Find element within table cell in webdriver using java - webdriver

I want to check if there is a clickable image present in the table cell.
If(clickable image present)
How do I do it in webdriver using Java?

Does your image tag have a name or id associated with it ?? Please post some code to help us help you.
in that case use
WebElement image = driver.findElement("imagename"));;
WebElement image = driver.findElement("imageid"));;
This identification can be done on name,id,class,xpath etc.
If not you may have to use xpath or css selectors
WebElement image = driver.findElement(By.xpath("xpath"));;
You can check if the image is clickable by using
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(yourWebDriver, 5);
and then perform


How to use the Vaadin Testbench with Rich Text Area?

I am using Vaadin Testbench (4.1.0-alpha) for designing some integration test for my application (designed in Vaadin 7.6.1).
In a window, I use a rich test area. The idea is to design a test where the value of this rich text element is changed simulating some user behaviour. But now I realize I cannot find any method for change the value of this element, neither get the current value of the element.
I have tested some methods.getHTML() gets the HTML for the component, no the HTML of the designer. getText() gets the list of elements (font colour, background and other options of the element, but not the content).
Then I expect to have specific class methods for retrieving the value. If I explore the class RichTextAreaElement, seems that no method is implemented. All code in this class is:
public class RichTextAreaElement extends AbstractFieldElement {
As you can see, no method is declared.
How can I do a test where a user change the value of this rich text area? It is not implemented?
Hmm yeah, that looks like some work in progress, probably because it's a complex component with all the features it provides. Nonetheless we can workaround the limitations a bit, again making use of chrome developer tools (or similar) and some custom classes to select the components by (actually it's just the gwt-RichTextArea).
Of course this serves just as a starting point and can be further enhanced. Also I'd be very interested to see a more elegant solution if someone finds one...
Structure inspection
Test class
public class RichTextAreaTest extends TestBenchTestCase {
public void setUp() throws Exception {
System.setProperty("", "D:\\Kit\\chromedriver_win32\\chromedriver.exe");
setDriver(new ChromeDriver());
public void tearDown() throws Exception {
// TODO uncomment below once everything works as expected
public void shouldModifyRichTextArea() throws InterruptedException {
// class to identify the editor area by
String editorClass = "gwt-RichTextArea";
// open the browser
// select the first rich text
RichTextAreaElement richTextArea = $(RichTextAreaElement.class).first();
// get the editor section which is where we're writing
WebElement richTextEditorArea = richTextArea.findElement(By.className(editorClass));
// click inside to make it "editable";
// send some keystrokes
richTextEditorArea.sendKeys(" + something else added by selenium");
Update for getting the value
If you simply want to get the text, the code below will do the trick:
// switch to the editor iframe
// get the <body> section where the text is inserted, and print its text
System.out.println("Text =[" + findElement(By.xpath("/html/body")).getText() + "]");
Text =[Some predefined text + something else added by selenium]
At the end, I was able to obtain the content of the element selecting the first iframe of the page, and searching for the body content. The final code looks like:
String currentWindow = getDriver().getWindowHandle();
WebElement webelement = this.findElement(By.xpath("/html/body"));
String text = webelement.getText();
return text;
As I need to switch between the iframe and the window, I am only able to obtain the content of the element, not the element itself. If I return directly the element for future use, an org.openqa.selenium.StaleElementReferenceException: Element belongs to a different frame than the current one - switch to its containing frame to use it exception is obtained.
For changing the text, the solutions is very similar, only use the sendKey functions to first remove existing characters and later add the new text:
String currentWindow = getDriver().getWindowHandle();
WebElement webelement = this.findElement(By.xpath("/html/body"));
// Remove any previous text.
String previousText = webelement.getText();
for (int i = 0; i < previousText.length(); i++) {
// Set text.

Dynamic attributes using bootstrap/css design. We are not able to perform action using selenium

As per the above code, I have tried to locate and perform action on elements in Selenium.
Actions action = new Actions(driver);
Putting Control to Elements
WebElement we = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//li[#class='static dynamic-children']/a[#href='/activa/gentex/ee/#']/span[#class='additional-background']"));
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 50);
// wait for the edit employee information to appear
// action.moveToElement(driver.findElement(By.xpath("//div[#id='zz1_TopNavigationMenuV4']/div/ul/li/ul/li/ul/li[2]/a/span/span"))).build().perform();
Moving control to Child menu item to click on it.
It seems you have incorrect xpath , Please check correct code below :
Actions action = new Actions(driver);
driver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
WebElement Mainmenu= driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[#id='zz1_TopNavigationMenuV4']/div/ul/li/ul/li[1]"));
WebElement submenu1 = driver.findElement(By.xpath("//*[#id='zz1_TopNavigationMenuV4']/div/ul/li/ul/li[1]/ul/li[1]/a/span/span"));
WebDriverWait wait = new WebDriverWait(driver, 20);
I am hovering mouse on main menu : My Benefit Resources and then clicking on child menu : Enrollment. Above code should work fine for you.
For reading the tags try this :
You can try this:
re-frame the xpath as
It should help.

