Calculations precision level in R - r

I am working in R with very small numbers which reflect probabilities in an Maximum Likelihood Estimation algorithm. Some of these numbers are as small as 1e-155 ( or smaller). However, when there is something as simple as summation taking place, the precision level gets truncated to the least precise one and thus ruins the precisions of my calculations and produces meaningless results.
> sum(c(7.831908e-70,6.002923e-26,6.372573e-36,5.025015e-38,5.603268e-38,1.118121e-14, 4.512098e-07,4.400717e-05,2.300423e-26,1.317602e-58))
[1] 4.445838e-05
As is seen from the example, the base for this calculation is 1e-5 , which in a very rude manner rounds up sensitive calculation.
Is there a way around this? Why is R choosing such a strange automatic behavior? Perhaps it is not really doing this, I just see the result in the truncated form? In this case, is the actual number with correct precision stored in the variable?

There is no precision loss in your sum. But if you're worried about it, you should use a multiple-precision library:
x <- c(7.831908e-70,6.002923e-26,6.372573e-36,5.025015e-38,5.603268e-38,1.118121e-14, 4.512098e-07,4.400717e-05,2.300423e-26,1.317602e-58)
sum(mpfr(x, 1024))
# 1 'mpfr' number of precision 1024 bits
# [1] 4.445837981118120898327314579322617633703674840117902103769961398533293289165193843930280422747754618577451267010103975610356319174778512980120125435961577770470993217990999166176083700886405875414277348471907198346293122011042229843450802884152750493740313686430454254150390625000000000000000000000000000000000e-5

Your results are only truncated in the display.
x <- sum(c(7.831908e-70,6.002923e-26,6.372573e-36,5.025015e-38,5.603268e-38,1.118121e-14, 4.512098e-07,4.400717e-05,2.300423e-26,1.317602e-58))
print(x, digits=22)
[1] 4.445837981118121081878e-05
You can read more about the behaviour of print at ?print.default
You can also set an option - this will affext all calls to print

have you ever heard about Floating point numbers?
there is no loss of precision (significant figures) in multiplication or division as far as the result stay between
1.7976931348623157·10^308 to 4.9·10^−324 (see the link for detail)
so if you do 1.0e-30 * 1.0e-10 result will be 1.0e-40
but if you do 1.0e-30 + 1.0e-10 result will be 1.0e-10
-> finite set of number rapresentable with computer works. (64 bits max 2^64 different representation of numbers with 64 bits)
instead of using a direct conversion like for integer numbers (they represent from ~ -2^62 to +2^62, every INTEGER number -> about from -10^16 to +10*16)
or there exist a clever way like floating point? from 1.7976931348623157·10^308 to - 4.9·10^−324 and it can represent /approximate rational numbers?
So in floating point, to achieve a wider range, precision in sums is sacrified, There is loss of precision during sums or subtractions as the significant figures that could be represented by (the 52 bits of) the fraction part (of a floating point number of 64 bits) are less than log10(2^52) ~ 16.
if you look for a basic everyday example, summary(lm), when the p-value of parameter is near zero, summary() output <2.2e-16 (what a coincidence).
why limited to 64 bits? CPU have the execution units specifically to 64bits floating point arithmetic (64 bit IEEE 754 standard), if you use higher precision like 128 bits floating point, the performances will be lowered by 10 times or more, as CPU need to split the data and operation in multiple 64 bits data and operations.


