How to run a command on all results of find? - unix

Using find I create a file that contains all the files that use a specific key word:
find . -type f | xargs grep -l 'foo' > foo.txt
I want to take that list in foo.txt and maybe run some commands using that list, i.e. run an ls command on the list contained within the file.

You don't need xargs to create foo.txt. Just execute the command with -exec like this:
find . -type f -exec grep -l 'foo' {} \; > foo.txt
Then you can run ls against the file by looping through the file:
while IFS= read -r read file
ls "$file"
done < foo.txt
Maybe it is a little ugly, but this can also make it:
ls $(cat foo.txt)

You can use xargs like this:
xargs ls < foo.txt
The advantage of xargs is that it will execute the command with multiple arguments which is more efficient than executing the command once per argument using a loop, for example.


Unable to rename files recursively using xargs command

I have to rename all the files recursively which match the pattern. I am using the below command.
find . -type f -iname 'dev*' | xargs -I{} mv $1 echo '/dev-profile/prod-profile'
When i run the above command, I am getting the below error
missing destination file operand after /dev-profile/prod-profile
I need to replace all the files recursively. Where I am going wrong.
Dealing with arguments in xargs often goes into a mess with bash -c ... _.
If you have GNU Parallel you avoid this mess and can probably do something like this:
find . -type f -iname 'dev*' | parallel mv {} /dev-profile/prod-profile

find + sed, filename output

I have directory: D:/Temp, where there are a lot of subfolders with text files. Each folder has "file.txt". In some file.txt files is a word - "pattern". I would like check how many pattern words there are, and also get the filepath to that file.txt:
find D:/Temp -type f -name "file.txt" -exec basename {} cat {} \; | sed -n '/pattern/p' | wc -l
Output should be:
Or similar.
You could use GNU grep :
grep -lr --include file.txt "pattern" "D:/Temp/"
This will return the file paths.
grep -cr --include file.txt "pattern" "D:/Temp/"
This will return the count (counting the pattern occurences rather than the number of files)
Explanation of the flags :
-r makes grep recursively browse its target, that can then be a directory
--include <glob> makes grep restrict its recursive browsing to files matching the <glob>.
-l makes grep only return the files path. Additionnaly, it will stop parsing a file as soon as it has encountered the pattern.
-c makes grep only return the number of matches
If your file names don't contain spaces then all you need is:
awk '/pattern/{print FILENAME; cnt++; nextfile} END{print cnt+0}' $(find D:/Temp -type f -name "file.txt")
The above used GNU awk for nextfile.
I'd propose you to use two commands : one for find all the files:
find ./ -name "file.txt" -exec fgrep -l "-pattern" {} \;
Another for counting them:
find ./ -name "file.txt" -exec fgrep -l "-pattern" {} \; | wc -l
Previously I've used:
grep -Hc "pattern" $(find D:/temp -type f -name "file.txt")
This will only work if file.txt is found. Otherwise you could use the following which will account for when both files are found or not found:
searchFiles=$(find D:/temp -type f -name "file.txt"); [[ ! -z "$searchFiles" ]] && grep -Hc "pattern" $searchFiles
The output for this would look more like:
D:/Temp/abc1/file.txt 2
D:/Temp/abc2/file.txt 1
D:/Temp/abc3/file.txt 1
D:/Temp/abc4/file.txt 1
I would use
find D:/Temp -type f -name "file.txt" -exec dirname {} \; > tmpfile
wc -l tmpfile
cat tmpfile
rm tmpfile
Give a try to this safe and standard version:
find D:/Temp -type f -name file.txt -printf "%p\0" | xargs -0 bash -c 'printf "%s" "${#}"; grep -c "pattern" "${#}"' | grep ":[1-9][0-9]*$"
For each file.txt file found in D:/Temp directory and sub-directories, the xargs command prints the filename and the number of lines which contain pattern (grep -c).
A final grep ":[1-9][0-9]*$" selects only filenames with a count greater than 0.
The way I'm reading your question, I'm going to answer as if:
some but not all file.txt files contain pattern,
you want a list of the paths leading to file.txt with pattern, and
you want a count of pattern in each of those files.
There are a few options. (Always multiple ways to do anything.)
If your bash is version 4 or higher, you can use globstar to recurse through directories:
shopt -s globstar
for file in **/file.txt; do
if count=$(grep -c 'pattern' "$file"); then
printf "%d %s\n" "$count" "${file%/*}"
This works because the if evaluation considers a failed grep (i.e. zero occurrences) to be FALSE, and thus does not print results.
Note that this may be high impact because it launches a separate grep on each file that is found. A lighter weight alternative might be to run a single grep on the fileglob, and parse the results:
shopt -s globstar
grep -c 'pattern' **/file.txt | grep -v ':0$'
This also depends on bash 4, and of course if you have millions of files you may overwhelm bash's command line maximum length. The output of this will be obvious, but you'll need to parse it with care if your filenames contain colons. I.e. cut -d: -f2 may not cut it.
One more option that leverages grep instead of bash might be:
grep -r --include 'file.txt' -c 'pattern' ./ | grep -v ':0$'
This uses GNU grep's --include option which modified the behaviour of -r (recursive). It should work in Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OSX, but not with the default grep on OpenBSD or most SVR4 (Solaris, HP/UX, etc).
Note that I have tested none of these. No liability assumed. May contain nuts.
This should do it:
find . -name "file.txt" -type f -printf '%p\n' | awk '{print} END { print NR }'