Is there a way to filter out hidden elements with css?

as an example some html has several elements which have the css path table.class1.class2[role="menu"] but only one of these elements will be visible at any given time, so I want to get only the one that is visible.
can I adjust my css path to narrow it down?
Possibly use Linq to get the list. I am not sure which language you are using. But, similar concept can be applied using any of them. Using Linq
to accomplish this kind of scenario is very simple in C#
public IWebElement Test()
By bycss = By.CssSelector("table.class1.class2[role='menu']");
return Driver.FindElements(bycss).ToList().FirstOrDefault(d => d.Displayed);
And, make sure to import
using System.Linq; if you are using C#
In Java you can do something like this[not using lambdas]
List<WebElement> visibleList = null;
By byCss = By.cssSelector("table.class1.class2[role='menu']");
//list of visible and hidden elements
Iterator<WebElement> iterator = driver.findElements(byCss).iterator();
while (iterator.hasNext()){
WebElement element =;
if (element.isDisplayed()){
//building the list of visible elements
//get the first item of the list
//you can return all if needed
return visibleList.get(0);
In Java, you can use WebElement.isDisplayed().

click() on css Selector not working in Selenium webdriver

<input class="button" type="button" onclick="$.reload('results')" value="Search">
I don't have an id or name for this . Hence am writing
FirefoxDriver driver = new FirefoxDriver();
But click() is not happening.
value='Search' (single quotes).
these Selectors are working in
.button[value=Search] {
padding: 10px;
input[value=Search] {
padding: 10px;
i would inject piece of js to be confident in resolving this issue:
first of all locate element using DOM (verify in firebug):
public void jsClick(){
JavascriptExecutor js = (JavascriptExecutor) driver;
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
from the retrospective of your element it be like:
Please, note: document.getElementsByTagName('input') returns you an array of DOM elements. And indexing it properly e.g. document.getElementsByTagName('input')[0], document.getElementsByTagName('input')1, document.getElementsByTagName('input')[2]....
,etc you will be able to locate your element.
Hope this helps you.
Please use the below code.
It works for me. And make sure that the name is "Search", coz it is case sensitive.
Are you sure that using this CSS-selector (input[value=Search]) on your page you have only one result?
single quotes are missing in your code, the [value=Search] should be replaced with [value='Search'].
first you have to check if the selector u are using will work or not..
If you are using chrome or FF,you can follow these steps,
go to the page where button (to be clicked) is present,
open web console and type in the following and click enter..
you will get a list of elements which can be accessed using this selector, if that list contains only one element (button that you want to click), then this selector is valid for your use..otherwise u'l have to try some other selector..
If any of the above selector is valid,u'l have to change your code accordingly..

Flex 3: Embedding MovieClip Symbol to Image Control programmatically

I've reviewed all the documentation and Google results surrounding this and I think I have everything setup correctly. My problem is that the symbol is not appearing in my app. I have a MovieClip symbol that I've embedded to my Flex Component. I need to create a new Image control for each item from my dataProvider and assign this embedded symbol as the Image's source. I thought it was simple but apparently not. Here's a stub of the code:
[Embed(source="../assets/assetLib.swf", symbol="StarMC")]
private var StarClass:Class;
protected function rebuildChildren():void { CursorBookmark.FIRST );
while ( !iterator.afterLast ) {
child = new Image();
var asset:MovieClipAsset = new StarClass() as MovieClipAsset;
(child as Image).source = asset;
I know the child is being created because I can draw a shape and and that appears. Am I doing something wrong? Thank you!
You should be able to simply set child.source to StarClass:
child = new Image();
child.source = StarClass;
See the MovieClipAsset Language Reference for more details:
you rarely need to create MovieClipAsset instances yourself
because image-related properties and
styles can be set to an
image-producing class, and components
will create instances as necessary.
For example, to set the application
background to this animation, you can
simply write the following:
<mx:Application backgroundImage="{backgroundAnimationClass}"/>
