unused arguments error using apply() in R - r

I get an error message when I attempt to use apply() conditional on a column of dates to return a set of coefficients.
I have a dataset (herein modified for simplicity, but reproducible):
ADataset <- data.table(Epoch = c("2007-11-15", "2007-11-16", "2007-11-17",
"2007-11-18", "2007-11-19", "2007-11-20", "2007-11-21"),
Distance = c("92336.22", "92336.23", "92336.22", "92336.20",
"92336.19", "92336.21", "92336.18))
Epoch Distance
1: 2007-11-15 92336.22
2: 2007-11-16 92336.23
3: 2007-11-17 92336.22
4: 2007-11-18 92336.20
5: 2007-11-19 92336.19
6: 2007-11-20 92336.21
7: 2007-11-21 92336.18
The analysis begins with establishing start and end dates:
############## Establish dates for analysis
#4.Set date for center of duration
StartDate <- "2007-11-18"
as.numeric(as.Date(StartDate)); StartDate
EndDate <- as.Date(tail(Adataset$Epoch,1)); EndDate
Then I establish time durations for analysis:
#5.Quantify duration of time window
STDuration <- 1
LTDuration <- 3
Then I write functions to regress over both durations and return the slopes:
# Write STS and LTS functions, each with following steps
#6.Define time window- from StartDate less ShortTermDuration to
StartDate plus ShortTermDuration
#7.Define Short Term & Long Term datasets
#8. Run regression over dataset
my_STS_Function <- function (StartDate) {
STAhead <- as.Date(StartDate) + STDuration; STAhead
STBehind <- as.Date(StartDate) - STDuration; STBehind
STDataset <- subset(Adataset, as.Date(Epoch) >= STBehind & as.Date(Epoch)<STAhead)
STResults <- rlm( Distance ~ Epoch, data=STDataset); STResults
STSummary <- summary( STResults ); STSummary
# Return coefficient (Slope of regression)
STNum <- STResults$coefficients[2];STNum
my_LTS_Function <- function (StartDate) {
LTAhead <- as.Date(StartDate) + LTDuration; LTAhead
LTBehind <- as.Date(StartDate) - LTDuration; LTBehind
LTDataset <- subset(Adataset, as.Date(Epoch) >= LTBehind & as.Date(Epoch)<LTAhead)
LTResults <- rlm( Distance ~ Epoch, data=LTDataset); LTResults
LTSummary <- summary( LTResults ); LTSummary
# Return coefficient (Slope of regression)
LTNum <- LTResults$coefficients[2];LTNum
Then I test the function to make sure it works for a single date:
myTestResult <- my_STS_Function("2007-11-18")
It works, so I move on to apply the function over the range of dates in the dataset:
mySTSResult <- apply(Adataset, 1, my_STS_Function, seq(StartDate : EndDate))
...in which my desired result is a list or array or vector of mySTSResult (slopes) (and, subsequently, a separate list/array/vector of myLTSResults so then I can create a STSlope:LTSlope ratio over the duration), something like (mySTSResults fabricated)...
> Adataset
Epoch Distance mySTSResults
1: 2007-11-15 92336.22 3
2: 2007-11-16 92336.23 4
3: 2007-11-17 92336.22 5
4: 2007-11-18 92336.20 6
5: 2007-11-19 92336.19 7
6: 2007-11-20 92336.21 8
7: 2007-11-21 92336.18 9
Only I get this error:
Error in FUN(newX[, i], ...) : unused argument(s) (1:1185)
What is this telling me and how to do correct it? I've done some looking and cannot find the correction.
Hopefully I've explained this sufficiently. Please let me know if you need further details.

Ok, it seems the problem is in the additional arguments to my_STS_Function as stated in your apply function call (as you have defined it with only one parameter). The date range is being passed as an additional parameter to that function, and R is complaining that it is unused (a vector of 1185 elements it seems). Are you rather trying to pull a subset of the rows restricted by date range first, then wishing to apply the my_STS_Function? I'd have to think a bit on an exact solution to that.
Sorry - I did my working out in the comments there. A possible solution is this:
subSet <- Adataset[Adataset[,1] %in% seq(StartDate:EndDate),][order(na.exclude(match(Adataset[,1], seq(StartData,EndDate))),]
Adapted from the answer in this question:
R select rows in matrix from another vector (match, %in)

Adding this as a new answer as the previous one was getting confused. A previous commenter was correct, there are bugs in your code, but they aren't a sticking point.
My updated approach was to use seq.Date to generate the date sequence (only works if you have a data point for each day between the start and end - though you could use na.exclude as above):
dates = seq.Date(as.Date(StartDate),as.Date(EndDate),"days")
You then use this as the input to apply, with some munging of types to get things working correctly (I've done this with a lamda function):
mySTSResult <- apply(as.matrix(dates), 1, function(x) {class(x) <- "Date"; my_STS_Function(x)})
Then hopefully you should have a vector of the results, and you should be able to do something similar for LTS, and then manipulate that into another column in your original data frame/matrix.


