How to change page title dynamicly without refresh site -

i wanna have a Faceook-Feature in my website: Everytime a user gets a Private Message, the title should be change in something like "[1 PM] TITLE",
How to do that?
I know its easy to change the page-title, the question is how to run a database query every 10 seconds (or is that to often?) and change the title - Without an user interaction (ajax?)

You can use jquery setInterval to make a AJAX request after a certain interval to get data from the db.
setInterval(function() {
url: "page.html",
success: {
document.title ='new title';
error: function(){
//error occurred
}, 2000);
And on AJAX success you can change the page title.


button in ASP.NET are all post method?

Are all button control has to be post method? or we can set it to get method, for example, I want to see an employee details by giving employeeId and click submit button
There is no difference between GET and POST method. They both provide url and parameters. POST method only have some advantages and some restrictions.
If your button is on form (as in classic, and there is no javascript handler for this button - only POST method can be here.
If you create jquery code (or pure javascript), that overrides default behaviour of the button, you can select what method use: POST or GET
$('#button').click(function() {
url: '....',
data: { ....},
type: 'GET', //or 'POST'
success: function(res) {
//all fine
error: function() {
//invalid url or server error
return false; //to avoid default submit

viewRender does not update calendar when eventsource is changed

Whenever the user selects the calendar I need to go back to the server and refresh the data for the dates they have selected - so on next, prev, etc. buttons. I tested that the event source works if defined on the calendar - but defined this way does not get the events. How do I hook up the views, next, prev buttons with the ajax call?
viewRender: function(view, element) {
var eventSource = {
url: '/JVCalendar/GetJVCalendarEvents',
type: 'POST',
data: {
start: "01/01/2015",
end: "01/31/2015",
calendarId: "1"
error: function() {
alert('there was an error while fetching events!');
$('#calendar').fullCalendar('addEventSource', eventSource);
I'll add this as an answer since it's only mentioned in the comments. Credits go to #smcd. Finally found this after a lot of hassle.
fullCalendar already sends the start and end date by default. When looking in the network logs I can see the parameters being added automatically.

How to manually render a template in Meteor?

The Discover Meteor book shows how to use the sasha:spin package to show a loading spinner template (<template name="loading">) while IronRouter waits for data.
How do I use this same loading template while I'm waiting for a regular jQuery ajax call to finish?
var locationInfoByZipcode = function(zipcode, callback){
url: "" + zipcode,
type: "GET",
beforeSend: function(){
// Render the loading template. I tried Blaze.render("loading") but I'm not using it right
success: function(response){
// Stop the loading template.
error: function(){
Blaze.render takes a template and a parent, not a string, so it'd be Template.loading and then the parent template you want to render into. You'd probably want to destroy it in the success callback.
What might be a little bit cleaner is putting the HTTP req inside a method along with a reactive variable & calling that method on click. Then, you can keep the loading template inside an #if reactiveVarIsTrue type thing in spacebars. Just a personal preference to not use jquery ajax calls if I can help it because they're not very expressive.
I got it.
var locationInfoByZipcode = function(zipcode, callback){
var renderedView = {};
url: "" + zipcode,
type: "GET",
beforeSend: function(){
// $('body')[0] is the DOM node object that .render() needs
renderedView = Blaze.render( Template.loading, $('body')[0] );
success: function(response){
// to remove the template you need to pass Blaze.remove() the returned value from the initial Blaze.render() call
error: function(){

Pnotify and fullcalendar

I am using pnotify and loading callback function to show a notification when the fullcalendar plugin has loaded all events.
loading:function(isLoading, view){
if (isLoading === false){
new PNotify({
title:"Finished loading events",
delay: 1000
My problems is that when ever I move to different dates it calls loading again so I am left with so many notifications shown on my screen that it becomes very unusable. How can I bypass this? Is there a way to check if a notification is active and just change the text and title of it?
You can add that logic based on the template you're using (check the template docs).
Your code would be something like
loading:function(isLoading, view){
var exists = false;
$(".ui-pnotify-title").each(function() {
if ($(this).html() == 'Finished loading events')
exists = true;
if (!exists) {
new PNotify({
title:"Finished loading events",
delay: 1000
It would be better if you could use a specific id or class to detect if the notification is already shown, but this works.
Take a look at the working jsfiddle.
You can just store it in a variable, do your necessary code (like nullable/undefined checks, etc) and call "update()" (here: - for example, find for 'Click Notice' and see the source)
var p = new PNotify({
title: 'Some title',
text: 'Check me out! I\'m a error.',
type: 'error',
icon: 'fa fa-times-circle'
// ... code ...
p.update({title: 'My new title'});

jQuery load() with callback function wont capture click()

I am having no luck in getting a jqueryui dialog to ajax load a form, which inturn submits via ajax.
Everything works upto the point of catching the form that is being submited and instead sending it through an ajax call. Thus the form action is triggered and the browser redirected. The ajax call is never made.
My code is as follows
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.viewOrder').click(function() {
$('#displayOrder').load(this.href, [], function() {
console.log("landed here");
$('#blah').click(function() {
console.log("submiting the form via ajax");
url: "/ajax/orderupdate",
type: "GET",
data: data,
cache: false,
success: function (data) {
return false;
return false;
.viewOrder is the a href that is ajax loaded. This works fine.
I have read many similar questions on here and it seems load() does not execute scripts that are embeded in the return html, but my return code is pure html no scripts. Any ideas?
IMHO you should try and capture the submit instead of the click, that way you prevent submits done by keyboard aswell, and it might even fix your problem.
The events are bound on page load. At page load the form you are binding the click event does not exist. I use the livequery plugin but they added Live to jquery 4 which you can also use(i had some issues with IE so i went back to livequery)
So load livequery with your scripts
and change
$('#orderUpdate').submit(function() {
$("#orderUpdate").livequery("submit", function() {
