symfony can't build schema (propel) - symfony

I've been trying symfony 1.2.12, using xampp 3.1.0 over windows XP (the jobeet tutorial). When I try to run php symfony propel:build-schema I've got the following error (over and over):
Propel Running "reverse" phing task
[taskdef] Error importing propel/phing/PropelDataModelTemplateTask.php
[phing] Error reading project file [Wrapped: Error importing propel/phing/PropelDataModelTemplateTask.php]
Some problems ocurred when executing the task: If the exception is not clear enough read the output.
(I've checked the phing version and it's 2.5.0, the latest available.)
I've searched for the PropelDataModelTemplateTask.php and is not in the project (the entire path doesn't exists!). I've created another symfony project and the file isn't there either. It looks like it's not included whit the symfony-1.2.12.tgz.
Is there something wrong within this version or should I install or update any extra component?
Thanks in advance!


SABRE RedWeb Installation / Getting Started

I did the basic installation of the SabreRedWeb-SDK-20.11.6 and then clicked on the ConciergeInstaller-5.7.0-1.0.4.exe and it seems to have installed properly. The web instructions found here don't match the video.
Web Instructions (I'm following the Concierge install section)
Video Explanation here...
At 1:45 of the video they mention doing a ngv...
Well, I assume I do that in the node installation which by default was put here...
C:\Program Files\Concierge\node
But when I do ngv when running node.exe
ReferenceError: ngv is not defined
I'm thinking I need to be running the concierge tool itself and not node directly.
You use a command prompt to do the ngv build etc...
Thereafter I am using Visual Studio Code and everytime I save the files the terminal does the save and "re-build" or I suppose it is "re-run".

Symfony 5 fast track book bug when migrating databases

This is my first step to symfony world, and I follow tutorial from Symfony fast track book. By executing the command below, my migration failed:
symfony new --version=5.0-3 --book guestbook --debug
Everything is OK expect "Migrating the database", this is the error:
Or symfony book:check-requirements says everything is OK.
For information: pdo_pgsql is already enabled in php.ini
Any trick to solve this issue?
I have moved to PHP 7.3.12 version to solve my issue.
By staying with PHP 7.4.0 version, you cannot add property when you execute the command: php bin/console make:entity MyEntity
I started Potencier's book two days ago. I faced several problems, which I have been able to solve, but I did not find this problem. I think you should give us more information. For example: What hardware are you using? What operating system? Where did the command giving the error run from? Did you run the command from Symfony CLI?

JBDS 11.3.0.GA - Fuse generated project doesn't work

I'm using JBDS 11.3.0.GA on Ubuntu 16.04 LTS. I'm generating a Fuse project for Fuse 7.1.0 on standalone Karaf platform, using the camel-spring-cxf-code-first template. The project generates correctly but, trying to run it as described by the ReadMe.txt file fails. For example, after installing the bundle as follows:
karaf#root()> install -s mvn:com.mycompany/camel-spring-cxf-code-first/1.0.0-SNAPSHOT
Bundle ID: 223
trying to go to http://localhost:8181/cxf/report/?wsdl (of course, after having replaced in the generated code 9292 by 8181) displays "No service was found." in the browser and shows the following in the log file:
16:33:36.209 WARN [XNIO-4 task-1] Can't find the the request for http://localhost:8181/cxf/report/'s Observe
meaning that the generated project is not valid.
Kind regards,
The deployment of this kind of projects is not working at the moment - see the following statement in the Readme.txt file.
Note: This project does not currently work. It has some issues. It is based
on the archetype.
I raised an issue for developers -

System.Text.Encoding.CodePages missing in netcoreapp2.0 app

I just installed a clean install of the new .NET Core SDK on a CentOs 7 box. I had a different Linux VM I was running to test this and received the same error there.
I am building my application in VS 2017 on a Windows box and copying the project file over to the Linux box to test it. I am coming from netframework environment and trying to learn dotnetcore so I am sure this is probably just a newb issue. Here is what I am doing.
I run a dotnet restore, which works without error.
I run a dotnet build, which I receive a
Build succeeded.
0 Warning(s)
0 Error(s)
Then I run a dotnet run and receive the following error:
An assembly specified in the application dependencies manifest (apf-ws.deps.json) was not found:
package: 'System.Text.Encoding.CodePages', version: '4.3.0'
path: 'runtimes/unix/lib/netstandard1.3/System.Text.Encoding.CodePages.dll'
Nowhere in my code do I actually reference any type of Encoding explicitly. I have tried including System.Text.Encoding.CodePages in my project to see if that would add a reference and bring in the library to ignore the one it is looking for, but it doesn't help. Anyone have any ideas of what would be causing this?
I tried several things before wiping the directory out in Linux and copying the files over again. In doing so it seemed to fix the problem.

Can't generate bootstrap file in Symfony 2.1.1

I've got an application written for Symfony 2.0 and I've started migrating it into Symfony 2.1. I've successfully installed all the dependencies with composer but a script fails...
Script Sensio\Bundle\DistributionBundle\Composer\ScriptHandler::buildBootstrap handling the post-update-cmd event terminated with an exception
An error occurred when generating the bootstrap file.
Any clue? I'm completely lost and I've googled it but I've only found a post in a forum with people having the same problem as me...
The problem is that the manual is not clear. It tells you to execute composer.phar install before telling that symfony-standard files need to be replaced.
So now you have to replace
AppCache.php and
autoload.php (and remove odd files)
and update your config.yml file with the given tips.
