the Krig function in the R fields package has a lot of parameters and also covariance functions that can be called, but i'm not sure where to start?
here is reproducible code to quickly produce a hard-bordered map and then three differently-weighted maps. hopefully i can just make changes to this code, but perhaps it requires something more complex like the geoRglm package? two of the three weighted maps look almost identical, despite one being 10x as weighted as the other..
edit: here's a picture example of the behavior i want-
disclaimer - I am not an expert on Krigging. Krigging is complex and takes a good understanding of the underlying data, the method and the purpose to achieve the correct result. You may wish to try to get input from #whuber [on the GIS Stack Exchange or contact him through his website (] or another expert you know.
That said, if you just want to achieve the visual effect you requested and are not using this for some sort of statistical analysis, I think there are some relatively simple solutions.
As you commented, though the suggestions below to use theta and smoothness arguments do even out the prediction surface, they apply equally to all measurements and thus do not extend the "sphere of influence" of more densely populated counties relative to less-densely populated. After further consideration, I think there are two ways to achieve this: by altering the covariance function to depend on population density or by using weights, as you have. Your weighting approach, as I wrote below, alters the error term of the krigging function. That is, it inversely scales the nugget variance.
As you can see in the semivariogram image, the nugget is essentially the y-intercept, or the error between measurements at the same location. Weights affect the nugget variance (sigma2) as sigma2/weight. Thus, greater weights mean less error at small-scale distances. This does not, however, change the shape of the semivariance function or have much effect on the range or sill.
I think that the best solution would be to have your covariance function depend on population. however, I'm not sure how to accomplish that and I don't see any arguments to Krig to do so. I tried playing with defining my own covariance function as in the Krig example, but only got errors.
Sorry I couldn't help more!
Another great resource to help understand Krigging is:
As I said in my comment, the sill and nugget values as well as the range of the semivariogram are things you can alter to affect the smoothing. By specifying weights in the call to Krig, you are altering the variance of the measurement errors. That is, in a normal use, weights are expected to be proportional to the accuracy of the measurement value so that higher weights represent more accurate measurements, essentially. This isn't actually true with your data, but it may be giving you the effect you desire.
To alter the way your data is interpolated, you can adjust two (and many more) parameters in the simple Krig call you are using: theta and smoothness. theta adjusts the semivariance range, meaning that measured points farther away contribute more to the estimates as you increase theta. Your data range is
range <- data.frame(lon=range($lon),lat=range($lat))
lon lat
2 1.383717 0.6300484
so, your measurement points vary by ~1.4 degrees lon and ~0.6 degrees lat. Thus, you can play with specifying your theta value in that range to see how that affects your result. In general, a larger theta leads to more smoothing since you are drawing from more values for each prediction.
Krig.output.wt <- Krig( cbind($lon,$lat) ,$county.poverty.rate ,
weights=c( size , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , size , size , 1 ),Covariance="Matern", theta=.8)
r <- interpolate(ras, Krig.output.wt)
r <- mask(r,
plot(r, col=colRamp(100) ,axes=FALSE,legend=FALSE)
title(main="Theta = 0.8", outer = FALSE)
text($lon,$lat-0.05,$NAME, cex=0.5)
Krig.output.wt <- Krig( cbind($lon,$lat) ,$county.poverty.rate ,
weights=c( size , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , size , size , 1 ),Covariance="Matern", theta=1.6)
r <- interpolate(ras, Krig.output.wt)
r <- mask(r,
plot(r, col=colRamp(100) ,axes=FALSE,legend=FALSE)
title(main="Theta = 1.6", outer = FALSE)
text($lon,$lat-0.05,$NAME, cex=0.5)
Adding the smoothness argument, will change the order of the function used to smooth your predictions. The default is 0.5 leading to a second-order polynomial.
Krig.output.wt <- Krig( cbind($lon,$lat) ,$county.poverty.rate ,
weights=c( size , 1 , 1 , 1 , 1 , size , size , 1 ),
Covariance="Matern", smoothness = 0.6)
r <- interpolate(ras, Krig.output.wt)
r <- mask(r,
plot(r, col=colRamp(100) ,axes=FALSE,legend=FALSE)
title(main="Theta unspecified; Smoothness = 0.6", outer = FALSE)
text($lon,$lat-0.05,$NAME, cex=0.5)
This should give you a start and some options, but you should look at the manual for fields. It is pretty well-written and explains the arguments well.
Also, if this is in any way quantitative, I would highly recommend talking to someone with significant spatial statistics know how!
Kriging is not what you want. (It is a statistical method for accurate--not distorted!--interpolation of data. It requires preliminary analysis of the data--of which you do not have anywhere near enough for this purpose--and cannot accomplish the desired map distortion.)
The example and the references to "bleed over" suggest considering an anamorph or area cartogram. This is a map which will expand and shrink the areas of the county polygons so that they reflect their relative population while retaining their shapes. The link (to the SE GIS site) explains and illustrates this idea. Although its answers are less than satisfying, a search of that site will reveal some effective solutions.
lot's of interesting comments and leads above.
I took a look at the Harvard dialect survey to get a sense for what you are trying to do first. I must say really cool maps. And before I start in on what I came up with...I've looked at your work on survey analysis before and have learned quite a few tricks. Thanks.
So my first take pretty quickly was that if you wanted to do spatial smoothing by way of kernel density estimation then you need to be thinking in terms of point process models. I'm sure there are other ways, but that's where I went.
So what I do below is grab a very generic US map and convert it into something I can use as a sampling window. Then I create random samples of points within that region, just pretend those are your centroids. After I attach random values to those points and plot it up.
I just wanted to test this conceptually, which is why I didn't go through the extra steps to grab cbsa's and also sorry for not projecting, but I think these are the fundamentals. Oh and the smoothing in the dialect study is being done over the whole country. I think. That is the author is not stratifying his smoothing procedure within I just added states at the end.
# grab us map from R maps package
usMap <- map("usa")
usIds <- usMap$names
# convert to spatial polygons so this can be used as a windo below
usMapPoly <- map2SpatialPolygons(usMap,IDs=usIds)
# just select us with no islands
usMapPoly <- usMapPoly[names(usMapPoly)=="main",]
# create a random sample of points on which to smooth over within the map
pts <- spsample(usMapPoly, n=250, type='random')
# just for a quick check of the map and sampling locations
# create values associated with points, be sure to play aroud with
# these after you get the map it's fun
vals <-rnorm(250,100,25)
valWeights <- vals/sum(vals)
ptsCords <- data.frame(pts#coords)
# create window for the point pattern object (ppp) created below
usWindow <- as.owin(usMapPoly)
# create spatial point pattern object
usPPP <- ppp(ptsCords$x,ptsCords$y,marks=vals,window=usWindow)
# create colour ramp
col <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(9,"Reds"))(20)
# the plots, here is where the gausian kernal density estimation magic happens
# if you want a continuous legend on one of the sides get rid of ribbon=FALSE
# and be sure to play around with sigma
example no weights:
example with my trivial weights
There is obviously a lot of work in between this and your goal of making this type of map reproducible at various levels of spatial aggregation and sample data, but good luck it seems like a cool project.
p.s. initially I did not use any weighting, but I suppose you could provide weights directly to the Smooth function. Two example maps above.

