Symfony 2 -> Composer and CloudControl - symfony

I have a little problem to setup Symfony 2 on Cloudcontrol,
I followed the instructions and installed a Symfony 2 framework, changed the document root and so on.
Now when I try to push the changes to server server, it loads the dependencies from the composer.json and then it failed with a message :
Could not scan for classes inside "/srv/tmp/builddir/code/vendor/symfony/symfony/src/Symfony/Component/HttpFoundation/Resources/stubs" which does not appear to be a file nor a folder
This file is a vendor package, loaded from composer.
I have the same effect with a default composer.json file from a sample project (SF2)
Localy it works very well!
Can some one give me a hint ?

Got same error after setting "minimum-stability":"dev" and running composer update.
for unknown reason symfony/symfony (dev-master ...) kept failing to download from source thus was being loaded from cache.
what worked for me was a mix of previous answers:
$ rm -rf vendor/symfony
$ composer clearcache
$ composer install

Sometimes I had to clean composer cache to remove strange errors, usually it's in
You can also try to update composer with
php composer.phar self-update
I hope it runs for you.

I had the exact same error in my development directory.
What fixed it was :
$ rm -rf vendor/symfony
$ php composer.phar install
It reinstalled symfony/symfony, symfony/icu, symfony/assetic-bundle, symfony/monolog-bundle and symfony/swiftmailer-bundle and now everything works !


Command composer require symfony/apache-pack doesn't create .htaccess file

When I execute the command:
composer require symfony/apache-pack
It doesn't create an .htaccess file as it is cited in the documentation here.
How can I fix this problem ?
If apache-pack is installed in your project and you later remove the .htaccess file from the /public directory, running composer require apache-pack will not re-install the .htaccess file.
You must first remove apache pack.
So, first run composer remove symfony/apache-pack
And then run composer require symfony/apache-pack
As explained here :
The solution is :
1-removing symfony/apach-pack from required in compoer.json
2- run command
composer update
which delete apach-pack from project.
3-run again the command for installing apach-pack as cited in the documentation here:
composer require symfony/apache-pack
4- when asked this question :
Do you want to execute this recipe?
type :
5- That's it now the file .htaccess exists
I was having the same issue as Dan where composer was not asking me to execute any recipes. it turns out I needed to install Symfony Flex which wasn't present in my microkernel application. I used "composer req symfony/flex" to install it and then afterwards a remove/require of symfony/apache-pack asked me to run the recipe. You can also type "composer recipes" to see your recipes and their status, once flex is installed.
I tried to remove the package and reinstall it but didn't work so I tried to execute the same commands on another console and it works for me
git bash terminal : didn't work
windows terminal: it works (

Symfony2 Sylius assets install

I am trying to install assets on my sylius project, and I am facing problem :
COMMAND: php app/console sylius:install:assets
ERROR AFTER EXECUTING COMMAND: This command terminated with a permission error
I found solution of a problem, before you guys try to install assets be sure to clear cache, but you might get into a trouble with memory, so edit your
app/console file and add ini_set('memory_limit','-1');
and after that run cache clear, and install assets and everything will be fine :)

