How to enter censored data into R's survival model? - r

I'm attempting to model customer lifetimes on subscriptions. As the data is censored I'll be using R's survival package to create a survival curve.
The original subscriptions dataset looks like this..
id start_date end_date
1 2013-06-01 2013-08-25
2 2013-06-01 NA
3 2013-08-01 2013-09-12
Which I manipulate to look like this..
id tenure_in_months status(1=cancelled, 0=active)
1 2 1
2 ? 0
3 1 1 order to feed the survival model:
obj <- with(subscriptions, Surv(time=tenure_in_months, event=status, type="right"))
fit <- survfit(obj~1, data=subscriptions)
What shall I put in the tenure_in_months variable for the consored cases i.e. the cases where the subscription is still active today - should it be the tenure up until today or should it be NA?

First I shall say I disagree with the previous answer. For a subscription still active today, it should not be considered as tenure up until today, nor NA. What do we know exactly about those subscriptions? We know they tenured up until today, that is equivalent to say tenure_in_months for those observations, although we don't know exactly how long they are, they are longer than their tenure duration up to today.
This is a situation known as right-censor in survival analysis. See:
So your data would need to translate from
id start_date end_date
1 2013-06-01 2013-08-25
2 2013-06-01 NA
3 2013-08-01 2013-09-12
id t1 t2 status(3=interval_censored)
1 2 2 3
2 3 NA 3
3 1 1 3
Then you will need to change your R surv object, from:
Surv(time=tenure_in_months, event=status, type="right")
Surv(t1, t2, event=status, type="interval2")
See for more syntax details. A very good summary of computational details can be found:
Interval censored data can be represented in two ways. For the first use type = interval and the codes shown above. In that usage the value of the time2 argument is ignored unless event=3. The second approach is to think of each observation as a time interval with (-infinity, t) for left censored, (t, infinity) for right censored, (t,t) for exact and (t1, t2) for an interval. This is the approach used for type = interval2, with NA taking the place of infinity. It has proven to be the more useful.

If a missing end date means that the subscription is still active, then you need to take the time until the current date as censor date.
NA wont work with the survival object. I think those cases will be omitted. That is not what you want! Because these cases contain important information about the survival.
SQL code to get the time till event (use in SELECT part of query)
DATEDIFF(M,start_date,ISNULL(end_date,GETDATE()) AS tenure_in_months
I would use difference in days, for my analysis. Does not make sense to round off the time to months.

You need to know the date the data was collected. The tenure_in_months for id 2 should then be this date minus 2013-06-01.
Otherwise I believe your encoding of the data is correct. the status of 0 for id 2 indicates it's right-censored (meaning we have a lower bound on it's lifetime, but not an upper bound).


Propensity Score Matching with panel data

I am trying to use MatchIt to perform Propensity Score Matching (PSM) for my panel data. The data is panel data that contains multi-year observations from the same group of companies.
The data is basically describing a list of bond data and the financial data of their issuers, also the bond terms such as issued date, coupon rate, maturity, and bond type of bonds issued by them. For instance:
AAPL US Equity
AAPL US Equity
AAPL US Equity
AAPL US Equity
C US Equity
C US Equity
C US Equity
I've already known how to match the observations by the criteria I want and I use exact = Year to make sure I match observations from the same year. The problem now I am facing is that the observations from the same companies will be matched together, this is not what I want. The code I used:
matchit(Bond_type ~ Year + Amount_Issued + Cpn + Total_Assets_bf + AssetsEquityRatio_bf + Asset_Turnover_bf, data = rdata, method = "nearest", distance = "glm", exact = "Year")
However, as you can see, in the second raw of my sample, there might be two observations in one year from the same companies due to the nature of my study (the company can issue bonds more than one time a year). The only difference between them is the Bond_type. Therefore, the MathcIt function will, of course, treat them as the best control and treatment group and match these two observations together since they have the same ROA and other matching factors in that year.
I have two ways to solve this in my opinion:
Remove the observations from the same year and company, however, removing the observations might lead to bias results and ruined the study.
Preventing MatchIt function match the observations from the same company (or with the same Frimnames)
The second approach will be better since it will not lead to bias, however, I don't know if I can do this in MatchIt function. Hope someone can give me some advice on this or maybe there's any better solution to this problem, please be so kind to share with me, thanks in advance!
Note: If there's any further information or requirement I should provide, please just inform me. This is my first time raising the question here!
This is not possible with MatchIt at the moment (though it's an interesting idea and not hard to implement, so I may add it as a feature).
In the optmatch package, which perfroms optimal pair and full matching, there is a constraint that can be added called "anti-exact matching", which sounds exactly like what you want. Units with the same value of the anti-exact matching variable will not be matched with each other. This can be implemented using optmatch::antiExactMatch().
In the Matching package, which performs nearest neighbor and genetic matching, the restrict argument can be supplied to the matching function to restrict certain matches. You could manually create the restriction matrix by restricting all pairs of observations in the same company and then supply the matrix to Match().