XTS:: Help me on the usage & differences between period.apply() & to.period()

I am learning time series analysis with R and came across these 2 functions while learning. I do understand that the output of both of these is a periodic data defined by the frequency of period and the only difference I can see is the OHLC output option in the to.period().
Other than the OHLC when a particular of these functions is to be used?
to.period and all the to.minutes, to.weekly, to.quarterly are indeed meant for OHLC data.
If you take the function to.period it will take the open from the first day of the period, the close of the last day of the period and the highest high / lowest low of the specified period. These functions work very well together with the quantmod / tidyquant / quantstrat packages. See code example 1.
If you give the to.period non-OHLC data, but a timeseries with 1 data column, you still get a sort of OHLC back. See code example 2.
Now period.apply is is more interesting. Here you can supply your own functions to be applied on the data. Especially in combination with endpoints this can be a powerful function in timeseries data if you want to aggregate your function to different time periods. The index is mostly specified with endpoints, since with endpoints you can create the index you need to get to higher time levels (from day to week / etc etc). See code example 3 and 4.
Remember to use matrix functions with period.apply if you have more than 1 column of data since xts is basicly a matrix and an index. See code example 5.
More info on this data.camp course.
zoo.data <- zoo(rnorm(31)+10,as.Date(13514:13744,origin="1970-01-01"))
# code example 1
sample_matrix.Open sample_matrix.High sample_matrix.Low sample_matrix.Close
2007 Q1 50.03978 51.32342 48.23648 48.97490
2007 Q2 48.94407 50.33781 47.09144 47.76719
# same as to.quarterly
to.period(sample_matrix, period = "quarters")
sample_matrix.Open sample_matrix.High sample_matrix.Low sample_matrix.Close
2007 Q1 50.03978 51.32342 48.23648 48.97490
2007 Q2 48.94407 50.33781 47.09144 47.76719
# code example 2
to.period(zoo.data, period = "quarters")
zoo.data.Open zoo.data.High zoo.data.Low zoo.data.Close
2007-03-31 9.039875 11.31391 7.451139 10.35057
2007-06-30 10.834614 11.31391 7.451139 11.28427
2007-08-19 11.004465 11.31391 7.451139 11.30360
# code example 3 using base standard deviation in the chosen period
period.apply(zoo.data, endpoints(zoo.data, on = "quarters"), sd)
2007-03-31 2007-06-30 2007-08-19
1.026825 1.052786 1.071758
# self defined function of summing x + x for the period
period.apply(zoo.data, endpoints(zoo.data, on = "quarters"), function(x) sum(x + x) )
2007-03-31 2007-06-30 2007-08-19
1798.7240 1812.4736 993.5729
# code example 5
period.apply(sample_matrix, endpoints(sample_matrix, on = "quarters"), colMeans)
Open High Low Close
2007-03-31 50.15493 50.24838 50.05231 50.14677
2007-06-30 48.47278 48.56691 48.36606 48.45318

