Facebook Connect for Qt - qt

I am trying to use the facebook API provided by Nokia Developer:
I need to know what library or files should i include to connect to this API. And if you can provide me with any important guidelines it would be great.

Did you actually read the page you linked to? The first line has a link to the download location and the entire page is full of examples of how to use the API.
However, if you did follow the download link you'd see this:
Facebook is deprecating the old REST api upon which this library is
based on. The new api is called facebook graph api and that should be
used, the rest api breaks all the time so its not a good idea to use
it. Please look at http://gitorious.org/qfacebook for a Qt
implementation of the new facebook graph API
Which makes your question somewhat irrelevant.

With Qt 5, you can now use the V-Play Facebook Qt Plugin.
It wraps the native Facebook SDK around a QML item and thus has the advantage that native login functionality and the whole Facebook Graph API is available cross-platform.
There is a free sample, documentation and tutorials available here: http://plugins.v-play.net/plugins/facebook/


Embed Alfresco WebPreviewer in my own website

I have a Spring MVC application that connect with Alfresco using CMIS libraries, actually I can upload documents and download it but I need integrate Alfresco's WebPreviewer to preview documents in my app.
I found some code here but I don't know how to do it
It's hard to say for certain because of the limited amount of information that you've provided, but I think that the problem that you're going to be faced with when trying to use any of the existing previewer code is one of authentication. If you're using only using CMIS then you won't be able to use any of the WebScript based REST APIs that the Alfresco widgets will be using.
There are two possible previewer widgets that you can use - the older YUI2 based previewer (that you'd currently find in the document details page and the Document Library film strip view, and the newer Aikau component that you'd find in the faceted search previewer (from version 5.0 onwards).
I suspect that you won't be able to re-use either of these components without either authenticating against Alfresco in a way that allows you to access the WebScript based REST APIs or extending and customizing those widgets.
You've said that you have your own Spring MVC application, but you haven't said whether or not that is using the Surf extension - if it is, and you're using the authentication capabilities provided by Surf then you will be authenticated to use those REST APIs - as the Surf authentication provides access across all APIs (including CMIS) via a single authentication.
If you are able to access those APIs then you should be able to follow the steps outlined in both the form post and the blog posts in your own question and the previous answer, however - based on your question I suspect that you can't do that.
If you've not come across it, you might be interested in the Aikau archetype that builds a ready-made Alfresco client using Surf (see this link) and that tutorial also shows how to use the Aikau previewer (see here).
Because this is providing you with a Spring MVC client that is preconfigured to authenticate against Alfresco, you might be able to port your application to use it.
Otherwise, as I said earlier - chances are you'll need to extend the existing widgets to use the CMIS APIs to render the previewers. Again, Aikau is easier to extend that the old YUI2 widgets - but is reliant on Surf.

How to get Tweets using Twitterizer in asp.net?

I am using twitterizer2 to login twitter using Asp.net.I am able to login using twitterizer,but unable to get the tweets from my timeline which are tweeted by me and othres too.
Twitterizer is not maintained anymore and not compatible with Twitter API 1.1.
Details about Twitter API 1.1: blog
From Official page:
Will applications using Twitterizer stop working?
Not right away, no. I have no power to stop the code or binaries that
are already in use from working, nor would I want to. However, the
current version of Twitterizer uses version 1.0 of the Twitter API
which is scheduled for death in March 2013. At that time, I cannot
speak to any functionality.
What am I supposed to do now?
As I see it, you have three options: jump to a new library, make
Twitterizer your own, or roll your own.
Twitterizer source code will remain available in its current state. I
encourage you to download the source and make it your own.
If you'd rather not take that on, there are a couple of other
fantastic libraries. For example: Linq2Twitter and TweetSharp
As said above you need to find a new library compatible with Twitter API 1.1, as Linq2Twitter or TweetSharp.

how to write on facebook wall in ASP .Net

I want to post on facebook wall from my website, i had built the site in ASP .Net, I don't know how to perform this task. Can anyone please guide me or give me a script to post on facebook wall.
Here is a documentation on Getting started with Facebook developers
The Graph API is the core of Facebook Platform, enabling you to read and write data to Facebook. It provides a simple and consistent view of the social graph, uniformly representing objects (like people, photos, events, and pages) and the connections between them (friendships, likes, and photo tags).
Here's a sample application from CodeProject to use the Graph API.
hope it helped !
I've had some fun playing with the Facebook C# SDK for creating Facebook applications.
Are you using C# on your site?
The SDK is quite easy to get started with and there are a few tutorials etc...
Facebook C# SDK

Social networking on smart phones?

I have to implement application that can post to the selected network I can select from the application drop down.
There are Objective-C frameworks for Facebook (Three20) and Twitter (Twitter-OAuth-Library & MGTwitterEngine).
A quick trip to Google find facebook-android-sdk for connecting to Facebook on Android.
As far as Twitter goes, you can find a whole list of APIs for various languages/platforms on Twitter's developer website.
A second trip to Google finds this on developer.myspace.com for adding MySpace to an iOS app. Also, see this page and this page on LinkedIn's Developer Network.
Basically, LinkedIn is just using a JSON encoded API with OAuth. You should be able to handle that with any OAuth library.
It seems that I've found another great library. Check out ShareKit, which helps with alot of what you're trying to do.
#appaspect and #moshe, this is an old thread so the question my no longer be relevant, but here's a new open-source SDK and social api service: Socialize http://www.GetSocialize.com . Full feature set at http://go.GetSocialize.com/features

Web Based Map application development

I am trying to develop a web based map application where the user can interact with the map. But I am new to this field and do not have much idea about how to approach this. Basically I want to use a static map created by me, so I think google map API s may not be used in this case. My development platform is unix. Can you please suggest what language I should use to write the server and also what kind of free tools can be used to implement the map part?
I suggest reading up on the Google Maps API 3. You can add overlays or even add your own tiles using the API. Specifically, I suggest looking into the GroundLayers section of the V3 API here GroundOverlays
