Problems with Like button - wordpress

I use for my site facebook plugin to have social integration with facebook platform.
I have one problem: like button seems to work proprely collecting click of who likes my articles, but sometimes, without any reasons, it clears all click collected and restart counting from zero.
How can I fix this problem?

The Best way to put like button in your site:
Just click Get Code, put that in your template. Facebook will do the rest.


Like and google +1 buttons on website

I have a website (testing) on wordpress and installed a plugin to show google +1 button for each post. And when someone press it, the number increases with one.
My Question is Where this +1 button points ? As far as i know +1 is for google plus posts on pages on profile but my website post is NOWHERE on google plus(page) it is just on my website and the same for facebook like button (where it points)
I hope you understand what i am talking about.Please help
Well, there is a "+1s" page in Google+ user profiles, you can find your own here:
Seems like it is not visible to other users from the beginning on. You can change that in the settings, but as an external user you probably don´t see other users +1s if they don´t want to. Maybe that´s your problem.
To be more clear on this: If you are not in someones circles and they have furthermore disabled to publicly share their +1s, you might not see them on Google+, although they are there. Somewhere.

Register/Login popup form for WordPress site

Hi I'm building a site using the WPTUBE4 theme in WordPress. I'd put the link but I'm creating it on my localhost using WebMatrix. My issue is i can't get a register/login popup form to work. I just want to have a button or link in my header that says Login and another that says Register and when you click have a form popup in a "lightbox" lets say and then the user can Register using their email and a password like most other sites have. Then from then on they can just login to the site. To complicate it a bit more I would like to set up a "log in using facebook option" much like how StackOverflow has. I've just been having a hard time finding the right tutorial or plugin online and I'm hoping that this newbie question can be answered and/or someone can point me in the right direction. Thanks and sorry for it being such a simple thing to ask. Not sure if i should be using jQuery for this or something like it, I might just redirect to another page with the form there but i wanted to avoid this, i wanted to keep users on the same page and just overlay (Lightbox effect) the form then when they're done they could return to exactly where they were. Regardless of what i use i would like to learn the skill to use both. Thanks.

Using the facebook popup design in my app

I am developing a Facebook App and I want use the exact design (style) that facebook has, to show a post - picture, link, status etc. So for example I show a link to a post on the wall that has a picture in it and when the user wants to see details about it, a popup shows all info (picture, likes, comments etc) exactly how Facebook shows it if you would click the picture in your wall. My question is: am I allowed to copy the exact design of the pop up, or is there a way I can do this by just calling a function with the parameter being the post id?
Thank you.
Yea - you can recreate their UI. Checkout this answer I gave a little while back - it might be useful to you.
The only issue with recreating their UI (IMO) is to start altering their brands.

Picture or photo viewer on my Web site

Lets say I let the customer upload up to 5 pictures. I'm looking for a good way to let visitors see the images one by one.
I've seen some.. where there are thumbnails on the side/bottom (that looks like a vertical/horizontal film strip) and the default picture is the large one displayed. And viewers can click into others to show those pictures.
This could possibly be an AJAX solution. I just couldn't come up with the right keywords to Google this custom Web component. Perhaps it is "photo gallery". But I would be more interested to know what solutions developers here use for their site.
Perhaps lightbox is the keyword you're looking for:
Is something like this Galleria what you're after?
It's all implemented in Javascript so is simple to integrate.
There are several options but on first thought, I would reach for the fancybox jQuery plugin. The third example on their home page does exactly what you described. I've used this plugin a few times now and it's quite good.

Facebook Connect query about customizing the share-button

I really hate asking about Facebook Connect on SO, but their own development forums are horrendous.
We're implementing a Facebook share button using this:
<fb:share-button class="url" href=""></fb:shared-button>
This is documented(poorly) here:
I need to be able to change the text from "Share" to something else. I've spent 2 hours looking for an answer to this and have come up short.
If you really want to customize the facebook share button, look at the url you would use for a desktop app. Makes it much better. You can also use AddThis the same way to get some analytics from the share.
With the replacement like social plugin (the one you should be using now instead of the deprecated fb:share-button), you have two choices for the button text: Like or Recommend.