Symfony Installation gives fatal error

I'm new to the symfony2 and I was following for installation using Composer now
It gives me a Fatal Error after some time:
monolog/monolog suggests installing rollbar/rollbar (Allow sending log messages to Rollbar)
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files
Fatal error: Call to undefined method Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::defineDirectoryStructure() in /Users/app/SymfonyStandard/RootPackageInstallSubscriber.php on line 28
#hap absolutely right on Debian/Ubuntu
sudo apt-get install php5-curl
is solving this issue. I think on another platform php5-curl will help too.
Got the same problem. Deleted the file composer.phar, installed again via curl -s | php - problem persists
/path/to/webroot/project/vendor/sensio/distribution-bundle/Sensio/Bundle/DistributionBundle/ScriptHandler.php file does not have the method defineDirectoryStructure() in it
symfony/framework-standard-edition (v2.6.1)
PHP 5.5.9-1ubuntu4.5 (cli) (built: Oct 29 2014 11:59:10)
problem here
sensio/distribution-bundle (v3.0.11)
Thanks #hap, this helped
sudo apt-get install php5-curl
Just had this problem on Debian. For me the problem was that sensio/distribution-bundle in its last version (v3.0.12, the one introducing the defineDirectoryStructure function) requires the cURL PHP extension, which was not installed, so it installed v3.0.11 (which don't contain the required method).
After installing php5-curl, Composer finaly installed the last version of sensio/distribution-bundle and everything was fine.
Got the same problem too ... Works on a debian distrib, but doesn't work on my wamp on windows 7 !
So tried to update my wamp, to get PHP5.5, reconfigure composer to use this PHP, still didn't work ..
Then I tried to launch the Console in Administrator mode, and launch :
"composer create-project symfony/framework-standard-edition sfproject/"
And guess what .... That finally worked !! With administrator rights ... Just give it a try ;)
I have same problem. I just added in composer.json string "symfony/symfony": "2.3.*", And its working for me.
Also, i deleted my composer.phar and composer.lock files.
The problem, if you have in your project symfony 2.3 it installing dependencies for v 2.7 .
I got this error from a install into a new vagrant VM, it would appear that something done recently has broken this as I managed to install a 2.6.0 version last week whilst testing, now it doesn't work.
After a bit of trial and error, it appears that the 2.6x and 2.5x branches are both affected and will not install, but 2.3x and 2.4x do install without the error.
incase anyone doesn't know how to install a specific version, just add it onto the end of the composer command, i.e.
composer create-project symfony/framework-standard-edition . 2.4.x
VM: Ubuntu 14.01 / PHP 5.5.9
I had the same problem in an Ubuntu 14.04 VM set up with PuPHPet and Vagrant/VirtualBox.
I've noticed that when I had the same problem, the DistributionBundle was severely out of date. Trying to upgrade it manually from composer.json (changing the version to 3.0.12, which was the las one available at the time I had the problem) produced a more verbose error, stating I hadn't installed php5-curl.
After updating the PuPHPet config file to include the cURL module for PHP and reprovisioning my VM, Symfony installed just fine, having installed the last version of Sensio Distribution Bundle, which contained the defineDirectoryStructure() method.

How to rename a Symfony 2 installation folder correctly?

I install Symfony 2.3.0-DEV this way:
composer self-update
git clone test1
copy .\test1\app\config\parameters.yml .\test1\app\config\parameters.yml.dist
composer install
But, Every time I've had to rename (ie. to "test2") the project folder. My installation breaks and shows errors:
Warning: require_once(C:\xampp\htdocs\symfony-projects\test1\web/../app/bootstrap.php.cache): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\xampp\htdocs\symfony-projects\test1\web\app_dev.php on line 19
Fatal error: require_once(): Failed opening required 'C:\xampp\htdocs\symfony-projects\test1\web/../app/bootstrap.php.cache' (include_path='.;\xampp\php\PEAR') in C:\xampp\htdocs\symfony-projects\test1\web\app_dev.php on line 19
I tried, deleting cache folders, deleting the bootstrap.cache.php file, and re-installing/updating vendors, including the autoloader, also with cache:warmup and cache:clear, changing permissions. And still nothing...
Finally solved it ! That's what I've done.
composer self-update
git clone test1
copy .\test1\app\config\parameters.yml .\test1\app\config\parameters.yml.dist
composer install
Loaded http://localhost/symfony-projects/test1/web/app_dev.php once.
Closed the browser (chrome), stopped xampp (apache/mysql), and the powershell
Deleted /app/cache/* and /app/bootstrap.php.cache file
Closed the IDE, Logoff my user session in Windows 8 (starting feeling paranoid)
Renamed the folder test1 to test2
Executed composer update command to call post-update-cmd scripts to be sure that bootstrap.php.cache is rebuild
Went to http://localhost/symfony-projects/test2/web/app_dev.php
And then works. Probably that issue was due to locked files...
#Touki Thanks, the APC thing was a good insight but not needed it ;)
this topic is quite old but I just had the same problem. The problem was: I installed symfony2 using command:
php composer.phar create-project symfony/framework-standard-edition myProject 2.1.x-dev
but I had the same fatal error. However, my solution was to go myProject directory and run command:
composer update
And that is all, project was rebuilded and file "bootstrap.php.cache" appeard :)
I hope this helps.
Next time, just restart your machine.

Composer "chmod(): No such file or directory" with bin directory

I am trying to install my Symfony2 app on
Trying to install my vendors via php composer.phar update, I run into the following issue, installing doctrine/orm:
Installing doctrine/orm (2.3.x-dev 4d9f24b)
Cloning 4d9f24b2eef3af3a3e76c773994c19bbb0706f88
chmod(): No such file or directory
I tried to debug with -v and found out that the following line is causing this issue:
In there I see that this issue is related to the bin directory. I have set (S2 default) the bin-dir to "bin". The bin directory is also in place within my project, but somehow composer does not find it, when trying to change the chmod. I have used this setup on several windows machines and also on
Issue resolved due to fix on github:
