Excel sheet corrupted after conditional formatting - phpexcel

I am generating an excel sheet with phpexcel, when using conditional formatting with the condition being (search for a text or part of it), i get a validation error when trying to open the generated sheet. Works perfectly with numbers, Less so WITH TEXTS.
Here is my code :
//conditional formatting
$objConditional1 = new PHPExcel_Style_Conditional();
$objConditional3 = new PHPExcel_Style_Conditional();
$conditionalStyles = $objPHPExcel->getActiveSheet()->getStyle('B2')->getConditionalStyles();
array_push($conditionalStyles, $objConditional3);
array_push($conditionalStyles, $objConditional1);
Does any one know how to work around this ? am i doing anything wrong ?

As far as i know, though i have not tested with your case specifically, when you try to apply conditional formatting based on CONTAINSTEXT,
you shouldn't call
(line 5 in your code), but instead call the method:
On your PHPExcel_Style_Conditional objects. This is how I specify the text to compare to in my PHPExcel sheets.


How to replace comma with a dot in GTM for JSON structured data?

I am noob with structured data implementation and don't have any code knowledge.
I have been looking for a week how to solve a warning with price in Google structured data testing tool.
My prices are with a comma which is not accepted by Google.
By checking the http://schema.org/price it tells me that "Use '.' (Unicode 'FULL STOP' (U+002E)) rather than ',' to indicate a decimal point. Avoid using these symbols as a readability separator."
I have a CSS variable element #PdtPrixRef named in a variable "Product-price" with a comma "12.5" but I can't find how to replace it in my structured data with the value "12.5"... Someone to help me?
Hereafter my actual script :
My actual GTM script
Should I add something to my script or making an VARIABLE (Custom Js)?
I think it's something like
value.replace(",", ".")
But I do't know how to write the full proper function from beginning to end...
Yes you can just create a Custom JavaScript Variable
Here is the code
var price = {{Product-price}};
return price.replace("," , ".");
Then using this variable to your JSON-LD script.

Optimized way to write a series strings to a text file without quotations

I am new to Julia so sorry if this question is obvious.
I am trying to use Julia to help me run a series of finite element models, which use a text input file to give instructions to the finite element solver. Basically, I would like to use Julia to read in the base input file, edit some parameters on some lines of the file and then write it as a new file. I am getting hung up on a couple things though.
Currently, I am reading in the file like this
mdl = "fullmodelSVTV"; #name of input file
A = readlines(mdl*".inp")
This read each line from the file in as a separate string in a vector which I like because it makes it easier to edit the sections I want but it also makes things more difficult when I try to write to a new file.
I am writing the file like this.
io = open("name.inp","w")
When I try to write to a new file the output ends up look like this
Output from code
which is ["string at index 1","string at index 2","string at index 3"...].
What I would like to do is output this the exact same way is it is read in with string at each index of the vector on its own line. I would also like to remove the brackets and quotation marks from the file, as they might interfere with the finite element solver.
I think I have found a way to concatenate all of the strings at each index and separated them with a new line like shown below.
for i in 1:length(A)
conc = conc*"\n"*lines[i]
The issue with this is that it takes a long time to do given the size of the input files I am working with and I feel like there has to achieve my goal.
I also cannot find a way to remove the brackets or quotation marks when writing the file.
So, I'm wondering if anyone has any advice for a better way to write these text files in terms of both concatenating all of the strings from the vector when outputting as well as outputting without the brackets and quotation marks.
Thanks, any advice is appreciated.
The issue with print(io,A) is that it is printing a representation of the vector, but in fact you want to print each element of the vector. To do so, you can simply print each line in a loop:
open("name.inp", "w") do io
for line in A
println(io, line)
This avoids the overhead of string concatenation.

Read embedded data that starts with numbers?

I have embedded data that I have imported into Qualtrics use a web service block. The data comes from a .json file and reads something like 0.male, 1.male, 2.male, etc.
I have been trying to read this into my survey using the Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.getEmbeddedData method but without luck.
I'm trying to do something that takes the form.
let n = 2
Qualtrics.SurveyEngine.getEmbeddedData(n + ".male")
but this has been returning a NULL result. Is it possible to read embedded data that starts with a number?
Also see:
The issue isn't the number, it is the dot. getEmbeddedData() doesn't work when the name contains a dot. See https://stackoverflow.com/a/51802695/4434072 for possible alternatives.

Create new emphasis command R Markdown

In R Markdown, to make a text bold, we just need to do:
The the word code shows in bold.
I was wondering if there is a way to create a new command, let's say:
That would make the text highlighted?
It is not easily possible to create new markup, but one can change the way existing markup commands are rendered. Text enclosed by three stars is interpreted as emphasized strong emphasis. So one has to change that interpretation and change it to something else. One way to do so is via pandoc Lua filters. We just have to match on pandoc's internal representation of emphasized strong text and convert it to whatever we want:
function Strong (strong)
-- if this contains only one element, and if that element
-- is emphasized text, convert it to highlighted text.
local element = #strong.content == 1 and strong.content[1]
if element and element.t == 'Emph' then
table.insert(element.content, 1, pandoc.RawInline('html', '<mark>'))
table.insert(element.content, pandoc.RawInline('html', '</mark>'))
return element.content
The above works for HTML output. One would have to define what "highlighted text" means for each targeted format.
See this and this question for other approaches to the problem, and for details of how to use the filter with R Markdown.

PHPExcel format dates occuring this week

PHPExcel conditional formatting has some helpful conditions and operators...
I applied a condition like so:
$aCondition = new PHPExcel_Style_Conditional();
$conditionalStyles = $sheet->getStyle('B2')->getConditionalStyles();
array_push($conditionalStyles, $aCondition);
However, when I get to the excel document... it marks the cell yellow even though it should not be... but if I then go to the cell and press enter... the cell then loses its yellow... and then the conditional formatting works correctly...
I apply formatting for that cell's rows like so:
I found this little doozy:
PHPExcel_Shared_Date::PHPToExcel( strtotime( "03/25/2014" ) )
As soon as you apply this, the issue goes away.. This is because the formatcode is just a mask... the underlying data has to be of a special Excel date type.
