What is involved in changing the admin in wordpress - wordpress

One of the security measures for Wordpress is to get rid of the admin. I've tried this before by creating another user and giving them admin rights. Then I changed the 'author' of the posts that I have on the website to the new user and I removed the admin user.
Wrong move. I lost all the pages now. I had to make sure that I changed the author of the pages to the new user as well.
At least.. that's my guess.
Is there anything else that I need to do before trying again?
(I can change the author of the media.. but that's a pain to do, since you cannot do this in bulk, afaik)

I guess no one knows (or cares to share). I decided not to get rid of the admin, but simply give the admin a different function (not admin anymore)... and everything seems to work...


Create WordPress Admins To Create Posts Only Securely

Using WordPress is a great way to learn and make progress on web development. Although, I want to make admins for each and one of my classmates to only and only create and publish posts on the web. For example, BuzzFeed has admins that create content and it tells the author name, date and time, comments and responses next to it. That's what I am aiming for. Not all of my classmates use wordpress or have ever used it so I want to find a way to create admins for them simply without creating security holes for the website itself and risking getting hacks or login attempts.
what is the best way to approach a situation like this?
Thanks :)
If you want your classmates to be able to add posts you can add them as "Authors." Wordpress has a build in permission system that allows authors to only add, edit and delete posts.
If you want to have more control over the capabilities you can use a plugin like User Role Editor. This will allow you to create a new role and set specific capabilities for the created user role.

Credit Based Shopping on Wordpress

I'm trying to build a website that has items for sale by credits only. The credits would be entered for all users by an admin only (manually). And the items could be shopped on the site by users who would see something they want, they'd be able to see how many 'credits' they have accrued, and then build a cart and place an order by spending these credits. There would be absolutely no need for actual money, no shipping, just a notification sent to the admins that an order has been requested, who and what that order request is, and the 'credits' deducted from their account.
Can anybody point in the direction of the right direction to build something like this? I'm thinking Wordpress because I'm familiar with the dashboard and backend of it, but I'm not opposed to another CMS tool if there's a better one for this idea.
I don't believe WordPress has anything out of the box like this, but you can always search for a plugin that does what you are describing.
If there isn't one, you may consider installing WooCommerce and creating "coupons" instead. But I don't know if that would work for what you are talking about or not.

let wordpress create new page with users content

I am wondering what would be the best way to let wordpress create idivual pages :
the project is as followed :
User makes account
Wordpress creates account and an account page, this page however is completely different from the wordpress theme. (easy i know, You could compare it with a profile page for the user but with much more content to fill in)
after user has filled in additional content wordpress should create the new page with the specific page design. Users should be able to edit content afterwards. Paying users should be able to export the generated page. Pages should be visible for public and be like domain.com/user
I am not sure how the best approach would be for this project as i am not that familiar with wordpress. My first thought is trough a childtheme, but im not sure if this would work.
Any advice?
Kind Regards
Try BuddyPress, this is exactly what it is designed for.

Restrict Access to wordpress page

Basically on my website launch I will be offering users a lot of app promo codes to get apps free. However, I want to know if there is a way that I can make it so that once they have clicked a page they are unable to access any of the others and get all the promo codes basically. So once they have one they are prevented from doing any more.
I dont think this is possible, because you can't denie a random visitor of your website access to a page if they just read an other page.
Maybe it would be possible if you make sure visitors can only read pages if they got an account. That way you can instal a page restric plugin and edit it yourself by adding a variable that checks how many posts are read and activites the page restrict plugin when x posts are read.
Never done something like this myself, and i dont see why you wouldnt provide all your promo codes to everyone, but thats your own choise:p
I might be completely wrong, but this is what i think.
There is a wordpress plugin called S2Members to help you restrict pages/posts from guest users.

Adding custom Role to Wordpress with custom permissions

I'd like to add a new role to my Wordpress site. It needs more permissions than Author, but fewer than Admin. Searching the codex and Stack, I have come across a consistent method of adding this code to functions.php, but a repeated error resulted in me trying the User Role Editor plug-in.
Users under this new role need to be able to edit, see, delete, and managed all posts, categories and tags. They also must be able to manage all comments, both approved and pending. Additionally, they should have access to Discussion settings. This last bit seems to be impossible, though. I can give them the ability to manage options, but not specific options. Is there a way to grant such a specific capability?
