Moving website from the old domain to the new one - wordpress

I'm a new in web development so the question is maybe pretty simple, but I can't handle it by myself.
I have a wordpress website which hosts on and it has a URL, let's say, So it is located in the subdirectory of the main directory in my host monster account.
I also have a domain name, let's say, on and now I want to make my site available on address How to do that?
I did the following thing. I forwarded to in settings on, but it's not what I need, because user still see old address ( in his address line. So what am I doing wrong?

I think you don't want to redirect from so you will be need 5 step.
The first step in moving your website to your new domain name is to create an account on your server or shared hosting plan for the new domain and then transfer over all of the old website files to the new account you have created for the new domain. Be sure to just copy the files over and do not in any case delete the files from the old account for the old domain name yet.
Be sure and change the nameservers of the new domain name to point to the newly created account that you have created on your server or shared hosting plan. Keep in mind that it will typically take between 48 and 72 hours for the DNS to propogate throughout the web.
The next step is to change all instances of the old domain to the new domain within the files that you have transferred over to the new account on your server. You will most likely be able to accomplish this very quickly if you just use the find and replace feature in your FTP client (i.e. Dreamweaver, FileZilla, etc.). Making all of your links absolute links rather than relative links is usually the best way to go for SEO purposes so if this is something that you had ever considered changing over then now would be a good time to go through and audit all of your website files to change relative links to absolute when appropriate.
Setting up 301 redirects in your .htaccess (assuming you have a Linux server) under your old account is very important. A 301 redirect will work to automatically and permanently redirect visitors and search engine bots who visit to This is very important from an SEO perspective because 301 redirects have the potential to pass through the “link juice” of any backlinks pointing to the old domain to the new domain along with any accompanying search engine rankings. This is also very important from a user perspective because anyone that tries to visit any page on your old domain will be automatically sent to the appropriate page on your new domain. Read this guide on how to set up 301 redirects to get all of the nitty gritty 301 redirect setup details.
Make sure that your nameservers have been set up on your new domain and that the DNS has finished propogating. Once you verify that the DNS is resolving correctly for the new domain then it is time to test out all of the old pages that you are redirecting from the old domain to the new domain and then also test by looking through each page of the new site and make sure that there are no errors (from find and replace errors when changing files or other issues).
If all of the pages of your old site have been indexed by Google then a quick way to test out that the 301 redirects have all been set up and working properly is to simply do an advanced Google search query that will return all of the pages from your old site indexed by Google. You can do this simply by typing “” into Google (without the “”). Now all you have to do is click on every page and if you have set up the 301 redirects properly then each time you click on the page link your server should automatically and instantly redirect you to the appropriate new page on your new domain.
That all you need ?

Typically, a hosting solution will have DNS redirecting that it will help you. The issue is that you might be using GoDaddy for your DNS managing. In which cause the redirecting DNS with hostmonster will not come through.
The best thing to do is have your GoDaddy point to the nameservers from HostMonster and have HostMonster control DNS. Then you can just create a redirect inside HostMonster and point it to but your URL will just be

This sounds like a Masking problem, (you have enabled forwarding, but not masking)
Also, note that you 301 redirects will be cached by clients, so use 302 redirects unless you are sure you've set it up the way you want it.

Make sure to follow the above answers. But using the The Duplicator plugin will streamline the actual Wordpress website migration very easily.


Wordpress multisite: reusing domain

Good day 😀
I have a WP Multisite in which a site was running. The administrators decided they would revamp the site, and they did it in a provisional subdirectory so that the original site would be available while the changes took place. So this is the current structure:
Now that the site changes have been finished, I would like to attach the domain name to the revamped site. So, I try to disable the site currently attached to, change its domain to a different one, and attach the domain name to the revamped one. So from the sites configuration I make the following changes in Sites > Edit site > Site info: -> ->
But it seems as if the domain name keeps pointing to the old site. What am I doing wrong? Or is it just impossible to reuse a domain name previously used in a multisite, but not in use anymore, for a new site?
I guess that I can just overwrite the original sites with the one with the changes, but I think it is too much hassle for a seemingly simple task.
Thank you 😀
Ok, I sorted it out.
It seems that, when you delete a site from the multisite, it doesn't get deleted from the database. Specifically, one entry remains in the table [prefix]_domain_mapping in which the fields 'id' and 'blog_id' are still pointing to the old site that was linked to that domain.
By changing those two fields to the id of the new site that will be using that domain name, and provided that all the changes have been made to the configuration of that site in the site configuration to use that domain for that site, it should work ok.
Thank you,

I have a mess in my head regarding redirect 301,mails and moving to a new website

I'm new to the web world and i have a great mess in my head.
i got a project to build a website for a company and i did.
now this website was built with some cms and i built it with Wordpress.
So now i have to take care that some of the SEO meta tags will not ruin when moving to the new website, i used YOAST SEO plugin to do so.
Now my boss is keeping on asking about redirect 301 which i don't understand why do i need to use it?
if we dont transfer any campaigns and only moving to a new website why do i need it?
another problem is the mails on the domain.
the company has like 5 mails on the domain adress and the domain is sitting on the old company they used to work with,which are not cooperative.
how do i transfer the mails from their servers to a new one?
Thanks a lot.
The 301 redirects are for the newly created Url's.
Because every site has their own way or wwriting url's you need to make sure that you carry across the links to the old urls to the new url structure of the wordpress site.
Example is now you will then need to redirect the old about_us url to the new one.
This ensures that any old indexed or shared pages don't server a page not found error.
Very important and can be done using the HTACCESS file or a redirect plugin.