Calculating the volume under a surface

I have created a 3D plot (a surface) using wireframe function. I wonder if there is any functions by which I can calculate the volume under the surface in a 3D plot?
Here is a sample of my data plus the wrieframe syntax I used to create my 3D (surface) plot:
aspect = c(61/87, 0.4),scales=list(arrows=FALSE,cex=.5,tick.number="10",z=list(arrows=T)),ylim=c(1:10),xlab=expression(phi1),ylab="Percentile",zlab=" Loss",main="Random Classifier",
light.source = c(10,10,10),drape=T,col.regions = rainbow(100, s = 1, v = 1, start = 0, end = max(1,100 - 1)/100, alpha = 1),screen=list(z=-60,x=-60))
Note: my real data is a 100X100 matrix
The data you are feeding to wireframe is a grid of values. Hence one estimate of the volume of whatever underlying surface this is approximating is the sum of the grid values multiplied by the grid cell areas. This is just like adding up the heights of histogram bars to get the number of values in your histogram.
The problem I see with you doing this on your data is that the cell areas are going to be in odd units - percentiles on one axis, phi on the other has unknown units, so your volume is going to have units of loss times units of percentile times units of phi.
This isn't a problem if you want to compare volumes of similar things on exactly the same grid, but if you have surfaces on different grids (different values of phi, or different percentiles) then you need to be careful.
Now, noting that wireframe doesn't draw like a 3d histogram would (looking like square tower blocks) this gives us another way to estimate the volume. Your 10x10 matrix is plotted as 9x9 squares. Divide each of those squares into triangles and then compute the volume of the 192 right truncated triangular prisms (I think this is what they are - they are equilateral triangular prisms with a right angle and one sloping end). The formula for that should be out there somewhere. Probably base area times height to the centroid of the triangle or something.
I thought maybe this would be in the raster package, but it isn't. There's code for computing the surface area but not the volume! I'm sure the raster maintainer would be happy to have some code for this!
If the points are arbitrary (ie, don't follow smooth function), it seems like you're looking for the volume of the convex hull (minimum surface) surrounding these points. One package to help you calculate this is alphashape3d.
You'll need a 3-column matrix of the coordinates to form the right type of object to make the calculation but it seems rather straight-forward.

