QGraphicsItem doesn't detect its own boundingRect change - qt

// QT 4.8
I've implemented a resizable QGraphicsItem, which works pretty fine.
However, now, I need to include child items in this resizable item.
Child items size/position will obviously depend on parent one.
My problem is to notify childs when parent one is resized.
But so far, the parent itself doesn't detect its own size change (whereas on the scene, everything behave as expected!)
In the parent item (= the resizable one) item I've tried to override
QVariant itemChange(QGraphicsItemChange, QVariant)
in order to dump change events. I can see all events, but itemChange method never get called when item is (being) resized.
Any help greatly appreciated.
In my resizable QGraphicsItem constructor, I've enabled the flag QGraphicsItem::ItemSendGeometryChange
ResizableGraphicsItem::ResizableGraphicsItem(QGraphicsItem *p_parent,
qreal p_initialWidth,
qreal p_initialHeight)
: QGraphicsItem(p_parent), _width(p_initialWidth),
_height(p_initialHeight), _resized(true)
The resize method looks like the following:
void ResizableGraphicsItem::setSize(qreal p_width, qreal p_height)
if ((_width != p_width) ||
(_height != p_height))
_width = p_width;
_height = p_height;
_resized = true;
QRectF ResizableGraphicsItem::boundingRect() const
return QRectF(0, 0, _width, _height);


setParent() not showing child widget

I have a class called TitleBar inherited from QWidget and I created a new widget and did setparent() but after doing setparent child widget is not showing, it is showing only after commenting setparent but not alligned with parent, its displaying in some random placess, On maximized view only it shows on right place
TitleBar::TitleBar(QWidget *parent) : QWidget(parent)
m_jobSubmitWidget = csJobSubmitPoolWidget::getSubmitPoolInst();
// m_jobSubmitWidget->setParent(QWidget::window());
void csTitleBar::BtnClicked()
QPoint pos = m_queueBtn->pos() + m_serverToolBar->pos() + QPoint(-m_jobSubmitWidget->width() + m_queueBtn->width(),62); // these are member variables in TitleBar class
// pos shows always same value on moving parent widget
if(itemCount > 2){
I really suggest that you take a good read at Qt documentation.
QWidgets that have a parent are displayed inside their parent (except for QDialog). If a widget does not have a parent, it will be shown as a separate window.
Parenting a widget to the result of QWidget::window() is kind of hazardous as you don't really know which widget will be returned, so you do not know where the child widget will end up.
Also you do not need to call show() on widgets that have a parent. By default their visibility follows the parent visibility.
In my case I also had to add the widget which I was changing the parent (here textEdit) to the target containing layout:
m_lastVboxLayout = ui->verticalLayout_groupBox1;
no need to call show() afterwards.

How to get minimize/restore/close rectangle?

I want to draw some text in the end of menu bar like this
But when the child window is maximized in the MDI project it looks like this
I need to fix this output.
I want to check if the active child is maximized and if it is I want to get minimize/restore/close rectangle to get them total width.
How can I get active child window and how can I get it's rectangle of buttons?
// in yourMainWindow.cpp
auto child = mdiArea->addSubWindow(yourWidget);
connect(child, &QMdiSubWindow::windowStateChanged, this, &yourMainWindow::yourSlot);
void yourMainWindow::yourSlot(Qt::WindowStates oldState, Qt::WindowStates newState)
if (newState.testFlag(Qt::WindowMaximized)) {
auto child = qobject_cast<QMdiSubWindow *>(sender());
if (!child)
QStyleOptionComplex opt;
auto size = child->style()->sizeFromContents(QStyle::CT_MdiControls, &opt, QSize(100, 20));
qDebug() << size;

