Wrap the code to translate with wordpress/poedit? - wordpress

Current I have WP code like this. I need to make it translateable by poedit. How do I wrap the code to make it work? Im not sure which method is use for this case. Some thing like:
<?php my_e( 'Total sales' ); ?> or __('Total sales', 'my')
This is the code. I need to translate ["Sales amount"], ["Number of sales"]
foreach ($results as $result) {
$date = $result->formatted_post_date;
$statistics[$date]["Sales amount"] += $wp_list_table->column_total_sales($result->ID);
$statistics[$date]["Number of sales"]++;
$statistics[$date]["date"] = $date;
$max_number_of_sales = max(array($max_number_of_sales,$statistics[$date]["Number of sales"] )); }
Thank you for help

You have to use __('string','textdomain') to assign a translated string to some variable. And _e('string','textdomain') to echo a translated string. See I18n_for_WordPress_Developers.
Two observations:
you'll not be able to translate array keys, see php.net/manual/en/language.types.array.php
what you're doing seems wrong. I'd do it like:
$sales_amount = 0;
$sales_number = 0;
foreach ($results as $result) {
$sales_amount += $wp_list_table->column_total_sales($result->ID);
$date = $result->formatted_post_date;
$statistics[$date]["sales_amount"] = $sales_amount;
$statistics[$date]["sales_number"] = $sales_number;
echo __( 'Sales Amount', 'my' ) . $sales_amount;


How to get value from a field key (Ninja Forms)

Having a try with Ninja Forms, I’m actually able to get value from a field ID using $form_data array variable.
function my_ninja_function( $form_data ) {
$my_field_id = 1;
$my_value_from_field_id = $form_data['fields'][$my_field_id]['value'];
echo $my_value_from_field_id;
// output value is possible
And now trying to get value from a field key, without success...
$my_field_key = 'my_key';
$my_value_from_field_key = $form_data['fields'][$my_field_key]['value'];
echo $my_value_from_field_key;
// output value is not possible
with a little more effort...
$form_fields = $form_data['fields'];
foreach( $form_fields as $field ){
$field_value = $field['value'];
$field_key = $field['key'];
$data[$field_key] = $field_value;
$my_value_from_key = $data['my_key'];
echo $my_value_from_key;
// output is possible
It works!
By value I'm assuming you mean the field's label. You can get a field's label from the field's settings like this:
$form_id = 1;
$form_fields = Ninja_Forms()->form($form_id)->get_fields();
foreach( $form_fields as $field ) {
$model = $field->get_settings();
$label = $model['label'];
if you really do mean value, then perhaps you are referring to a form submission's field value. You can get those like this:
$sub_id = 1; // Need to know the submission's ID
$sub = Ninja_Forms()->form()->sub($sub_id)->get();
$form_id = 1;
$form_fields = Ninja_Forms()->form($form_id)->get_fields();
foreach( $form_fields as $field ) {
$model = $field->get_settings();
$value = $sub->get_field_value($model['key']); // User submitted value
Note that NinjaForms has added field keys in version 3 after I made the suggestion, as previous versions had no unique field identifier which made exporting/importing fields and forms very problematic.

Symfony2 + DBAL. How to use bindValue for multiple insert?

I'm using DBAL and I want to execute multiple insert query. But I have the problem: bindValue() method not working in loop. This is my code:
$insertQuery = "INSERT INTO `phonebook`(`number`, `company`, `user`) VALUES %s
ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE company=VALUES(company), user=VALUES(user)";
for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) {
$inserted[] = "(':number', ':company', ':user')";
$insertQuery = sprintf($insertQuery, implode(",", $inserted));
$result = $db->getConnection()->prepare($insertQuery);
for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) {
As result I received one-line table with fields: :number, :company, :user.
What am I doing wrong?
Thanks a lot for any help!
The problem you're having is that your binding has no way to determine to which placeholder it should be doing the binding with. To visualize it better, think on the final DBAL query you're generating:
INSERT INTO `phonebook`(`number`, `company`, `user`) VALUES
(':number', ':company', ':user'),
(':number', ':company', ':user'),
(':number', ':company', ':user');
When you do the binding, you're replacing all the parameters at the same time, ending up with a single row inserted.
One possible solution would be to give different parameter names to each row and then replace each one accordingly.
It would look like something similar to this:
public function randomParameterName()
return uniqid('param_');
$parameters = [];
for ($i = 0; $i < count($data); $i++) {
$parameterNames = [
'number' => $this->randomParameterName(),
'company' => $this->randomParameterName(),
'user' => $this->randomParameterName(),
$parameters[$i] = $parameterNames;
$inserted[] = sprintf("(':%s', ':%s', ':%s')",
$insertQuery = sprintf($insertQuery, implode(",", $inserted));
$result = $db->getConnection()->prepare($insertQuery);
foreach ($parameters as $i => $parameter) {
$result->bindValue($parameter['number'], $data[$i]["number"]);
$result->bindValue($parameter['company'], $data[$i]["company"]);
$result->bindValue($parameter['user'], $data[$i]["user"]);
You could probably extend your $data variable and incorporate the new parameter names into it. This would remove the need of yet another array $parameters to hold reference to the newly created parameter names.
Hope this helps
There is another alternative:
$queryStart = "INSERT INTO {$tableName} (" . implode(', ', array_keys($buffer[0])) . ") VALUES ";
$queryRows = $params = $types = [];
foreach ($rowBuffer as $row) {
$rowQuery = '(' . implode(', ', array_fill(0, count($row), '?')) . ')';
$rowParams = array_values($row);
list($rowQuery, $rowParams, $types) = SQLParserUtils::expandListParameters($rowQuery, $rowParams, $types);
$queryRows[] = $rowQuery;
$params = array_merge($params, $rowParams);
$query = $queryStart . implode(', ', $queryRows);
$connection->executeQuery($query, $params, $types);