Graphing results of dbscan in R

Your comments, suggestions, or solutions are/will be greatly appreciated, thank you.
I'm using the fpc package in R to do a dbscan analysis of some very dense data (3 sets of 40,000 points between the range -3, 6).
I've found some clusters, and I need to graph just the significant ones. The problem is that I have a single cluster (the first) with about 39,000 points in it. I need to graph all other clusters but this one.
The dbscan() creates a special data type to store all of this cluster data in. It's not indexed like a data frame would be (but maybe there is a way to represent it as such?).
I can graph the dbscan type using a basic plot() call. But, like I said, this will graph the irrelevant 39,000 points.
how do I graph only specific clusters of a dbscan data type?
If you look at the help page (?dbscan) it is organized like all others into sections labeled Description, Usage, Arguments, Details and Value. The Value section describes what the function dbscan returns. In this case it is simply a list (a standard R data type) with a few components.
The cluster component is simply an integer vector whose length it equal to the number of rows in your data that indicates which cluster each observation is a member of. So you can use this vector to subset your data to extract only those clusters you'd like and then plot just those data points.
For example, if we use the first example from the help page:
n <- 600
x <- cbind(runif(10, 0, 10)+rnorm(n, sd=0.2), runif(10, 0, 10)+rnorm(n,
ds <- dbscan(x, 0.2)
we can then use the result, ds to plot only the points in clusters 1-3:
#Plot only clusters 1, 2 and 3
plot(x[ds$cluster %in% 1:3,])
Without knowing the specifics of dbscan, I can recommend that you look at the function smoothScatter. It it very useful for examining the main patterns in a scatterplot when you otherwise would have too many points to make sense of the data.
The probably most sensible way of plotting DBSCAN results is using alpha shapes, with the radius set to the epsilon value. Alpha shapes are closely related to convex hulls, but they are not necessarily convex. The alpha radius controls the amount of non-convexity allowed.
This is quite closely related to the DBSCAN cluster model of density connected objects, and as such will give you a useful interpretation of the set.
As I'm not using R, I don't know about the alpha shape capabilities of R. There supposedly is a package called alphahull, from a quick check on Google.

How to make topographic map from sparse sampling data?

I need to make a topographic map of a terrain for which I have only fairly sparse samples of (x, y, altitude) data. Obviously I can't make a completely accurate map, but I would like one that is in some sense "smooth". I need to quantify "smoothness" (probably the reciprocal the average of the square of the surface curvature) and I want to minimize an objective function that is the sum of two quantities:
The roughness of the surface
The mean square distance between the altitude of the surface at the sample point and the actual measured altitude at that point
Since what I actually want is a topographic map, I am really looking for a way to construct contour lines of constant altitude, and there may be some clever geometric way to do that without ever having to talk about surfaces. Of course I want contour lines also to be smooth.
Any and all suggestions welcome. I'm hoping this is a well-known numerical problem. I am quite comfortable in C and have a working knowledge of FORTRAN. About Matlab and R I'm fairly clueless.
Regarding where our samples are located: we're planning on roughly even spacing, but we'll take more samples where the topography is more interesting. So for example we'll sample mountainous regions more densely than a plain. But we definitely have some choices about sampling, and could take even samples if that simplifies matters. The only issues are
We don't know how much terrain we'll need to map in order to find features that we are looking for.
Taking a sample is moderately expensive, on the order of 10 minutes. So sampling a 100x100 grid could take a long time.
Kriging interpolation may be of some use for smoothly interpolating your sparse samples.
R has many different relevant tools. In particular, have a look at the spatial view. A similar question was asked in R-Help before, so you may want to look at that.
Look at the contour functions. Here's some data:
x <- seq(-3,3)
y <- seq(-3,3)
z <- outer(x,y, function(x,y,...) x^2 + y^2 )
An initial plot is somewhat rough:
contour(x,y,z, lty=1)
Bill Dunlap suggested an improvement: "It often works better to fit a smooth surface to the data, evaluate that surface on a finer grid, and pass the result to contour. This ensures that contour lines don't cross one another and tends to avoid the spurious loops that you might get from smoothing the contour lines themselves. Thin plate splines (Tps from library("fields")) and loess (among others) can fit the surface."
This results in a very smooth plot, because it uses Tps() to fit the data first, then calls contour. It ends up looking like this (you can also use filled.contour if you want it to be shaded):
For the plot, you can use either lattice (as in the above example) or the ggplot2 package. Use the geom_contour() function in that case. An example can be found here (ht Thierry):
ds <- matrix(rnorm(100), nrow = 10)
molten <- melt(data = ds)
ggplot(molten, aes(x = X1, y = X2, z = value)) + geom_contour()
Excellent review of contouring algorithm, you might need to mesh the surface first to interpolate onto a grid.
maybe you can use:
in R
