Upgrading an Amazon EC2 instance from t1.micro to medium, instance storage remains same - unix

We have been using micro instance till our development phase. But now, as we are about to go live, we want to upgrade our instance to type medium.
I followed these simple steps: stop the running instance, change instance type to medium and then start the instance again. I can see the instance is upgraded in terms of the memory. But the storage still shows to be 8GB. But according to the configuration mentioned, a m1.medium type instance should have 1x410GB storage.
Am I doing anything wrong or missing out something? Please help!

Keep in mind, EBS storage (which you are currently using) and Instance storage (which is what you are looking for) are two different things in EC2.
EBS storage is similar to a SAN volume. It exists outside of the host. You can create multiple EBS volumes of up to 1TB and attach them to any instance size. Smaller instances have lower available bandwidth to EBS volumes so they will not be able to effectively take advantage of all that many volumes.
Instance storage is essentially hard drives attached to the host. While its included in the instance cost, it comes with some caveats. It is not persistent. If you stop your instance, or the host fails for any reason, the data stored on the instance store will be lost. For this reason, it has to be explicitly enabled when the instance is first launched.
Generally, its not recommended that to use instance storage unless you are conformable with and have designed your infrastructure around the non-persistance of instance storage.

The sizes mentioned for the instance types are just these defaults. If you create an image from a running micro instance, it will get that storage size as default, even if this image later is started as medium.
But you can change the storage size when launching the instance:
You also can change the default storage size when creating an image:
WARNING: This will resize the storage size. It will not necessarily resize the partition existing on it nor will it necessarily resize the file system on that partition. On Linux it resized everything automagically (IIRC), on a Windows instance you will have to resize your stuff yourself. For other OSes I have no idea.

I had a similar situation. I created a m2.medium instance of 400 GB, but when I log into the shell and issue the command
df -h
... it shows an 8 GB partition.
However, the command
sudo fdisk -l
showed that the device was indeed 400 GB. The problem is that Amazon created a default 8 GB partition on it, and that partition needs to be expanded to the full size of the device. The command to do this is:
sudo resize2fs -f /dev/xvda1
where /dev/xvda1 is the mounted root volume. Use the 'df -h' command to be sure you have the right volume name.
Then simply reboot the instance, log in again, and you'll see the fdisk command now says there's nearly 400 GB available space. Problem solved.


Typical resource request required for an nginx file explorer deployed on kubernetes

I have 2 nfs mounts of 100TB each i.e. 200TB in total. I have mounted these 2 on Kubernetes container. My file server is a typical log server that holds a mix of data types like JSON, HTML, images, logs and text files, etc. The size of files also varies a lot. I am kind of guessing what should be the ideal resource request for this kubernetes container? My assumption,
As this is file reads its i/o intensive operation, CPU should be high
Since we may have a large file size transferred over, Memory should also be high.
Just wanted to check if my assumptions are right?
Posting this community wiki answer to set a baseline and to show one possible set of actions that should led to solution.
Feel free to edit and expand.
As I stated previously, this setup will heavily depend on case to case basis and giving the approximate could be misleading. In my opinion the best course of actions to take would be:
Install monitoring tools
Deploy the application for testing
Simulate the load
Install monitoring tools
There are a lot of monitoring tools that can retrieve the data about the CPU and Memory usage of your Pods. You will need to choose the one that suits your workloads and infrastructure best.
Some of them are:
Deploy the application for testing
This can also be a quite wide topic considering the fact that the exact requirements and the infrastructure is not known. One of many questions is if the Deployment should have a steady replica amount or should use some kind of Horizontal Pod Autoscaling (basing on CPU and/or Memory). The access modes on the storage shouldn't matter as NFS supports RWX.
The basic implementation of the Deployment that could be used can be found in the official Kubernetes documentation:
Kubernetes.io: Docs: Concepts: Workloads: Controllers: Deployment: Creating a deployment
Kubernetes.io: Docs: Concepts: Storage: Volumes: NFS
Simulate the load
The simulation part could go either as a real life usage or by using a tool to simulate the load. You would need in this part to choose the option/tool that suits your requirements the most. This part will show you the approximate resources that should be allocated to your nginx file explorer.
A side note!
In my testing I've used ab to check if the load was divided equally by X amount of replicas.
Additional resources
I do recommend to check the official guide on official Kubernetes documentation regarding managing resources:
Kubernetes.io: Docs: Concepts: Configuration: Manage resources containers
I also think that the VPA could help you in the whole process as:
Vertical Pod Autoscaler (VPA) frees the users from necessity of setting up-to-date resource limits and requests for the containers in their pods. When configured, it will set the requests automatically based on usage and thus allow proper scheduling onto nodes so that appropriate resource amount is available for each pod. It will also maintain ratios between limits and requests that were specified in initial containers configuration.
It can both down-scale pods that are over-requesting resources, and also up-scale pods that are under-requesting resources based on their usage over time.
-- Github.com: Kubernetes: Autoscaler: Vertical Pod Autoscaler
I'd reckon you could also look on this answer:
Stackoverflow.com: Answers: PromQL query to find CPU and memory used for the last week

