Can I use SharePoint to authenticate users on a separately hosted website? -

The behaviour I would like is for a user to be able to visit a custom built website and if they are already authenticated against sharepoint for the custom website to know who they are and give them various rights. If they are not recognised by sharepoint then I would like them to login to sharepoint and be directed back to the custom website.
Sharepoint picks its users and groups up from Active Directory. I don't know much about the internals of the server, but the custom one will be in a separate domain (I think) though I have full control over the custom and moderate control over the SP infrastructure.
A hint at how to progress would be great!

As you rightly said SharePoint can be condigured to use Active Directory for Authentication and User Management. So AD and Sharepoint are 2 different things and you are just linking them. You can develop your custom application to use AD for Authentication.
Using SharePoint groups in your custom application is difficult (You will have to develop your own service which will check the loggedin user and see if he is present in the SharePoint group)
Another option is to use a Custom membership provider and use this in your sharepoint application. This way you can use the same membership provider for your application.
Check out Configuring Single Sign on for SharePoint. Could give you some ideas.


How to get SharePoint Site authentication information to use it in an ASP.NET website which is integrated inside that SharePoint Site?

I have integrated my ASP.NET website into a SharePoint Site by using an IFrame in the SharePoint Page via a Content Editor Web Part. The ASP.NET web application doesn't have any authentication & authorization implemented in it.But the SharePoint site is having some authentication implemented. Now my requirement is how to get and use that SharePoint authentication information in my ASP.NET web application programmatically to do some code manipulations based on the authenticated user level.Any help would be appreciated.Thanks in Advance
The 'Right' way of doing it would be to redevelop your site as a collection of Application pages. This allows you to limit permissions to Site Collection Administrators, or just about any level of SharePoint Authentication.
This allows you to use the SharePoint object model directly in your 'web' application.
It's a bit complicated to shift from a traditional web application to getting all the pieces running under the Sharepoint _layouts folder, but its worth the time spent and pretty easy to update.
It should be noted that your existing IIS website would be removed and the pages re-homed to that layout folder, via a SharePoint Feature containing your application pages. Dynamic Data website Authentication

I have created an ASP.NET Dynamic Data Website using VS 2012.
Now, I need to add authentication/access control to this site.
By default this project type does not come with any Login page,.. to control access to the application.
Could you please suggest a quick and clean way of controlling access?
I do not at this point of time need table level security.
Just letting authorized users to access this application is sufficient.
Thanks a lot

How to get the SharePoint authenticated user from an ASP.NET webpage?

I am kind of new to this, and I'm still trying to figure out how the whole thing works.
I have a sharepoint site, and I also have separate ASP webpages, they are under the same domain, but different servers. They both authenticate to AD.
I thought that by having my webpages under the same domain as the sharepoint, once I had an user authenticate to sharepoint (windows authentication), my webpages would be able to find who that was, as long as they had windows authentication also. But I guess it doesn't work like that.
So, my main goal is: from an ASP.NET page, I want to be able to get the authentication info from SharePoint.
What should I do?
The users are authenticated by thier login credentials with AD. In a C# ASP.Net page you can get thier username from System.Web.HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name
You can use this information to make a web service call to the SharePoint User Profile Service in order to get details SharePoint records on that user. This assumes that the user profile services is installed and running (not a given).
As for authentication information, you will need to be more specific about which information.
Remember that the rights given to a given AD user differ completely between what is permissioned for SharePoint and anything you have for the ASP.Net website.
If you are wanting to get information on what permissions a given user has, you can use the SharePoint Permissions web service to get information on what permission there are.
Unfortunately, accessing that webservice requires elevated rights on the SharePoint server.
If you are just wanting to align the two sites so they have consistent permissions, your easiest bet is to create the relevant groups in AD and permission those groups independantly in each application.

SharePoint 2010 / ASP.Net Integration - Looking for advice

I have been Googling a problem that I have with trying to integrate the web application that I am working on with SharePoint 2010.
The web application is a wiki style tool that allows users to log in via forms authentication or WIA against Active Directory and create content for themselves and others.
What we would like to do is to allow a user have a page with the content they have created in our web application mixed in with content that they have living on the SharePoint server. For example, they may want to see a list of documents that they have on the SharePoint server mixed in with some of their content.
To accomplish this, we would like to take the credentials the user has logged into our web application with (for example MYDOMAIN\jsmith) and be able to query SharePoint for the documents of that same user (MYDOMAIN\jsmith) WITHOUT the user being prompted to re-enter their credentials to access the SharePoint server (we are trying to avoid the double-hop problem)
We have come up with some options for how we want to do this, but we are unsure of what the best approach is.
For example, we could
- Have a global user, shared by all users to get information we need from SharePoint. The downside is that we cannot filter SharePoint content to a particular user
- We could store the users credentials when they log in, but that would only work for users authenticating via forms auth and would be a security issue that some users/clients would not like
- Writing a SharePoint extension using WCF to allow us to access the information we need, however we'd still have the issue of figuring out how to impersonate the user we want.
Neither of these options are ideal and in our investigation we came across the Claims Authentication/STS option which seems like it is trying to solve the problem we are having.
So my question is, based on what I have written, is Claims/STS the best approach for us? We have not been able to find much direction on how to use this method to call into SharePoint from a Web Application and pass along the existing credentials.
Does anyone have any experience with any of these issues?
It sounds like you may be overcomplicating the problem. The reason that the user gets asked for credentials twice is that the two parts of the system are on different servers. The easiest solution is probably to implement your custom web app as custom pages/web parts within SharePoint.
If that isn't an option, a smaller amount of code on the SharePoint server (maybe a custom web service) should give you a few more options for impersonating a particular user.

Shared Authentication, Membership & Roles across DNN and applications

Here's my situation. I have a DotNetNuke application. I want to link to an existing website from within the DNN website, and have decided to use DNN's IFrame for that.
The existing application uses Forms Authentication for security - only authorized users can access the pages. This application also requires user roles for authorization to different pages.
I don't want users to have to sign on twice, and I'd like the page to use the user membership and role data from the DNN application - it shouldn't require it's own membership database.
Is this possible? According to the MSDN website:
"ASP.NET supports forms authentication in a distributed environment, either across applications on a single server or in a Web farm. When forms authentication is enabled across multiple ASP.NET applications, users are not required to re-authenticate when switching between the applications."
Does this apply to DotNetNuke applications linking to applications? Both are on the same domain, too.
(I tried modifying the config.web of the page to work with the DNN config.web, matching machine keys and forms settings - but it didn't work. I could be doing something wrong, but before I pursue, I want to know if it's even possible.)
Thanks for any help!
I don't know if what you're talking about is possible within DNN. We're on DNN 4.0 and they do some weird things with the ASP.NET membership tables which may cause trouble.
What I can tell you is an alternative way (assuming you have control over the ASP.NET application). There is a project called MADAM (Mixed Authentication Disposition ASP.NET Modules - I know a bit of a mouthful) that can be used to provide a method other than forms authentication for application logon.
What you could do is set MADAM up on your ASP.NET application and from DNN pass user credentials to the ASP.NET application. The end result appears to the user as single sign on.
If you need me to elaborate on anything, let me know in the comments.
Actually i am displaying some aspx pages in a iframe module present on a dnn page. Now since inside the iFrame i am displaying aspx pages hosted elsewhere but on same server. I am just want to authenticate the dnn logged-in user before loading the page inside iFrame.
Do dnn provide any API which i can call from apsx pages hosted elsewhere in order to restrict access to ony unauthorized user.