Using "shift" function in R to subtract one row from another by group

I have a data.table that looks like this:
id month balance
1: 1 4 100
2: 1 5 50
3: 2 4 200
4: 2 5 135
5: 3 4 100
6: 3 5 100
7: 4 5 300
"id" is the client's ID, "month" indicates what month it is, and "balance" indicates the account balance of a client. In a sense, this is longitudinal data where, say, element (2,3) indicates that Client #1 has an account balance of 50 at the end of month 5.
I want to generate a column that will give me the difference between a client's balance between month 5 and 4 to know the transactions carried out from one month to another.
This new variable should let me know that Client 1 drew 50, Client 2 drew 65 and Client 3 didn't do anything in aggregate terms between april and may. Client 4 is a new client that joined in may.
I thought of the following code:
dt$transactions <- dt$balance - shift(dt$balance, 1, "up")
However, it does not work properly because it's telling me that Client 4 made a 200 dollar deposit (but Client 4 is new!). Therefore, I want to be able to introduce the argument "by=id" to this somehow.
I know the solution lies in using the following notation:
dt[, transactions := balance - shift(balance, ??? ), by=id]
I just need to figure out how to make the aforementioned code work properly.
Thanks in advance.
Given that I only have two observations (at most), the following code gives me an elegant solution:
dt[, transaction := balance - first(balance), by = id]
This prevents any NAs from entering the variable transaction.
However, if I had more observations per id, I would do the following:
dt[,transaction := balance - shift(balance,1), by = id]
Big thanks to #Ryan and #Onyambu for helping.

K means cluster analysis result using R

I tried a k means cluster analysis on a data set. The data set for customers includes the order number (the number of time that a customer has placed an order with the company;can be any number) ,order day (the day of the week the most recent order was placed; 0 to 6) and order hour (the hour of the day the most recent order was placed; 0 to 23) for loyal customers. I scaled the values and used.
# K-Means Cluster Analysis
fit <- kmeans(mydata, 3) # 5 cluster solution
# get cluster means
However, I am getting a few negative values as well. On the internet they say that this means the differences within group are greater than with that for other groups. However, I cannot understand how to interpret the output.
Can you please give an example of how to interpret?
Group.1 order_number order_dow order_hour_of_day
1 1 -0.4434400796 0.80263819338 -0.04766613741
2 2 1.6759259419 0.09051366962 0.07815242904
3 3 -0.3936748015 -1.00553744774 0.01377787416

calculating date specific correlation in r (leading to a potential time series)

I have a dataset that looks somewhat like this (the actual dataset is ~150000 lines with additional columns of fluff information such as company name, etc.):
Date return1 return2 rank
01/31/2008 0.05434 0.23413 3
01/31/2008 0.03423 0.43423 4
01/31/2008 0.65277 0.23423 1
01/31/2008 0.02342 0.47234 4
02/31/2008 0.01463 0.01231 4
02/31/2008 0.13456 0.52552 2
02/31/2008 0.34534 0.36663 1
02/31/2008 0.00324 0.56463 3
12/31/2015 0.21234 0.02333 2
12/31/2015 0.07245 0.87234 1
12/31/2015 0.47282 0.12998 1
12/31/2015 0.99022 0.03445 2
Basically I need to caculate the date-specific correlation between return1 and rank (so the corr. on 01/31/2008, 02/31/2008, and so on). I know I can split the data using the split() function but I am unsure as to how to get the date-specific correlation. The real data has about 260 entries per date and around 68 dates, so manually subsetting the original table and performing calculations is time consuming but more importantly more susceptible to error.
My ultimate goal is to create a time series of the correlations on different dates.
Thank you in advance!
I had this same problem earlier, except I wasn't calculating correlation. What I would do is
a %>% group_by(Date) %>% summarise(Correlation = cor(return1, rank))
And this will provide, for each date, a correlation value between return1 and rank. Don't forget that you can specify what kind of correlation you would like (e.g. Spearman).

Circular-linear regression with covariates in R

I have data showing when an animal came to a survey station. example csv file here The first few lines of data look like this:
Site_ID DateTime HourOfDay MinTemp LunarPhase Habitat
F1 6/12/2013 14:01:00 14 -1 0 river
F1 6/12/2013 14:23:00 14 -1 0 river
F2 6/13/2013 1:21:00 1 3 1 upland
F2 6/14/2013 1:33:00 1 4 2 upland
F3 6/14/2013 1:48:00 1 4 2 river
F3 6/15/2013 11:08:00 11 0 0 river
I would like to perform a circular-linear regression in R to determine peak activity times. The dependent variable could be DateTime or HourOfDay, whichever is easier. I would like to incorporate the covariates Site_ID (random effect), plus MinTemp, LunarPhase, and Habitat into a mixed-effects model.
I have tried using the lm.circular function of program circular, and have the following code:
data$DateTime<-as.POSIXct(as.character(data$DateTime), format = "%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S")
y<-circular(y, units ="hours",template = "clock24",rotation = "clock")
lm.circular(y=y, x=x, init=c(1,1,1,1), type='c-l', verbose=TRUE)
I keep getting the error:
Error in Ops.POSIXt(x, 12) : '/' not defined for "POSIXt" objects
Apparently this is a known bug, but I was confused by this threat about it and could not determine an appropriate work-around. Suggestions?
Also, my ultimate goal with this data was to run a circular-linear version of a glm, and then test several models against one another using AIC or some other information theoretics method. The model I'm seeking would be a circular-linear version of something like this:
Perhaps this is an inappropriate application of the circular package. If so, I'm open to other suggestions of models and/or graphics that would investigate peak activity using the data and covariates.
Note: I did search for related discussions and found this somewhat relevant thread, but it was never answered, did not request a solution in R, and was of a different scope.
The specific problem is caused by conversion.circular. There, a POSIXlt object is divided by 12. This is an operation that has a non-defined outcome:
> as.POSIXlt('2005-07-16') / 2
Error in Ops.POSIXt(as.POSIXlt("2005-07-16"), 2) :
'/' not defined for "POSIXt" objects
So, it seems that you cannot use data of this class as input for the circular package. I could not find any mention of POSIXlt data in the examples. Maybe you need to specify the timestamps simply as a number, not as a POSIXlt object.