get_categories order by meta key issue?

I'm trying to search for a way to order categories by meta value. From what I read, it seems like I can use:
However, this does not work at all, the categories are still not in the order I want. I wonder how I can:
correct this to make it work
print out the sql to see what is really going on inside?
Thank you very much in advance.
First of all, I must mention that I'm using the module custom category fields, and second of all I'm a complete WP newbie
Anyhow, after learning that this cannot be done by default, I looked into the get_categories functions and finally came up with a solution
function category_custom_field_get_terms_orderby( $orderby, $args ){
if($args['orderby'] == 'category_custom_field' && isset($args['category_custom_field']))
return 'cv.field_value';
return $orderby;
function category_custom_field_get_terms_fields( $selects, $args ){
if($args['orderby'] == 'category_custom_field' && isset($args['category_custom_field']))
$selects[] = 'cv.*';
return $selects;
function category_custom_field_terms_clauses($pieces, $taxonomies, $args){
global $wpdb;
if($args['orderby'] == 'category_custom_field' && isset($args['category_custom_field']))
$pieces['join'] .= " LEFT JOIN $wpdb->prefix" . "ccf_Value cv ON cv.term_id = tt.term_id AND cv.field_name = '".$args['category_custom_field']."'";
return $pieces;
add_filter('get_terms_orderby', 'category_custom_field_get_terms_orderby',1,2);
add_filter('get_terms_fields', 'category_custom_field_get_terms_fields',1,2);
add_filter('terms_clauses', 'category_custom_field_terms_clauses',1,3);
(The code above can be put into the theme functions.php file)
then the code to get categories is:
Any correction is greatly appreciated!
You can also give the get_categories new meta and sort using usort.
$subcategories = get_categories();
foreach ($subcategories as $subcategory) {
$subcategory->your_meta_key = your_meta_value;
foreach ($subcategories as $subcategory) {
blah blah blah
function my_cmp($a, $b) {
if ($a->ordering == $b->ordering) {
return 0;
return ($a->ordering < $b->ordering) ? -1 : 1;
usort($subcategories, "my_cmp");

Wordpress - Excerpt character alternative?

I'm totally new to WordPress so be easy :)
I the following code in a template:
<?php excerpt(20);?>
What this does is limit the text with 20 words. I am now wondering if there is some sort of similar function that limits by characters instead of words?
I use this:
add_filter('excerpt_length', 'my_excerpt_length');
function my_excerpt_length($length) {
return '500';
function better_excerpt($limit, $id = '') {
global $post;
if($id == '') $id = $post->ID;
else $id = $id;
$postinfo = get_post($id);
if($postinfo->post_excerpt != '')
$post_excerpt = $postinfo->post_excerpt;
$post_excerpt = $postinfo->post_content;
$myexcerpt = explode(' ', $post_excerpt, $limit);
if (count($myexcerpt) >= $limit) {
$myexcerpt = implode(' ',$myexcerpt).'...';
} else {
$myexcerpt = implode(' ',$myexcerpt);
$myexcerpt = preg_replace('`\[[^\]]*\]`','',$myexcerpt);
$stripimages = preg_replace('/<img[^>]+\>/i', '', $myexcerpt);
return $stripimages;
And then in my theme file, I just call it in with:
better_excerpt('50') //50 being how many words I want
Useful for custom plugins/widgets too.
Wordpress doesn't support the character delimiter for the excerpt method, there's a plugin called Advanced Excerpt that does. After installing you can call the_advanced_excerpt('length=20&use_words=0')
I use this in my functions.php:
function truncate ($str, $length=10, $trailing='...'){
// take off chars for the trailing
if (mb_strlen($str)> $length){
// string exceeded length, truncate and add trailing dots
$str = mb_substr($str,0,$length);
$str = explode('. ',$str);
for( $i=0; $i<(sizeof($str)-2); $i++ ):
$newstr .= $str[$i].". ";
return $newstr;
} else{
// string was already short enough, return the string
$res = $str;
return $res;
It should truncate to a character count, but then truncate back further to the last period before the truncation. It does get problematic when your excerpt includes links, however, or other markup - in other words, it's best to use the Excerpt field in the post rather than auto-excerpting with this function, because you can't use HTML in the excerpt field.
Please use this code for limiting post content...
<?php substr($post->post_content, 0, xy); ?> ...
Change the limit of XY....