Cloud Run: Why does my instance need so much RAM?

I have a Golang process that runs SQL queries on a 400MB SQLite file.
I am using https://github.com/mattn/go-sqlite3 with the connection string:
When run on my dev machine on Docker it only needs 20MB of RAM, but on Google Run any instance smaller than 512MB will return HTTP code 500 with a memory exceeded limit in the logs.
docker diff x shows that the DB file is not modified (which I assume would cause gVisor to copy the whole binary SQLite db file to RAM to modify it).
How the docker image is built
I am copying the SQLite DB file into the image with the source code:
FROM golang:latest
COPY . /go/src/api
I have a global var in my Golang file: var db *sqlx.DB
This gets set in the main fn, before ListenAndServe:
conStr := fmt.Sprintf("file:%s?mode=ro&_journal=DELETE", *fileName)
dbConn, err := sqlx.Open("sqlite3", conStr)
db = dbConn
I query the db within a HTTP request:
err := db.Selectv(&outDataSet, "SELECT...", arg1, arg2)
Why this must be an issue with the Cloud Run environment
docker stats never goes above 20MB when run locally.
Limiting docker run to 20MB RAM also runs fine on my dev machine:
docker run \
--memory=20m \
--memory-swap=20m \
The Cloud Run "Container Memory Allocation" metric also stays well below 128M:
According to the official documentation:
Configuring Memory Limits
Cloud Run container instances that exceed their allowed memory limit
are terminated.
The following count towards the available memory of your container
a.running the application executable (as the executable must be loaded
to memory)
b.allocating memory in your application process
c.writing files
to the filesystem
The size of the deployed container image does not
count towards the available memory.
Also I would suggest to consider:
Are your container instances exceeding memory?
Your container instances might be exceeding the available memory. To
determine if this is the case, look for such errors in the
varlog/system logs. If the instances are exceeding the available
memory, consider increasing the memory limit.
Note that the Cloud Run container instances run in an environment
where the files written to the local filesystem count towards the
available memory. This also includes any log files that are not
written to /var/log/* or /dev/log.
It seems that your container file systems is using the memory.
In the Cloud Run (fully managed) environment disk storage is an in-memory filesystem. link

What is the difference between cold and hot reboot in openstack

I am new to openstack for virtualization.
I can reboot instance by 2 ways: cold and hard reboot.
I can understand the difference on a physical computer, but what is the difference between cold and hot reboot on a VM ?
Apart from the documentation here that it's already mentioned on this thread:
A hard-reboot also affects the virtual machine at hypervisor level. Example: If you are using libvirt-based hypervisors (qemu/kvm), the instance control file (the libvirt XML representing the virtual machine in Libvirt) get's reconstructed from scratch.
That's very usefull when for any reason the instance storage space (/var/lib/nova/instances/INSTANCE_UUID) suffers any kind of problem, or, in general for any reason that you need OpenStack to reconstruct the libvirt definitions !.
It affects both the XML libvirt definition normally stored at /etc/libvirt/qemu and the copy at /var/nova/instances/INSTANCE_UUID.
So, in resume: Use hard-reboot if you need to fully reset/reboot the instance up to Hypervisor level. As you can see, is more like a "power-cycle with steroids".
Hope this helps !!

