Div boxes won't align next to each other - css

okay so my coding is
( idk if you cn see it the code is just making a div ugh )
heres the picture of the code
and no matter what code I put to align center, left, right anything... it doesn't go.
heres what it looks like :
see this is how it is,
to view yourself, go to my website wonder-wh0re.tk and click "links"

Just remove the pre element and it will work as expected.
Current Problem with pre
Expected result without pre


How can I remove this large 'gap' with the 'description section, without actually removing the needed description

I've been trying to figure this out all day but have reached my code knowledge limit as I try to change the child theme to achieve this.
Here's an image showing what my site currently displays, next to an image of the desired result.
What I have VS What I want
I've tried using a few snippets of code I've found on the Stack Exchange that remove Woocommerce descriptions but with no luck. I'd like to remove the gap, the description title, but must keep the description box itself because that's what allows the tabs at the bottom of the page.
Here's a link to the page itself, I can find and isolate the gap and fix it using the html, but I've no idea how that relates to the CSS (I'm new to this) Link : https://folduptoys.com/product/space-garden-playset/
Here's how it's currently set up, I'm using the Salient theme, with the 'Product Tab Position' set to 'Fullwidth Under Images'.
Any help would be really appreciated. Thank you x
Here's what will work but it's important to note that if other tabs show up, like 'Attributes' or 'Dimensions' that they'll be visible, but the `Description' tab won't be. So you'll have to consider whether you want it to work that way or not.
There's two things going on, first, the margins on the tab menu were big. 70px on top and 50px on the bottom. Seems too large in my opinion but I long ago gave up guessing on why Salient's devs do anything.
The second thing is to hide the 'Description' tab. If other tabs end up being present though, they'll show up in it's place.
div.product .woocommerce-tabs .full-width-content[data-tab-style="fullwidth"] ul.tabs{
margin:0 auto;
If what you want is to entirely remove the tabs navigation, meaning that if other tabs are there, no one will be able to see/access them, so not a good idea unless you're also modifying the tab content layout so that they all display, then use this to hid that whole bar.
div.product .woocommerce-tabs .full-width-content[data-tab-style="fullwidth"] ul.tabs{

css z index/overflow results are coming in background

I have this page where in search box results are not being shown properly.
I changed the overflow to visible/hidden/overflow and all other option for search results which is being shown in display div. I tried to change the div css of below box as well to show the results but it is being shown in background.
If I change the below div x to hidden then the bottom menu will shift to left/right whatever we set so I dont want that to shifted. Just I'm looking for results to be dispalyed properly.
I think z index should work so I have set z index to 1000 and even set it as important then also search results are being displayed in background. Any advise will be useful to me.
Apply position:absolute to #display
This will bring it forward and also prevent it from pushing the content beneath to the right.

Table within form css

I am having a weird problem with CSS.
I am trying to achieve the following.
I can have people search for a name or a part of a quote in a database and I would like to display this into a box (in this case a form ,which is easy for styling).
Problem is, the total box should have a gradient green color, but not the entire fetched data is retrieved with a green layout.
I have debugged and it seems to work just great:
I have both echo and alerted my output and it is just a normal form with table rows in it..
Here's the result outcome:
pastebin.com/AZAv6bpX (broken)
Here's my css:
pastebin.com/NATwyki6 (broken)
Here's what it looks like:
Notice the table rows still continue-ing after the gradient has stopped.
I have adjusted the table entry margins, for the div (results) they are placed in. So I am 100% sure the outcome is as I want it.
So basically I got:
code from pastebin here
And this weird layout.
Can anybody please help me out?
Either take your float:left off of your table or set overflow:auto on your form.
jsfiddle link
Because your form contents are set to float, they are taken out of the flow, and so your container will not wrap around them.
The simple fix for your css would be to add in the following;
form br { clear:both }
and then make sure that you fix the final </br> in your form to be <br /> instead.

why is google's infoWindow CSS not exposed? customization is too hard

This really bugs me - a lot.
After wading through google maps v3 generated client side code in firebug, I'm about ready to drive down the street and give some of these engineers a piece of my mind... arrrgh :P
The infowWindow class produces HTML that personally I would think is simply nuts. maybe someone can help me make sense of it.
The infowWindow HTML structure is like this:
#map_canvas > div > div > div > div > div // 5 levels of elements,
no big deal here, ok...
> div // top left corner
div // top right corner
div // bottom left corner
div // bottom right corner
// now comes fun stuff for the speech bubble arrow:
// the 10 divs above are stacked diagonally with odd sizes to make this arrow.
i'm sorry but WHY?!? is it done like that? I suppose they wanted the user to be
able to grab the map even right next to the arrow. Think about this: do users
really need to be able to not grab the arrow? if grabbing the arrow causes map pan,
as is the case for the shadow images, would that really be a problem?
div // bottom middle for image background border or something
div // top middle
div // middle
div // bottom middle, again
div // entire block of the infoWindow, probably the container
> img // close box
div // center block with the contents of the infoWindow
div // text content container
WOW - thats nuts!
notice there is no real semantic structure, and - gosh, dare I have such an
assumption - no class names anywhere, nothing. I figured maybe they have some
kind of 9-slice box going on and then produce the arrow separately; I mean,
the image sprite in iw3.png sure isn't going to be the problem here.
I dearly hope someone who has an effect on this api comes across this and
hopefully google will eventually find a way to solve this such that custom
infoWindow visuals are as straightforward as markers.
Thanks for tuning in! happy commenting.
meanwhile I shall use a hack to get to these crazy divs and make them do my bidding.
earlier I commented on some other post and I think it shouldn't be too much to ask for a method in the API that lets you use custom UI without resorting to a near-duplication of the whole window object as is currently necessary (see google extension classes v3).
'topleft' : {
'background' : 'url(images/windowsprite.png) 0 0 no-repeat',
'width' : '10px',
'height' : '10px'
'topRight' : {
Have you tried InfoBox?
or InfoBubble?
They both give you a bit more control over the appearance of infowindows, while still abstracting some of the complicated parts.
The lack of classes on elements is a (good) design decision for an API. It eliminates the potential for clashes with user defined classes.
After much trial and eror I decided the best way to resolve this is to use OverlayView class and simply custom build a container. Well, "simply" is an understatement, but it works. And now I have full control over layout and functionality.
You try styling with CSS? The below example shows this. This is the most straight forward way to change the UI.

Auto scrolling vertical list?

In my air app I have a list(vertical) on the left side, like a sidebar. It`s working fine! The things is I want to put some animation in this list, which all the times when I select one item all the list moves, and this item goes to the center of the list!
Someone have same example or URL, or something?
I've done something similar using the AnimateProperty effect to animate the scrolling of a list to a given index.
See my blog post here:
