Anyone with an idea on how to create a nested repeater for kentico? I am trying to achieve a picture gallery with an album such that the album is displayed and a click on an album takes you to the pictures in that album.
I wish I only see a sample as I have only been able create a single repeater creating a picture gallery and not a picture album.
here is my code:
<cms:CMSRepeater ID="pixgallery" runat="server" ClassNames="custom.Gallery"
TransformationName="custom.Gallery.Preview" >
How do I manage this>
The nested controls are used to display some kind of hierarchy. Please see the sample. Or, you can also use Hierarchical transformations.
Is there someone who can tell me how you loop over the contacts in the template "Vendor ratings" please ?
I give you a screenshot of the page. To reproduce, go to the "Contacts" page, add a new contact and see two contacts...
I want to do the same behavior for my application and I don't know how to loop...
When I create a single card with a label binding for example, I only have 1 card displayed although in my datasource I have two results...
Thanks a lot for your help.
You are looking for widgets that can render repetitive data: List, Accordion, Grid. You can build prototype row/cell inside such widget, bind it to array of items (datasource) and App Maker's runtime will take care about the rest for you:
I've followed the example in the "Starter App". The menu shows all my pages. However, I only want certain pages to show. The example uses #pages._values as the data source, but I don't want all pages to show in the menu (some pages are only available under certain circumstances or are called from other pages).
How do I limit the menu datasource to the pages I want?
Following the "Starter App" template, first select the "Menu" PageFragment and then select the MenuListRow widget:
Then expand the Display properties and click on "visible". Next, click on "binding".
Now, we will use an array to determine what are the pages we want to limit. In this example, the array I'm using is ["Admin", "TestOne"] and we will use the indexOf method to match the page name that the label inside the list row widget contains. The value looks like this ["Admin", "TestOne"].indexOf(#widget.descendants.MenuItem.text) !== -1
Now just click "Ok" and then preview the app. The result is the following:
Please note that in the example I have 6 pages but only the two that are in the array are displayed. I hope this is helpful. If you need further clarification, please let me know.
I am working on a Dotnetnuke module and i try to read the products i have in my sql server database.
I managed to read the data from the asp tools LinqDataSource and ive inserted them in listview etc. This is now what i need.
The ideal would be if i could read from database my table, and for each row on the db.table to dinamically create a asp:table cell in the design. The asp table ould be 4x5. so 4 columns and 5 rows, and each cell would include an image and the text i load from the database(the image wont load from db, its the same image for all products).
Also if there are more than 20 products then a 2nd page is created with the rest, and page navigation at the bottom.
this is the result i want.
I didnt try much programmatically as i dont really know how to start this. Only from design i tried a few things but they are like a listview so it doesnt help much.
Any ideas or suggestions people?
I managed to make the interface of the picture i provided and made all products clickable, all this from the design view with a ListView.
You can ask if you want any details
I've got an <mx:Button> in my application, I have 10 items in an XML Node. What I'd like to do is when the button is clicked show the next 5 XML Nodes.
How do I achieve this?
My code is as follows at the mo :
<mx:Button x="1380.65" y="582.65" styleName="rightButton"/>
The style is just setting the up / over and down states of the button. But I want it to function and show the XML nodes in groups of 5.
How are you displaying the first five items?
If you're displaying things in a list or DataGrid, I believe you can set the verticalScrollPosition to scroll the list via a button click.
If you are displaying items using TextInputs, custom component, or other non-renderer-based classes, you just need to manually write some code to update the display elements based on the currently displayed index and what is next.
Can you offer a running sample? That may us direct you!
Im using Visual Studio 2008, on an ASP.NET C# website. Overall what I want to accomplish is that when an item from a list of items is clicked, a video will display on the same page. I want this done all in one aspx page, I dont want to create a new page for each video file. The video files are hosted for me on
What I have done is created data-bounded radio list, and a datagrid which is binded to whatever is selected from my radio list. So when an item from that radio list is clicked, the video will diplay on the page, along with a description of the video and other important info.
What i have dome so far does not display my videos. Thats why I am here. I need to know how I can replace one of the fields from my data grid with an embedded web object.
What path do you guys recommend I take to acomplish my goal?
With JoeRage's suggestion to use Shadowbox.js, Im going to have on my datagrid a simple link that when clicked, a video will display. My problem is how do I make my hyperlinks get formatted with the following info:
<a rel="shadowbox;width=800;height=600" title="Basic Pricebook Training" href="VideoContent/pricebookMgtBasic.swf"><img src="VideoContent/PricebookMgtBasic.gif" alt="" class="border"></a>
I know that on a datagrid, i can add a hypertextFeild. Problem is that even if I use the DataTextDormatString?
Check ShawdowBox.js.
Edit: You can use a TemplateColumn to build the desire output.