Qt: Visibility state of the QWidget when used stylesheet

I have customized QWidget named "MainWidget" and a customized QWidget named "ChildWidget".
MainWidget is the parent of ChildWidget and these child widgets are created dynamically and inserted into the MainWidget's stack of widgets.
I have used style sheet to set the background color of the both MainWidget and ChildWidget in their respective .ui (form) file.
Select the widget ->Right Click on Widget-> Change stylesheet -> select background color-> apply -> save the .ui file
"background-color: ;"
Each ChidlWidget has its own unique size (width & height) such that when they have stacked on MainWidget's stack of widgets, there may be chances of one widget overlapping other widget, some widgets are completely obscured and some widgets are partially visible.
I am trying to find the visibility state of all types of widgets ( obscured, completely visible , partially visible) .
I am using following code snippet.
void MainWidget::printVisibilityState()
QList<ChildWidget *> childWidgetsList = findChildren<ChildWidget *>();
for (register int i = 0; i < childWidgetsList.size(); i++)
ChildWidget* pWidget = childWidgetsList.at(i);
QRegion visibleRegion = pWidget->visibleRegion();
QRect visibleRegionBoundingRect = visibleRegion.boundingRect();
int visibleRegionRectsCount = visibleRegion.rects().count();
QRect widgetRect = pWidget->rect();
if (visibleRegion.isEmpty()) {
qDebug() <<pWidget->getName()<< "is OBSCURED";
else {
if (
(visibleRegionBoundingRect == widgetRect) &&
(1 == visibleRegionRectsCount))
qDebug() <<pWidget->getName()<< "is VISIBLE";
qDebug() <<pWidget->getName()<< "is PARTIALLY VISIBLE";
and I have implemented painEvent in both MainWidget and ChildWidget with the following code snippet.
void ChildWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
QStyleOption opt;
QPainter p(this);
style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_Widget, &opt, &p, this);
void MainWidget::paintEvent(QPaintEvent *)
QStyleOption opt;
QPainter p(this);
style()->drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_Widget, &opt, &p, this);
This code prints the visibility state for all child widgets as VISIBLE always.
Note: Instead of setting the background-color using style sheet, if I use the setAutoFillBackground(true) for both MainWidget and ChildWidget then I am getting the proper visibility state.
Could you please guide me why it doesn't get me the proper visibility state when used style sheet?
Am I missing something in calculating the visibility state?
Are there any other way to get the visibility state info?
The QWidget document (http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/qwidget.html#visible-prop) says that, "A widget that happens to be obscured by other windows on the screen is considered to be visible."
If this is the case How do we determine the visibility state for the partially visible widgets? ( For example an error popup on other window, so error popup is completely visible and window is partially visible)
Please help me

hide QLabel based on text-size

I would like to write a custom QLabel subclass with some more features for responsive design. In thisexample, I want to write a QLabel which scales the text based on the useable space. This is quite easy but also has some problems because of Qt-intern stuff. (I have to scale the text to 0.9 of the useable space, otherwise resizing the window / widget gets buggy)
Now I wan't to add a way to hide the label completely when the font size is bellow a specific threshold. However, this seems to be quite a complex task.
Here is what I have sofar in the classes resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *event) function.
Right now, my function only sets the text to "" when the size would be bellow the threshold.
void CustomLabel::resizeEvent (QResizeEvent * event ) {
if(autoFontResize) {
this->setSilentText(labelText); // just the normal setText function, I overwrote it for the subclass
QFont f = this->font();
int flags = Qt::TextDontClip|Qt::TextWordWrap;
QRect fontBoundRect = this->fontMetrics().boundingRect(this->rect(), flags, this->text());
float xFactor = (float)event->size().width() / (float)fontBoundRect.width();
float yFactor = (float)event->size().height() / (float)fontBoundRect.height();
float factor = xFactor < yFactor ? xFactor : yFactor;
f.setPointSizeF(f.pointSize()*factor*0.9); //
if(minimumFontSize != 0) { // 0 = no minimum Size for the font
if(f.pointSize() < minimumFontSize) {
if(hideFontOnMinimum) { // either Hide or set to the limit size
this->setSilentText(""); //replace text
} else {
By the way, some parts of the code are found on stackoverflow, not mine. ;)
What I would like to do is to completely hide() the label. However the label doesn't know when It can show() again since the resizeEvent doesn't seem to be called after that.
Any ideas?
As you've noticed, if you call hide() on the widget it fails to receive a resize event. Since you're customising the class anyway, rather than calling hide(), you could just set a class variable to note that it's hidden and overload the paintEvent function, not to draw the widget if the variable is set: -
void CustomLabel::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * event)
Note that by not painting the label, it will be hidden, but the user may still be able to interact with it, so you will need to disable it or overload keyboard / mouse events too.

How to hide a QWidget under its parent?

I have a modal QDialog, that on the click of a button slides a modeless child QDialog out from underneath it. The problem I have is that the child stays on top of its parent during the animation.
I think I could get away with applying a mask over the portion of the child that overlaps the parent, but it feels like I'm missing a more obvious way of just placing the child under the parent.
I'm using Qt 4.5. Here's some sample code:
void MainWindow::on_myMenu_triggered()
parentDlg = new QDialog(this);
parentDlg->setFixedSize(250, 250);
childDlg = new QDialog(parentDlg);
childDlg->setFixedSize(150, 150);
QTimeLine* timeLine = new QTimeLine(1000, this);
connect(timeLine, SIGNAL(valueChanged(qreal)), this, SLOT(childDlgStepChanged(qreal)));
void MainWindow::childDlgStepChanged(qreal)
int parentX = parentDlg->frameGeometry().x();
int parentY = parentDlg->geometry().y();
// Move the child dialog to the left of its parent.
childDlg->move(parentX - 150 * step, parentY);
Thanks in advance.
Child widgets are always rendered over the parent so you would have to break that relationship in order to achieve the affect you are looking for directly. Then you could use raise() or lower() if both dialogs had the same parent.