PDC calculation in R - Removing Loops

I am just starting to learn R, which has been really useful, and I'm trying to use it to calculate Proportion of Days Covered. This metric has to do with measuring a person's adherence to their medication. Basically, for a given time period you find all the fills of a drug take the fill date and the number of days in the supply to determine which days they were covered for. E.g. if a person gets a 35 day fill on 2/1/2016, they have coverage from 2/1/16 through 3/6/2016. Easy enough.
This gets tricky when they go back for a fill before they run out of coverage on the first fill, you don't double count days (e.g. the person gets their second fill on 3/1/2016, 3/1-3/6 are only counted once).
I've actually written some code that seems to be working properly, but its using FOR loops, which I've come to learn don't work well in R and I'm worried when I start throwing a bunch of data at it.
Here is the first part of the code that builds the test data and initializes some variables:
#Create test data vectors
Person <- c(rep("Person1",12),rep("Person2",9))
FillDate <- c("2016-1-1", "2016-2-1", "2016-3-1", "2016-4-1", "2016-5-1", "2016-6-1", "2016-7-1", "2016-8-1", "2016-9-1", "2016-10-1", "2016-11-1", "2016-12-1", "2016-2-1", "2016-3-1", "2016-4-20", "2016-5-1", "2016-6-1", "2016-7-1", "2016-8-1", "2016-9-1", "2016-10-1")
DaysSupply <- c(rep("35", 14), "20", "5", "20", rep("35", 4))
#Build into data.frame
PDCTestData <- cbind.data.frame(as.factor(Person),as.Date(FillDate,"%Y-%m-%d"),as.numeric(DaysSupply))
colnames(PDCTestData) <- c("Person","FillDate","DaysSupply")
#Create start and end dates for overall period
StartDate <- as.Date("2016-01-01")
EndDate <- as.Date("2016-12-31")
#Initialize DaysCoveredList, a vector to hold the list of dates that a person has drug coverage
DaysCoveredList <- NULL
#Initialize DaysCoveredTable, a matrix to count the total number of unique days in the DaysCovered List, by person
DaysCoveredTable <- NULL
and the second part that does the actual work:
#Begin looping through individuals
for(p in levels(PDCTestData$Person)){
#Begin looping through drug fills
for(DrugSpan in 1:nrow(PDCTestData[PDCTestData$Person == p,])){
#Create a sequence of the dates covered by that fill, the sequence starts on the fill date and runs for the number of days in Days Supply, Builds a list of all days covered for that person
DaysCoveredList <- c(DaysCoveredList,seq.Date(from = PDCTestData[PDCTestData$Person == p,][DrugSpan,]$FillDate, length.out = PDCTestData[PDCTestData$Person == p,][DrugSpan,]$DaysSupply, by = "day"))
} #Exit drug fill loop
#Counts the number of unique days covered from the DaysCovredList, with in the start and end of the overall period
DaysCovered <- length(unique(DaysCoveredList[DaysCoveredList >= StartDate & DaysCoveredList <= EndDate]))
#Adds the unique count from DaysCovered to the summary DaysCoveredTable
DaysCoveredTable <- rbind(DaysCoveredTable,cbind(p,DaysCovered))
#Clear DaysCovered and DaysCovredList
DaysCovered <- NULL
DaysCoveredList <- NULL
} #Exit the individual loop
Any help you can offer is appreciated.
ptd <- PDCTestData # I get bored writing long variable names
ptd$EndDate <- ptd$FillDate + ptd$DaysSupply
ptd$DrugInterval <- interval(ptd$FillDate, ptd$EndDate)
all_days <- as.Date(StartDate:EndDate, origin = "1970-01-01")
lapply(unique(ptd$Person), function (y) sum(sapply(all_days, function (x) any(x %within% ptd$DrugInterval[ptd$Person==y]))))
No guarantees about speed, but maybe easier to read.

Plot a histogram of subset of a data

!The image shows the screen shot of the .txt file of the data.
The data consists of 2,075,259 rows and 9 columns
Measurements of electric power consumption in one household with a one-minute sampling rate over a period of almost 4 years. Different electrical quantities and some sub-metering values are available.
Only data from the dates 2007-02-01 and 2007-02-02 is needed.
I was trying to plot a histogram of "Global_active_power" in the above mentioned dates.
Note that in this dataset missing values are coded as "?"]
This is the code i was trying to plot the histogram:
data <- read.table("household_power_consumption.txt", header=TRUE)
my_data <- data[data$Date %in% as.Date(c('01/02/2007', '02/02/2007'))]
my_data <- gsub(";", " ", my_data) # replace ";" with " "
my_data <- gsub("?", "NA", my_data) # convert "?" to "NA"
my_data <- as.numeric(my_data) # turn into numbers
After running the code it is showing this error:
Error in hist.default(my_data["Global_active_power"]) :
invalid number of 'breaks'
Can you please help me spot the mistake in the code.
Link of the data file : https://d396qusza40orc.cloudfront.net/exdata%2Fdata%2Fhousehold_power_consumption.zip
You need to provide the separator (";") explicitly and your types aren't what you think they are, observe:
data <- read.table("household_power_consumption.txt", header=TRUE, sep=';', na.strings='?')
data$Date <- as.Date(data$Date, format='%d/%m/%Y')
bottom.date <- as.Date('01/02/2007', format='%d/%m/%Y')
top.date <- as.Date('02/02/2007', format='%d/%m/%Y')
my_data <- data[data$Date > bottom.date & data$Date < top.date,3]
Gives as the plot. Hope that helps.
Given you have 2m rows (though not too many columns), you're firmly into fread territory;
Here's how I would do what you want:
data<-fread("household_power_consumption.txt",sep=";", #1
na.strings=c("?","NA"),colClasses="character" #2
][Date %in% seq(from=as.Date("2007-02-01"), #3
numerics<-setdiff(names(data),c("Date","Time")) #4
data[,hist(Global_active_power)] #5
A brief explanation of what's going on
1: See the data.table vignettes for great introductions to the package. Here, given the structure of your data, we tell fread up front that ; is what separates fields (which is nonstandard)
2: We can tell fread up front that it can expect ? in some of the columns and should treat them as NA--e.g., here's data[8640] before setting na.strings:
Date Time Global_active_power Global_reactive_power Voltage Global_intensity Sub_metering_1 Sub_metering_2 Sub_metering_3
1: 21/12/2006 11:23:00 ? ? ? ? ? ? NA
Once we set na.strings, we sidestep having to replace ? as NA later:
Date Time Global_active_power Global_reactive_power Voltage Global_intensity Sub_metering_1 Sub_metering_2 Sub_metering_3
1: 21/12/2006 11:23:00 NA NA NA NA NA NA
On the other hand, we also have to read those fields as characters, even though they're numeric. This is something I'm hoping fread will be able to handle automatically in the future.
data.table commands can be chained (from left to right); I'm using this to subset the data before it's assigned. It's up to you whether you find that more or less readable, as there's only marginal performance differences.
Since we had to read the numeric fields as strings, we now recast them as numeric; this is the standard data.table syntax for doing so.
Once we've got our data subset as we like and of the right type, we can pass hist as an argument in j and get what we want.
Note that if all you wanted from this data set was the histogram, you could have condensed the code a bit:
][Date %in% ok_dates,hist(as.numeric(Global_active_power))]

