Navigation tab hovering - css

I need help creating something like this link (
When the user hovers over the navigation, the grey triangle image will appear. I'm not very sure how to go about doing it. Please help!

The best way to do this is to use a plug-in, possibly for jQuery. There are many drop down menu plugins available. A google search for "jquery drop down menu" will help you. One of the first results for me is:
The second one down on that page appears to have the effect you want, but it also depends on how you want the rest of the menu to appear. You will need to do some research and choose one that suits you.
OR, if you just want a grey triangle to appear, without the menu, when you hover over an element, then some css like this is what you want:
li:hover {
background:url('./images/grey_triangle.png') center bottom;
Which says, when the li element is hovered, use ./images/grey_triangle.png as the background image and place it in the center at the bottom of the element. You would need to create your own grey triangle, set appropriate padding etc, but that is the basic css you need for the effect.


How to fix the Wordpress (Twenty Eleven) CSS Menu Alignment?

I am having hard time tweaking a CSS part of the menu.
I have a website here at where the last title "CONTACT" of the menu comes up with a line ahead and doesn't fits the menu. though i was successful in getting the "HOME" first menu item correctly fitting the menu but not the last one.
Can you please tell me what CSS i should add to fix this MENU problem. Also, please have a look i need the last item of the menu to be showing as same css as the first one (HOME).
I need the menu's items to look similar to the one here: (have a look at the last "CONTACT" which fits the menu correctly).
I look forward to hearing back for HELP :)
Muzammil Rafiq
in your css you will want to add two styles
#access li {
width: 25%;
#access li:last-of-type, li#menu-item-31{
border-right: none !important;
width:24% !important;
the first will make each menu element 1 quarter of the width... the second removes the right border on the last element and re-sizes it to fit properly on one line of the navigation bar.
the !important tags may not be necessary but they will ensure this works on the first go.
Well, if you want to create a horizontal menu you should float the list items. But as I can see from your example website you want the list items to be even in width, so you need to put those list item into containers, determing the width for each list container and float those. Also text-align center your a tags.
Good Luck!

Pure CSS drop down with divs on hover

I'm going for a pretty minimalistic look on my site and I was wondering how I could achieve a look like this:
The top left hand corner in the picture would be transparent or a solid color to match the top navigation bar. What I'm looking to do is to show the six different colored boxes as block elements so when someone hovers over the navigation part, the six boxes drop down and can be used as links. I'm not sure how to do this, as I'm a newbie to CSS.
Please help!
Something like this? :
I didn't bother using the colours/fonts etc you asked for, just the idea behind it

Drop Down menu Display using css

In the below image my drop down menu is not displaying over the content.It is very transparent know.Can anyone help me what I have to add to make this drop down menu un-transparent.
Your dropdown is probably a div in the html dom. You could find the name of that `div' and then apply a background to it using css:
.dropdown_div_name { background-color: white; }
Re looking at the image you posted it is most probably a problem with the z-index as others also suggested, since for example if you look at the 'Technology/Connected TV' header, that shows over the menu contents. That could be fixed by changing the z-index of the dropdown menu
.dropdown_div_name { z-index:100; }
where 100 should be a number bigger than the z-index of the rest items that you want it to overlap
A background-color. Without one, the default colour is transparent, hence you see everything behind it.

z-index not working with css3 drop down nav

I am modifying a css3 nav that i found in a tutorial and I am having trouble with the z-indexing.
Please check out the nav here:
If you rollover either of the 2 nav items, you can see that the z-indexing of the drop down box is higher than the link that spawned it.
This is not true as I have made the z-index of the rollover box lower in the stacking order.
What I am trying to achieve is to have the drop down box fall underneath the link so the the drop shadow of the drop down box is not visible on top. I want the link and drop down box to meld into one and I think by making the link sit on top of the drop down box, I can achieve this.
It is done here at Shopify: (rollover 'resources')
Anyway, hope someone can shed light on this.
I am assuming that the problem lies in the fact that the object I am trying to add z-indexes to are hovers and also that they are not regular divs as such.
Anyway, thank you for at least reading all this. I appreciate your time,
I made a demo for you on jsFiddle. Try moving your background and z-index style to the .drop link instead of the list item in your code and it should work.
You are applying your z-index:999 to the <li class="menu_right"> and then applying z-index:1 to the <div class="dropdown_1column align_right"> child element. If you want it to appear underneath the <li>, make it a sibling, not a child.

Css help, report link

We are creating our articles page, and the MAIN div contains the article. I have done a fiddle:
The issue I have ( hover over bottom right corner )
That link only appears if the user hovers over that particular area. What I want is the link to appear, if they mouse anywhere within the main div.
Its driving me nuts lol.
Any help appreciated.
To Clarify:
UNLESS you hover over the DIV , I dont want the link to be seen at all.
You have the CSS:
#mainPane .reportThisLink a {
color: #FFFFFF;
text-decoration: none;
Which means the link is there, but in white. Set the color to something else :)
You could just use javascript to catch a :hover event on that div, then make that link show up.
That would be the simplest thing to do, but if you don't use a JS framework on your website right now, it could increase page loading times.
Just an idea.