pointing domain to wildcard sub sub domain

I have a multisite wordpress install at
And I have a wildcard for *.plataforma
So all new sites created have this url:
and so on.
I need to connect my client's domains to the correspondent website, so the url wont be visible.
As a real case, I have a client's website here:
I need to have his domain pointing to that address, so his clients will navigate using and wont see any of the url.
Is it possible?
There's 2 options here:
Option 1
An CNAME record on the live domain's DNS should be sufficient to do this - so long as you're happy that the resource requests (images, scripts, styles and so forth) behind the scenes are going to the staging domain URLS ( and so forth).
Option 2
Check out the wordpress plugin WordPress MU Domain Mapping. With that you can map the site to multiple domains (and set the primary), which is a better approach.

301 old site to new with lots of url structure changes

I will soon be 301'ing my entire site to its new home on a new domain, where it will live as a subdirectory of the main domain. It lives at the root of its current domain. Now, if every single old page had the exact same url structure as every single new page, the redirects are trivial. However, of the 200ish old urls that will need to be redirected, very few will exist at their new site "equivalent" ( -> as most pages will have either a slight url change or exist somewhere else entirely, like at the root of the new site.
I'm assuming 200ish lines of specific singular 301 redirects in .htaccess would slow down the site pretty bad since .htaccess is loaded for every asset on the page, correct? As would (relatively) complex conditional logic with mod_rewrite?
Any ideas?
Side note: both sites, new and old, use WordPress, so if there are any WordPress-specific solutions, fire away.
It depends on your traffic, if it is a personal blog, then mod_rewrite should be fast enough for users not to notice.

Understanding how DNS will point to new site

Please can someone help me to clarify what issues i might have when the hosting company changes the DNS settings to point away for the current old site (basic html) and to the new WordPress version of the web site?
Both sites are with the same hosting company (I cannot change hosts or hosting names now, my client and the hosting company are long term business partners). I think the server that the current live website is unable to host WordPress. So they set up another server for WordPress and called it something completely different.
Old website address
Current Location of new WordPress site on hosting server:
I think this bit is important!!
The new website is on a Windows Server and uses pretty perma links and also the .html pages plugin. There are also some redirects going to 7 pages on the old site. Everything is currently working ok.
Nest week the hosting company are going to change the DNS settings to point to the new website which will hopefully become the new website with the new address of
The hosting company have also said that I should not have used Permalinks at the moment because once the DNS is pointed to the new site the links will have become permanent (well I had already set up permalinks before they told me). I have not used the full address when making any links within the site.
Will the 'Find & Replace' plug-in on the database still work ok to make any required changes? I am confused as to how the DNS change actually works, will this affect what the links are called in the database or can I still change them from:
I presume I will need to change the Word Press address and site address in the settings panel to, once the DNS propagation has finished.
Very long winded I know but any help would be much appreciated.
Ok - I will do the best I can to answer these 8-)
Please can someone help me to clarify what issues i might have when
the hosting company changes the DNS settings to point away for the
current old site (basic html) and to the new WordPress version of the
web site?
When you change your DNS - it's like moving into a new house.
The whole building can change - so it sounds like you're leaving a Windows environment for a Linux environment. Which is cool.
What happened on the old site - should not really impact the new site OTHER than the fact that search engines will still try to remember the old sites structure. It will take time for the search engine to realize that things have changed and that pages are new or missing.
301 Redirection can help with this.
Both sites are with the same hosting company (I cannot change hosts or
hosting names now, my client and the hosting company are long term
business partners). I think the server that the current live website
is unable to host WordPress. So they set up another server for
WordPress and called it something completely different.
Old website address Current
Location of new WordPress site on hosting server:
I think this bit is important!! The new website is on a Windows Server
and uses pretty perma links and also the .html pages plugin. There are
also some redirects going to 7 pages on the old site. Everything is
currently working ok.
WordPress can use permalinks. If you have moved pages around - like and it's not called - you will need to create a 301 Redirect to let search engines know.
Nest week the hosting company are going to change the DNS settings to
point to the new website which will
hopefully become the new website with the new address of
The hosting company have also said that I should not have used
Permalinks at the moment because once the DNS is pointed to the new
site the links will have become permanent (well I had already set up
permalinks before they told me). I have not used the full address when
making any links within the site.
I don't think using permalinks will cause a problem. They aren't "permanent". Nothing is - it's all in a transient state.
Will the 'Find & Replace' plug-in on the database still work ok to
make any required changes? I am confused as to how the DNS change
actually works, will this affect what the links are called in the
database or can I still change them from: to
Sounds like this plugin is outside of the WordPress install? If so - it should still work.
If it's a plugin your hosting provider is giving you, then there should be no problems.
I presume I will need to change the Word Press address and site
address in the settings panel to,
once the DNS propagation has finished.
Yes, make sure to update your General Settings prior to the site going live so you don't have any down time.