Mathematical precision at 19th decimal place and beyond

I have the same set of data and am running the same code, but sometimes I get different results at the 19th decimal place and beyond. Although this is not a great concern to me for numbers less than 0.0001, it makes me wonder whether 19th decimal place is Raku's limit of precision?
Word 104 differ:
0.04948872986571077 19 chars
0.04948872986571079 19 chars
Word 105 differ:
0.004052062278212545 20 chars
0.0040520622782125445 21 chars
TL;DR See the doc's outstanding Numerics page.
(I had forgotten about that page before I wrote the following answer. Consider this answer at best a brief summary of a few aspects of that page.)
There are two aspects to this. Internal precision and printing precision.
100% internal precision until RAM is exhausted
Raku supports arbitrary precision number types. Quoting Wikipedia's relevant page:
digits of precision are limited only by the available memory of the host system
You can direct Raku to use one of its arbitrary precision types.[1] If you do so it will retain 100% precision until it runs out of RAM.
Arbitrary precision type
Corresponding type checking[2]
Example of value of that type
my Int $foo ...
my FatRat $foo ...
66174449004242214902112876935633591964790957800362273 / 13234889800848443102075932929798260216894990083844716
Thus you can get arbitrary internal precision for integers and fractions (including arbitrary precision decimals).
Limited internal precision
If you do not direct Raku to use an arbitrary precision number type it will do its best but may ultimately switch to limited precision. For example, Raku will give up on 100% precision if a formula you use calculates a Rat and the number's denominator exceeds 64 bits.[1]
Raku's fall back limited precision number type is Num:
On most platforms, [a Num is] an IEEE 754 64-bit floating point numbers, aka "double precision".
Quoting the Wikipedia page for that standard:
Floating point is used ... when a wider range is needed ... even if at the cost of precision.
The 53-bit significand precision gives from 15 to 17 significant decimal digits precision (2−53 ≈ 1.11 × 10−16).
Printing precision
Separate from internal precision is stringification of numbers.
(It was at this stage that I remembered the doc page on Numerics linked at the start of this answer.)
Quoting Printing rationals:
Keep in mind that output routines like say or put ... may choose to display a Num as an Int or a Rat number. For a more definitive string to output, use the raku method or [for a rational number] .nude
[1] You control the type of a numeric expression via the types of individual numbers in the expression, and the types of the results of numeric operations, which in turn depend on the types of the numbers. Examples:
1 + 2 is 3, an Int, because both 1 and 2 are Ints, and a + b is an Int if both a and b are Ints;
1 / 2 is not an Int even though both 1 and 2 are individually Ints, but is instead 1/2 aka 0.5, a Rat.
1 + 4 / 2 will print out as 3, but the 3 is internally a Rat, not an Int, due to Numeric infectiousness.
[2] All that enforcement does is generate a run-time error if you try to assign or bind a value that is not of the numeric type you've specified as the variable's type constraint. Enforcement doesn't mean that Raku will convert numbers for you. You have to write your formulae to ensure the result you get is what you want.[1] You can use coercion -- but coercion cannot regain precision that's already been lost.

The required number of digits (in base t) to represent the double in base t?

The required number of digits (in base t) to represent the positive integer S in base t is ⟦logtS⟧+1 (⟦.⟧: floor function).
I wondered, what is the required number of digits (in base 2) to represent the maximum positive double (floating point) number in computer. I have 64-bit OS and 32-bit R on it. Hence, I did:
.Machine$double.xmax # 1.797693e+308
typeof(.Machine$double.xmax) # double
floor(log(.Machine$double.xmax, 2))+1 # 1025
.Machine$integer.max # 2147483647
class(.Machine$integer.max) # integer
floor(log(.Machine$integer.max, 2))+1 # 31; (1 bit for sign bit)
So, the theory is OK for integers.
(1) But what about the double equivalent of the theorem? I.e., what is the required number of digits (in base t) to represent the double in base t?
(2) This may be difficult with real numbers with decimals. So, perhaps, one may know the equivalent of the theorem for decimalless reals (that is ">2147483647").
In particular, where does the 1025 above come from?
(3) Would I get 63 if I used 64-bit OS and 64-bit R for the following?
floor(log(.Machine$integer.max, 2))+1 # 63??; (1 bit for sign bit??)
Ad 3) I don't know about doubles but the integer internal representation is still 32 bits even on 64 bit systems. If you want to go bigger you need to use some sort of library for that for example 'bit64'
You will get more detailed information with help(double) and help(integer)

R largest/smallest representable numbers

I'm trying to get the largest/smallest representable number in R.
After typing ".Machine"
I got:
[1] 2.225074e-308
[1] 1.797693e+308
However even if I type 2.225074e-309 in R command prompt I get 2.225074e-309 instead of the expected 0
How can I find the largest/smallest number for which adding or subtracting 1 would lead to either Inf(Adding 1 to largest number) or 0(subtracting 1 from smallest number) ?
.Machine$double.xmin gives the value of the smallest positive number whose representation meets the requirements of IEEE 754 technical standard for floating point computation. As is mentioned in the Wikipedia article on double-precision floating point numbers, that standard requires that:
If a decimal string with at most 15 significant digits is converted to IEEE 754 double precision representation and then converted back to a string with the same number of significant digits, then the final string should match the original. If an IEEE 754 double precision is converted to a decimal string with at least 17 significant digits and then converted back to double, then the final number must match the original.
The same article goes on to note that, by compromising precision, even smaller positive numbers (which do not meet the standards' precision requirements) can be represented:
The 11 bit width of the exponent allows the representation of numbers between 10-308 and 10308, with full 15–17 decimal digits precision. By compromising precision, the subnormal representation allows even smaller values up to about 5 × 10-324.
R's doubles behave in exactly this way, as is noted in the Details section of ?.Machine:
Note that on most platforms smaller positive values than
‘.Machine$double.xmin’ can occur. On a typical R platform the
smallest positive double is about ‘5e-324’.
To confirm that that is the smallest positive value that can be represented using R's doubles and to see the cost in loss of precision, try out a few operations like this:
# [1] 4.940656e-324
# [1] 0
1.4 * 5e-324
# [1] 4.940656e-324
1.6 * 5e-324
# [1] 9.881313e-324
Here are some representations using SAS, IEEE 754 Big Endian?
data _null_;
put y hex16.;
put y E21.3;
data _null_;
put y hex16.;
put y E21.3;
I am not sure the smallest because SAS may set aside some values for missings.