R date to Excel based number

I know that I can get a date from an Excel based number (days since 1899-12-30) in the following way:
as.Date(41000, origin = "1899-12-30")
which will give me "2012-04-01". I want however the opposite. As a user I would like to input a date as a string and get the number of days since "1899-12-30".
Something along the lines
as.integer(as.Date('2014-03-01', origin="1899-12-30"))
which I hoped would result in 41000 and not in the R based days since 1970-01-01 which is 15431.
Maybe this is silly as I realize that I can add the days manually by writing something like:
as.integer(as.Date('2012-04-01')) + 25569
I just wondered if there is a function which does this?
I think you want difftime as in:
difftime(as.Date('2012-04-01'), as.Date("1899-12-30"))
## Time difference of 41000 days
Do it by hand, simpler and safer:
d0 <- as.Date('1899-12-30')
d1 <- as.Date('2014-10-28')
as.integer(d1 - d0)
##[1] 41940 # This is interpreted by Excel as '2014-10-28'
Of course, you can write a function to convert a R date to an Excel one:
convert_to_excel_date <- function(d) {
# Converts a R date value to an Excel date value
# Parameters:
# d: a R date object
d0 <- as.Date('1899-12-30')
return(as.integer(d - d0))
# Example:
# convert_to_excel_date(as.Date('2018-10-28'))

R Condition Function/Loop to check value in Data Frame

I am trying to write code that checks to see if the 1 value in a df is greater than another value in a different row/column in the same df.
I have the following as a sample:
Date GSPC.Open GSPC.High GSPC.Low GSPC.Close
2014-02-28 2014-02-28 1855.12 1867.92 1847.67 1859.45
2014-02-27 2014-02-27 1844.90 1854.53 1841.13 1854.29
2014-02-26 2014-02-26 1845.79 1852.65 1840.66 1845.16
2014-02-25 2014-02-25 1847.66 1852.91 1840.19 1845.12
I want to create a loop or function that checks to see if GSPC.Open is greater than or equal to the previous day's GSPC.Close. I would imagine the code would look like
if (df$GSPC.Open >= df$GSPC.Close[1]) {
df$GSPC.AboveOpen = 1
but I keep an length > 1 error.
I would like the function to create an column df$GSPC.AboveOpen filled w/ discrete values if the current day's open is greater than or equal to the previous day's close.
How do I write this code?
I would not advise to use a loop here. You are using a time series - therefore, use appropriate time series methods (such as lag).
This code compares the current day's open with previous day's close and gives 1 if the open is higher (or equal) and 0 otherwise.
Just in case you also want to deal with single stock data: Keep in mind that .Close and .Open (at least from Yahoo) are not split and dividend adjusted. .Adjusted is the adjusted close.
Try this:
df$GreaterThanPreviousClose <- NA
for (i in 2:nrow(df)){
df[i,6] <- df[i,2] >= df[i-1,5]
Maybe this will speed it up
compare <- function(i){
Larger <- df[i,2] >= df[i-1,5]
df$GreaterThanPreviousClose <- sapply(1:nrow(df),compare)
