Restrict Access to wordpress page - wordpress

Basically on my website launch I will be offering users a lot of app promo codes to get apps free. However, I want to know if there is a way that I can make it so that once they have clicked a page they are unable to access any of the others and get all the promo codes basically. So once they have one they are prevented from doing any more.

I dont think this is possible, because you can't denie a random visitor of your website access to a page if they just read an other page.
Maybe it would be possible if you make sure visitors can only read pages if they got an account. That way you can instal a page restric plugin and edit it yourself by adding a variable that checks how many posts are read and activites the page restrict plugin when x posts are read.
Never done something like this myself, and i dont see why you wouldnt provide all your promo codes to everyone, but thats your own choise:p
I might be completely wrong, but this is what i think.

There is a wordpress plugin called S2Members to help you restrict pages/posts from guest users.


Link pages between wordpress multisites

I have two websites in different languages on one wordpress (multisite).
Pages from a site to another have different IDs, names (because of language), etc... And woocommerce is installed on both websites (meaning there are products).
I'm looking for a way to connect pages from site 1 to site 2 (and reverse) to show a link that would let users go from their language to another but arriving on the "same" page.
I know this is not the best way to have a multilingual website on wordpress but it has been installed that way and we are trying to figure out a way to connect these pages. Maybe that would be useful to someone else for another reason, that's why I'm asking it.
My first idea would be to add an input on the post (pages, articles, product) and fill it with the link of the "sibling". This is time consuming at first (to do this for all the content that is already online) but could work. Best way would be to have a select menu of all the other site pages to select the specific page/article/product but I don't really know how to do this.
And maybe.. maybe there is already a plugin that does that kind of thing, if yes, that would be great.
Thanks !

Manually restrict a page with Simple Membership Plugin

I am using the plugin Simple Membership so users can become members of my site and access members only content.
I am also using the Events Calendar plugin with the Community Events add-on so people can submit events.
Bc the submission page is auto-generated and has no edit backend page to normally restrict the content I cannot make it so only members can access this page.
Is there a way to manually add a page to restrict it to members with this plugin or a line of code someone can recommend to make the restriction?
I know this response is super late lol, but this plugin will solve the problem if you use Woocommerce.
I had the exact same issue. What I did was restrict the URL. For example, my url was So if someone didn't purchase my membership and tried to go to that URL, they would not be able to.
Hopefully you found an answer by now, but ya never know if there might be something better!

What is involved in changing the admin in wordpress

One of the security measures for Wordpress is to get rid of the admin. I've tried this before by creating another user and giving them admin rights. Then I changed the 'author' of the posts that I have on the website to the new user and I removed the admin user.
Wrong move. I lost all the pages now. I had to make sure that I changed the author of the pages to the new user as well.
At least.. that's my guess.
Is there anything else that I need to do before trying again?
(I can change the author of the media.. but that's a pain to do, since you cannot do this in bulk, afaik)
I guess no one knows (or cares to share). I decided not to get rid of the admin, but simply give the admin a different function (not admin anymore)... and everything seems to work...

WordPress multi-user site to allow unique users to see custom screens

So I need to set up a WordPress site with 25 users. The site will be for each of these users to fill out various forms (different forms for each user) and then these results will be stored on the database.
The thing is, I need to allow user1 to only be able to see the forms we want user1 to fill out, and the same for user2,3...etc. We have the bones of the site set up, but I'm looking for a plug-in or theme or something that can allow different users to see different pages. Is there one available?
Or would any you have any idea how to go about this another way?
I have spent the best part of a days searching but I can't find a viable solution. Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Two things can be done.
Use Contact form 7 or Gravity form plugin to create different forms. Create user specific pages where you like to show forms. Paste corresponding form short-codes in the pages.
Use Role Scoper plugin to restrict users to see pages. You can set permissions for different user to see different pages.
Hope this helps you.

Only Show Comment in Wordpress

I am looking for a way to only show the comments posted in wordpress.
My main goal is to turn the wordpress CMS into a site like The basic principle is allowing anyone to post anonymously (without having a post to comment on), and then the comments need to be moderated by the admin.
If there is an easier solution to doing this, then I'm open to hearing that as well. The only thing I don't want to do is get the fmyscript clone. I've tried that and don't like it.
Any advice would be appreciated.
Why don't you try the buddypress plugin wherein users can register and post. Just disable all other components except activity feed and make your homepage as a static activity feed page (configurable in the settings).