how to get instances back after reboot in openstack

After successful installation of devstack and launching instances,but once reboot machine, need to start all over again and lose all the instances which were launched back then.I tried rejoin-stack but did not worked,How can i get the instances back after reboot ?
You might set resume_guests_state_on_host_boot = True in nova.conf. The file should be located at /etc/nova/nova.conf
I've found some old discussion http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/openstack/dev/8772
AFAIK at the present time OpenStack (Icehouse) still not completely aware about environments inside it, so it can't restore completely after reboot. The instances will be there (virsh domains), but even if you start them manually or using nova flags I'm not sure whether other facilities will handle this correctly (e.g. neutron will correctly configure all L3 rules according to DB records, etc.) Honestly I'm pretty sure they won't...
The answer depends of what you need to achieve:
If you need a template environment (e.g. similar set of instances and networks each time after reboot) you may just script everything. In other words just make a bash script creating everything you need and run it each time after stack.sh. Make sure you're starting with clean environment since OpenStack DB state remains between ./unstack - ./stack.sh or ./rejoin-stack.sh (you might try to just clean DB, or delete it. stack.sh will build it back).
If you need a persistent environment (e.g. you don't want to loose VM's and whole infrastructure state after reboot) I'm not aware how to do this using OpenStack. F.e. neutron agents (they configure iptables, dhcp etc) do not save state and driven by events from Neutron service. They will not restore after reboot, so the network will be dead. I'll be very glad if someone will share a method to do such recovery.
In general I think OpenStack is not focusing on this and will not focus during the nearest release cycles. Common approach is to have multi-node environment where each node is replaceable.
See http://docs.openstack.org/high-availability-guide/content/ch-intro.html for reference
devstack is an ephemeral environment. it is not supposed to survive a reboot. this is not a supported behavior.
that being said you might find success in re-initializing the environment by running
follower by
Again, devstack is an ephemeral environment. It's primary purpose for existing is to run gate testing for openstack's CI infrastructure.
or try ./rejoin-stack.sh to re-join previous screens.

Why is PCD bit set when I don't use ioremap_cache?

I am using ubuntu 12.10 32 bit on an x86 system. I have physical memory(about 32MB,sometimes more) which is enumerated and reserved through the ACPI tables as a device so that linux/OS cannot use it. I have a Linux driver for this memory device. THe driver implements mmap() so that when a process calls mmap(), the driver can map this reserved physical memory to user space. I also sometimes do nothing in the mmap except setup the VMA's and point vma->vmops to the vm_operations_struct with the open close and fault functions implemented. When the application accesses the mmapped memory, I get a page fault and my .fault function is called. Here is use vm_insert_pfn to map the virtual address to any physical address in the 32MB that I want.
Here is the problem I have: In the driver, if I call ioremap_cache() during init, I get good cache performance from the application when I access data in this memory. However, if I don't call ioremap_cache(), I see that any access to these physical pages results in a cache miss and gives horrible performance. I looked into the PTE's and see that the PCD bit for these virtual address->physical translation are set, which means caching on these physical pages is disabled. We tried setting _PAGE_CACHE_WB in the vma_page_prot field and also used remap_pfn_range with the new vma_page_prot but PCD bit was still set in the PTE's.
Does anybody have any idea on how we can ensure caching is enabled for this memory? The reason I don't want to use ioremap_cache() for 32 MB is because there are limited Kernel Virtual Address on 32bit systems and I don't want to hold them.
Read linux/Documentation/x86/pat.txt
Boot Linux with debugpat
After trying the set_memory_wb() APIs, check /sys/kernel/debug/x86/pat_memtype_list
