Dynamic Data website Authentication -

I have created an ASP.NET Dynamic Data Website using VS 2012.
Now, I need to add authentication/access control to this site.
By default this project type does not come with any Login page,.. to control access to the application.
Could you please suggest a quick and clean way of controlling access?
I do not at this point of time need table level security.
Just letting authorized users to access this application is sufficient.
Thanks a lot


ASP.NET ADFS authentication to access sharepoint

I want to build an application to access sharepoint website. First I have created a login form..
I want to authenticate via ADFS How to do that from my website.
How to access the sharepoint utilities after logged in.
That's it. I just want to show the files/documents at my website.
Please share me links or sample if any one have. If available in MVC then no problem.
Thanks in advance.
As you want to display SharePoint List/Library data in your own application/website, so in this scenario, there are two approaches:
Approach 1
Use RSS feeds to embed SharePoint Data into your Application/Website. You can use any RSS Feed viewer for your application.
Approach 2
You can use SharePoint Client Object Model (CSOM). Using CSOM you can get data from SharePoint Environment and use the data to embed in your application.
Here is a reference link to get familiar with CSOM :
Hope these details will help you.

Using Sessions in an ASP.NET 4.0 Log-In Control

I'm currently developing a website using Visual Studio 2010. As you all might know, creating a new website here automatically adds an Account folder which contains webpages like Login.aspx, etc. I am implementing this Login.aspx which contains the ASP.NET Login control. It's now functioning the way it should but I have a few concerns.
Before, I used to create my own UI for the log-in so managing sessions is not a problem to me. But since i'm currently using the Login.aspx which has a CS file almost empty, i don't have an idea where I can start implementing my session. Meaning to say, I don't know how to check programatically if the user has been successfully logged in so I can start implementing my session.
I would very much appreciate any pointer regarding this matter.
Thanks in advance. :)
You could subscribe for the Authenticate event and perform some custom authentication logic. Also you may take a look at the following article.
There are events associate with ASP.NET Login Control that you can use to create session like OnLoggingIn. Moreover you can find more about user validation from here Validating User Credentials Against the Membership

Can I use SharePoint to authenticate users on a separately hosted website?

The behaviour I would like is for a user to be able to visit a custom built website and if they are already authenticated against sharepoint for the custom website to know who they are and give them various rights. If they are not recognised by sharepoint then I would like them to login to sharepoint and be directed back to the custom website.
Sharepoint picks its users and groups up from Active Directory. I don't know much about the internals of the server, but the custom one will be in a separate domain (I think) though I have full control over the custom and moderate control over the SP infrastructure.
A hint at how to progress would be great!
As you rightly said SharePoint can be condigured to use Active Directory for Authentication and User Management. So AD and Sharepoint are 2 different things and you are just linking them. You can develop your custom application to use AD for Authentication.
Using SharePoint groups in your custom application is difficult (You will have to develop your own service which will check the loggedin user and see if he is present in the SharePoint group)
Another option is to use a Custom membership provider and use this in your sharepoint application. This way you can use the same membership provider for your application.
Check out Configuring Single Sign on for SharePoint. Could give you some ideas.

SharePoint 2010 / ASP.Net Integration - Looking for advice

I have been Googling a problem that I have with trying to integrate the web application that I am working on with SharePoint 2010.
The web application is a wiki style tool that allows users to log in via forms authentication or WIA against Active Directory and create content for themselves and others.
What we would like to do is to allow a user have a page with the content they have created in our web application mixed in with content that they have living on the SharePoint server. For example, they may want to see a list of documents that they have on the SharePoint server mixed in with some of their content.
To accomplish this, we would like to take the credentials the user has logged into our web application with (for example MYDOMAIN\jsmith) and be able to query SharePoint for the documents of that same user (MYDOMAIN\jsmith) WITHOUT the user being prompted to re-enter their credentials to access the SharePoint server (we are trying to avoid the double-hop problem)
We have come up with some options for how we want to do this, but we are unsure of what the best approach is.
For example, we could
- Have a global user, shared by all users to get information we need from SharePoint. The downside is that we cannot filter SharePoint content to a particular user
- We could store the users credentials when they log in, but that would only work for users authenticating via forms auth and would be a security issue that some users/clients would not like
- Writing a SharePoint extension using WCF to allow us to access the information we need, however we'd still have the issue of figuring out how to impersonate the user we want.
Neither of these options are ideal and in our investigation we came across the Claims Authentication/STS option which seems like it is trying to solve the problem we are having.
So my question is, based on what I have written, is Claims/STS the best approach for us? We have not been able to find much direction on how to use this method to call into SharePoint from a Web Application and pass along the existing credentials.
Does anyone have any experience with any of these issues?
It sounds like you may be overcomplicating the problem. The reason that the user gets asked for credentials twice is that the two parts of the system are on different servers. The easiest solution is probably to implement your custom web app as custom pages/web parts within SharePoint.
If that isn't an option, a smaller amount of code on the SharePoint server (maybe a custom web service) should give you a few more options for impersonating a particular user.

Displaying the current authenticated Sharepoint user from an Page Viewer Web Part

I am creating a standalone page that needs to be embedded into a sharepoint site using the Page Viewer Web Part. The page is published to the same server on a different port, giving me the URL to embed.
The requirement is that after a user is authenticated using Sharepoint authentication, they navigate to a page containing the web part for more options.
What I need to do from this page is query Sharepoint for the currently authenticated username, then display this on the page from the code.
This all works fine when I debug the application from VS, but when published and displayed though Sharepoint, I always get NULL as the user.
Any suggestions on the best way to get this to work would be much appreciated.
If you want to retrieve the currently authenticated user from the SharePoint context, you need to remain within the SharePoint context. This means hosting your custom web application within SharePoint (see Then from your custom application reference Microsoft.SharePoint and use the SPContext object to retrieve the user name. For example:
You can still use the Page Viewer Web Part to reference the URL of the site, now located within the SharePoint context.
Thanks heaps for the answers!
Turns out that as long as the page is using the same URL and port as the Sharepoint site, authentication works across both sites.
The solution is to use a Virtual Directory inside of the sharepoint site and install the page there.
When it works in debug, is that being used in SharePoint?
Your page and the Sharepoint site might as well be on different servers as far as authentication is concerned -- in order to get the information over you might need to pass it via the QueryString from the webpart if you can -- or you might need to make your own webpart to do this (just put an IFRAME in the part with the src set to your page with the QueryString passing the username).
It does seem that this would be a security issue if you use the name for anything though -- if you are just displaying it, then it's probably fine.
If you actually need to be authenticated, you might need to add authentication into the web.config of the site hosting your standalone page.
edit: I think you'd have better luck putting your page on the same port and server as SharePoint.
I suspect you will have a hard time specifically querying SharePoint for the currently authenticated username. I can't think of a way to easily access the SharePoint context from a separate web application like you are describing.
I don't know what kind of authentication scheme you are using, but you may want to consider using Kerberos, as I've found that it can make these kinds of scenarios a little easier by allowing for delegation and passing credentials from application to application or server to server.
