Navigation bar disappears in Internet Explorer - css

I've recently completed my first custom-built Wordpress website, based on Automattic's Toolbox theme, and am in the process of testing it. I'm having some strange issues with IE 6-8 which I've not experienced before - the entire navigation bar, including the background colour, disappears leaving only the logo. None of the navigation links show up, nor does the button which triggers the menu dropdown on small screen sizes.
The website is , and I'm pretty much stumped. I don't think it's a JS issue since it works fine in Firefox and Chrome without JS. An HTML5 shiv comes preinstalled with Toolbox so I don't think it's a compatibility issue in that respect...but maybe I'm wrong, and I don't know how to check!
(I'm using Browserstack to test and am actually wondering if its rendering is accurate - my portfolio website which I tested extensively a few months ago - - is now causing Browserstack's IE virtual machine to hang, despite my having made no major changes other than adding content - this is a separate issue I guess, but it makes me unsure as to whether all my sites are breaking at once or if it's just Browserstack being moody!)

I am checking your site( in ie7,8 and 9. It's working properly.

1) Fix your markup code errors; they may not be the whole trouble, but fix them first: [Invalid] Markup Validation of - W3C Markup Validator. Scroll down in the validation report to see line numbers and source code. Start fixing the code errors and revalidate.
2) You need native IE7+ - not Browsershots - to fully test IE. Find a Windows PC to test with and use F12 dev tools in IE to emulate other versions.
3) Forget IE6; it's dead.


Chrome showing a break in the Bootstrap 3.0 Navbar (VERY intermittent)

OK here is my issue - ever so often 10 or 20 loads of the page, from various menu options Google Chrome stutters on the Bootstrap Navbar. What happens is that the navbar drops into the live page and it appears that Chrome threw a break into the Bootstrap Navbar. At first i thought it might be the iframe that i have in script, but even after removing that it still shows up. Again this is VERY intermittent, but enough to bug some Chrome users. I have scoured the dev tools to find out what is causing it to no avail.
you can view the code at and also the resform.html - although not as much on that page (maybe ever 50 loads or so) - and they are pretty much identical in code. I.E. handles it just fine - usually it is the other way around - go figure ... Any help to solve this would be greatly appreciated. I have written a JavaScript script that reloads the page and this seems to solve it, but I think I would rather have a CSS fix rather than a JavaScript hack. HELP

jQuery colorbox not working in IE8 (But works in IE7?)

I'm working on a clients website and for some reason the jQuery colorbox plugin isn't working correctly in IE8 on this site, it's opening the colorbox and has no width. The gallery is running NextGEN gallery.
The main reason I don't understand this is because I've got the exact same thing running on another site and it works fine (also using the same theme/css for the colorbox)
If anyone can shine some light onto this I'd be beyond grateful.
I haven't been able to figure out a direct cause, and I'd also tried switching to Lightbox Plus instead of jQuery Colorbox.. but it's still the same issue.
I've added a warning message that pops up when people view that page on IE 8 or lower expressing that it won't function correctly and providing a link to update IE, or download another browser via .. that's the best I can do for now. :/

In what situations does Flash / SWF misbehave in different browsers?

Recently I had some issues with Flash in IE, involving a SWF which is something like a gallery.
In Firefox its loads perfectly, but in IE it doesn't work properly sometimes. The first time it is loaded its works fine but when I refresh all the images are blank. The image data came from XML.
I wish to get some tips regarding the browsers and Flash / SWF behavior in each.
Thanks in advance.
I once faced a similar problem. IE first displays image properly. Upon refresh it didn't display the image. The problem was with the IE security settings on scripting languages. If the script fails to load properly on first time, IE blacklists the script and hence blocks it from running again. When u reset the security settings it will work. But you should still get into the bottomline of the issue and fix it.

Strange Flex Sizing in IE on Server2003

I have a modified version of a flex calendar found Here, and though it looks alright on most computers I've seen, there is a problem on two of the three servers here. Because of the way Citrix is setup here, I need to have it functional on all of the servers.
When it loads, everything is stretched out vertically, and the numbers are missing on the date boxes. If you mouse-over the flex buttons, they jump to the right size, but there is still rendering errors.
The modifications I made had no effect, because the servers give the same results on both my version and the demo version hosted online. As far as I can tell, the servers are identical (IE version, Flash version, etc.)
How can I get it to display normally?
Initial View
After Mouseover
Usual Demo
Demo in bad server
Edit: On the server that renders it improperly, Firefox renders it fine, but Firefox cannot be used for other (unchangeable) reasons.
From the images it appears this is how the SWF appears in the Browser of each server - one good and one bad. Not how the SWF appears in any browser while being hosted from each server.
Sense it is the browser display that is not working correctly I would assume it is a rendering problem with the browser and not the server.
1.) The problem could come from JavaScript being disabled in one of the browsers and the view being taken from the embed tag. Check to ensure that it looks the same with JavaScript both on and off.
2.) The height being 100% could also be messing it up in the browser. Try setting the height to a specific value (800px) and see if that corrects the problem.
3.) Make sure that the browsers are the same. Is one IE 7 and one IE 8? If they are the same, check the version number to ensure that all updates are the same for each.
4.) View the site from another computer that is connected to the server.
Number 1 and 2 would be my best guess as a way to troubleshoot.

Does this seem like an IE8 float bug to you?

I've noticed a strange behavior in two different sites when using IE8.
The first site is in the site that I maintain
The second site is google analytics.
The behavior is that when an address is typed directly into the address bar of IE8, both sites display correctly,
But when one of the sites has already been loaded, and you press the refresh button or F5 key, the layout gets all screwed up:
See screenshots here: here
Something is causing IE8 to render in 'quirks mode' which causes the breakage.
You can duplicate this by browsing to your site in IE8 and selecting Tools > Developer Tools > Document Mode > Quirks Mode.
Make sure your document is always being served in standards mode.
EDIT My original answer had 'compatability mode' where it should have read 'quirks mode' - the two are different.
JS.Companion was what was causing this odd bug, and not IE8. Phew!
I spent the whole morning trying to figure out what was going on, I removed companion.js and bingo my site is perfect! thanks for this.
That's really strange. I don't have the problem on my computer with Companion.JS installed and web page (under Vista SP1).
I would be happyto correct the Companion.JS bug that generates this problem if you can provide more information about the problem.
