Wordpress posts not updating or publishing - wordpress

Site: http://reikas.lt/
The thing is site was working good all the time, now suddenly whatever I edit(change permalinks, publish/edit post etc.) it does not have effect on the live site, it seems the settings are just not woring and posts are not there.
The second image of a slider was changed, the image ramained, then i deleted the image, it dissapeared after a while but the slide is still there(empty) even though its deleted from backend and new one is added (not appearing).
Intresting thing: FTP changes are working and it responds immediately to any CSS/HTML changes
Tried disabling plugins
installing super cache and deleting the cache
Adding: define('CONCATENATE_SCRIPTS', false);
clearing local caches, but it appears from other computers its the
Was just wondering maybe hosting cached database.? seems not logical tho.


Wordpress: pages are not updating despite emptying caches

I have used the plugin All-in-One WP Migration to get the site from the development environment to the live site (you can export and import a complete website).
Some pages have updated correctly but not all of the pages (they remain in the old style and structure).
I have deleted my browser cache several times (tried several browsers on different computers even), deleted caches created by plugins several times (tried deactivating those plugins as well). However, despite trying to delete all the caches I can think of, some pages are just not updating. As the page templates for these pages do not exist anymore on the server, I am at a complete loss as to what's preventing all the pages from updating correctly.
What am I missing?
May I ask is your site already live? Cause I had the same issue as yours and I manage to get it updated by deleting the cache by "Flush Cache" on my WordPress admin page
Once you logged in to your WordPress admin site you'll find this and click that
Flush Cache
Flush Cache (2)
I am not so sure why that happens but I am thinking it might be because from the server and might need sometime on updating any changes made. It happened to me also when I have some updates on my site then once I save everything and go to my site, still the old ones are being shown but when I Flush Cache then it shows up the new ones... I think the reason because it still shows up the old ones is probably of the cache from the old ones in the server and by flushing them is being able to show the updated ones.

No Wordpress Styles

Recently installed Wordpress on my website and on my first time visiting the new install, I noticed that there was absolutely no styling whatsoever. I have included an image below just to show what I mean.
How would I go about fixing this? I have tried clearing my cache and all that but I doubt that would do anything since this was my first time visiting the page.
Realised it was due to the fact that I had a domain change. When I inspected the page I noticed that none of the links had been updated so I needed to do a fresh install.

Apache/WordPress Cache Not Refreshing

So I was trying out a caching plugin on my WP site. I had installed it after my home page never changed (forever static). Uninstalled the plugin, tried moving the WP files to another sub-domain, and my frontpage still was static. Even on another sub-domain. This only had happened when I changed some .htaccess settings for it, but I had already reverted these.
I've tried emptying my local cache, different computers, etc. Page is still static. Does anyone know what is going on?

Why after updating a custom WordPress theme it doesn't change?

I bought a theme for WordPress and when i try to edit the theme it would not change a thing.
i even deleted images and background from the theme and it somehow still shows up on the page like its being cached somewhere. I cleared my browsers cache and just to be sure i tried to visit the my website on a different computer and the same page shows up.
My question is does WordPress cache images somewhere automatically? if yes is there any way to flush it?
WP doesn't cache anything unless you have any caching plugins enabled. Try disabling all plugins and double checking that the files you deleted are really the ones that you're seeing in your browser.
Right click on any images to get their source then compare them with the path of the image on the server, are they the same?

Wordpress goes blank randomly changing plugins folder fixes it

I have a constant issue with my site going blank. Nothing ever shows. To fix it all I have to do is go in with my FTP and rename the plugins folder, refresh the page, and rename the plugins folder back to normal.
How can I have my site up and running at all times? I keep deactivating plugins hoping that it will stop it but after a few hours it goes blank again.
I contacted my host and after having them dig around for an hour they finally found the correct log. The problem was the WP-Touch never stopped 'running' so the mobile sites were fine but it would try to take over the desktop and would conflict with our theme. I have since then disabled the plugin and everything seems normal.