How to do Division of two fixed point 64 bits variables in Synthesizable Verilog?

I'm implementing an Math equation in verilog, in a combinational scheme (assigns = ...) to the moment Synthesis tool (Quartus II) has been able to do add, sub and mul easly 32 bit unsigned absolute numbers by using the operators "+,- and *" respectively.
However, one of the final steps of the equation is to divide two 64 bits unsigned fixed point variables, the reason why is such of large 64 bit capacity is because I'm destinating 16 bits for integers and 48 bits for fractions (although, computer does everything in binary and doesn't care about fractions, I would be able to check the number to separate fraction from integer in the end).
Problem is that the operator "/" is useless since it auto-invokes a so-called "LPM_divide" library which output only gives me the integer, disregarding fractions, plus in a wrong position (the less significant bit).
For example:
b1000111010000001_000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 / b1000111010000001_000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
should be 1, it gives me
So, how can I make this division for synthesizable verilog? What methods or algorithms should I follow, I'd like it to be faster, maybe a full combinational?
I'd like it to keep the 16 integers - 24 fractions user point of view. Thanks in advance.
First assume you multiply two fixed-point numbers.
Let's call them X and Y, first containing Xf fractional bits, and second Yf fractional bits accordingly.
If you multiply those numbers as integers, the LSB Xf+Yf bits of the integer result could be treated as fractional bits of resulting fixed-point number (and you still multiply them as integers).
Similarly, if you divide number of Sf fractional bits by number of Df fractional bits, the resulting integer could be treated as fixed-point number having Sf-Df fractional bits -- therefore your example with resulting integer 1.
Thus, if you need to get 48 fractional bits from your division of 16.48 number by another 16.48 number, append divident with another 48 zeroed fractional bits, then divide the resulting 64+48=112-bit number by another 64-bit number, treating both as integers (and using LPM_divide). The result's LSB 48 bits will then be what you need -- the resulting fixed-point number's 48 fractional bits.

fixed point multiplication for normal multiplication

I need to multiply X with a floating point number in floating point as i don't have floating point operations in my processor. I understand the method but don't know why that method exists?
Suppose we want to multiply 2*4.5 in decimal I do the below:
2 * 4.5 (100.1)
So i multiply 2*1001 = 2*9 = 18 and then right shift by 1.
so 18>>1 = 9
Is it that we represent 2 in fixed point and represent 4.5 in fixed point and as we multiply Q1.1 and Q1.1 format so we get Q2.2 format and we do right shifting causing Q1.1 format result.Is this right?
In decimal, your fixed-point example is actually:
2 * 4.5
2 * 45 (after multiplying by 10) = 90
90 / 10 = 9 (after dividing the 10 back out)
In binary, the same thing is being done, but just with powers of 2 instead of powers of 10 (as the factors / divisors). Fixed point operations occur in purely integral space after appropriate multiplications. And multiplying or dividing by a power of 2 is just a left shift or right shift respectively on the binary number (very fast for the CPU). In fixed-point the number of bits to the left (integer) and right (fractional) of the decimal point are fixed (predetermined), which means that some numbers cannot be represented on the scale without loss of precision.
Floating-point further extends the concept by allowing the number of bits assigned to the left and right of the decimal point to be flexible. In floating point, every number is represented as an integral "significand" (or mantissa) to a specified power (for example, a power of 2). This representation allows the same number of significant digits to be maintained over a greater dynamic range (for very small or very large magnitude numbers). For floating point, most of the bits will be assigned to the significant digits of the mantissa, and fewer of the bits assigned to the digits of the power. Floating-point calculations are more expensive (time-wise) than fixed-point, which is why fixed-point remains popular in microcontrollers and embedded systems.
If I didn't answer your question, please elaborate and I will edit this answer to include the information you desire.