bzgrep not printing the file name

find . -name '{fileNamePattern}*.bz2' | xargs -n 1 -P 3 bzgrep -H "{patternToSearch}"
I am using the command above to find out a .bz2 file from set of files that have a pattern that I am looking for. It does go through the files because I can see the pattern that I am trying to find being printed on the console but I don't see the file name.
If you look at the bzgrep script (for example this version for OS X) you will see that it pipes the output from bzip2 through grep. That process loses the original filenames. grep never sees them so it cannot print them out (despite your -H flag).
Something like this should do, not exactly what you want but something similar. (You could get the prefix you were expecting by piping the output from bzgrep into sed/awk but that's a bit less simple of a command to write out.)
find . -name '{fileNamePattern}*.bz2' -printf '### %p\n' -exec bzgrep "{patternToSearch}" {} \;
I printed the file name through echo command and xargs.
find . -name "*bz2" | parallel -j 128 echo -n {}\" \" | xargs bzgrep {pattern}
Etan is very close with his answer: grep indeed does not show the filename when only dealing with one file, so you can make grep believe he's looking into multiple files, just by adding the NULL file, so the command becomes:
find . -name '{fileNamePattern}*.bz2' -printf '### %p\n'
-exec bzgrep "{patternToSearch}" {} /dev/null \;
(It's a dirty trick but it's helping me already for more than 15 years :-) )

SSH command to find and delete all files that contain a string

I need to use SSH to find all files containing a certain string (malware) and delete these files.
This is the command I am using to find and display a list of these malware files:
find * -name '*.php' -exec grep -l "return base64_decode(" {} \;
and I get a list like this:
I want to delete all these files (not just display a list of them).
Basically "find all files that contain a string, and delete those files".
You can say pipe xargs rm so that the given file names will be removed:
find * -name '*.php' -exec grep -l "return base64_decode(" {} \; | xargs rm
You can also store the current output of find and then loop through the content executing rm <file>:
find ... > file
while IFS= read -r file
rm "$file"
done < file

Pipes in unix - is the value implicitly supplied as an argument?

I would like to delete all files ending in .orig recursively from the current directory.
Will this do the trick?
ls -R | grep ".orig$" | rm
Are the results of grep passed implicitly as an argument to rm here?
How about something like:
find ./ -type f -name "*.orig" -exec rm "{}" \;
Seems to work for me, but it might be a good idea to test it with echo instead of rm first ;)
ls -R wont five quite the correct format output to pass directly to rm (through grep), as it lists files separately for each dir like:
local1.orig local
nested1.orig nested2.orig
If you wanted to do something similar using grep, you would need to use xargs like this:
grep ".orig$" | xargs rm
No, they are not. But that is the purpose of xargs:
ls -R | grep ".orig$" | xargs rm -i
will do what you want. The -i is not necessary, but is a good idea to use the first time you run this. (It will prompt you to delete a file. If you are confident that the answer is always yes, abort and re-run without the -i.)