Drupal module_invoke() and i18n

I am tasked with i18n-ing our current CMS setup in Drupal.
The problem that I am facing is with use of module_invoke() to place blocks within nodes.
I have managed to string translate blocks, and that is working when a block is placed in a region (block content is successfully translated) using the UI.
However, when a block is injected into a node like such:
$block = module_invoke('block', 'block', 'view', 22); print $block['content'];
It is not getting translated, or even worse, not showing at all.
I have also tried this variation using t(). e.g.:
$block = module_invoke('block', 'block', 'view', 22); print t($block['content']);
to no avail.
Generally speaking I've having a bit of trouble with blocks for i18n. Does anyone have a recommended approach for dealing with blocks in drupal with regards to translating them? I would prefer not to create different blocks for each language.
So .. After digging around in the bowels of Drupal - and much hair pulling .. I've come up with an almost decent solution.
Basically, with this function, I can extract a translated version of a block:
function render_i18n_block($block_id, $region = "hidden"){
if ($list = block_list($region)) {
foreach ($list as $key => $block) {
// $key == <i>module</i>_<i>delta</i>
$key_str = "block_".$block_id;
if ($key_str == $key){
return theme('block', $block);
Then, in my node, I simple call:
<?php echo render_i18n_block(<block_id>,<region>); ?>
There can be some issues where your blocks might not be displaying in a region (and therefore you can't pass a region into block_list). For this case, I simply created a region called "hidden" which is not rendered anywhere in my template, but can be used to call block_list.
Finally (and this is the part that I still need to find a good solution for), I discovered that block_list() in: includes/blocks/block.inc has a bit of an issue.
It appears that $theme_key is not reliably set unless block_list() is being called from the theme() function (in includes/themes.inc) .. this causes the SQL to return an empty results set. The SQL looks like this:
$result = db_query(db_rewrite_sql("SELECT DISTINCT b.* FROM {blocks} b LEFT JOIN {blocks_roles} r ON b.module = r.module AND b.delta = r.delta WHERE b.theme = '%s' AND b.status = 1 AND (r.rid IN (". db_placeholders($rids) .") OR r.rid IS NULL) ORDER BY b.region, b.weight, b.module", 'b', 'bid'), array_merge(array($theme_key), $rids));
As you can see, if theme_key is not set, then it will just return an empty result.
For now I am bypassing this by simply adding:
if (!isset($theme_key)){$theme_key="<my_theme_name>";}
in modules/blocks/block.inc::block_list() around line 429 .. I still need to work out a better way to do this.
10 for anyone with suggestions on how I could ensure that $theme_key is set before calling block_list :)
I had exactly the same problem as you, since I was using
$block = module_invoke('block', 'block_view', 'block_id');
print render($block['content']);
to inject the block into my nodes. However, looking up module_invoke in the Drupal reference, I found a comment titled "to render blocks in Drupal 7 better to use Block API", with this code:
function block_render($module, $block_id) {
$block = block_load($module, $block_id);
$block_content = _block_render_blocks(array($block));
$build = _block_get_renderable_array($block_content);
$block_rendered = drupal_render($build);
return $block_rendered;
I just un-functioned it to use directly, like so:
$block = block_load('block', 'block_id');
$block_content = _block_render_blocks(array($block));
$build = _block_get_renderable_array($block_content);
print render($build);
And for me it works like a charm. Be aware however that this method prints the block title as well, so maybe you'll want to set it to 'none' in the original language.
Create a function like this
function stg_allcontent2($allC, $level
= "1") {
global $language; $lang = $language->language;
foreach ($allC as $acKey => $ac) {
== $lang){ if ($level == "1")
$toR .= "";
if (is_array($ac['below']))
$class="expanded"; else
$toR .= "<li class=\"".$class."\">" . l($ac['link']['link_title'], $ac['link']['link_path']) . "</li>";
if ($level != "1") $toR .= ""; if (is_array($ac['below'])) $toR .= "<ul class=\"menu\">".stg_allcontent2($ac['below'], "2")."</ul>"; if ($level == "1") $toR .= ""; }
return $toR; } ?>
call like this
<?php echo '<ul class="menu">'; echo stg_allcontent2(menu_tree_all_data($menu_name
= 'menu-header', $item = NULL)); echo '</ul>'; ?>
This may help you: http://drupal-translation.com/content/translating-block-contents#
UPDATE: the t() function allows you to pass in the language code to use.
