Generate Url [symfony 2] - symfony

I want to send variables in the url but I don't know How can I send them like this: url/page=1&element=a&...&...&...&..
because when I use the normal symfony url , I don't get the variable in the correct place.
I made it like the default Url of symfony :
pattern: /url/{a}/{b}/{c}/{d}/{e}
but if I send only "e" for example my code take it as "a"

Acces the url with query parameters if you want: /url?page=1&foo=bar. Your routing looks then very simple
pattern: /url
default: # bla
in your controller action (you have to take care on validating the values):
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;
public function updateAction(Request $request)
$page = $request->query->get('page');
If you want a cleaner way, you should take a look at the ParamFetcher of the FOSRestBundle


How to accept a single, default field in a Symfony form?

I have a REST API written in Symfony3, with help from the FOSRestBundle.
It makes use of Symfony form classes for data input (POST, PATCH, PUT actions), which works great for almost all endpoints.
However I have a child endpoint that sets up relations using a form with a single collectionType. A POST request body looks like this:
curl http://localhost/documents/100/related -d #- <<REQUEST_BODY
"related": [
{"id": 14},
{"id": 23}
However I would like to ommit the "related" field name as this information is already in the URI and seems redundant here. I would like to adjust the form to accept data like this:
curl http://localhost/documents/100/related -d #- <<REQUEST_BODY
{"id": 14},
{"id": 23}
But cannot see how to make a Symfony form behave in this way?
To clarify, I want to accept a single form field without having to specify the name of that field in a JSON request.
I had a similar problem a while back. What worked for me, was to use the form factory to create a named form with an empty name, like so (example when inside a typical controller):
/** #var $formFactory FormFactory */
$formFactory = $this->get('form.factory');
$form = $formFactory->createNamed('', $type, $data, $options);
Be aware that a form configured like this will consume all POST (or GET) data. So, if you can't ensure that only the required data will be present, you might need to use allow_extra_fields

Error parameters Twig with Path() Symfony 2

I got error
No route found for "POST
The code on index.html.twig:
var desde_=1454306400000;
var hasta_=1455256800000;
var url = "{{ path('module_getinfo') }}"+desde_+"/"+hasta_
to get something like this:
url = /module/getinfo/1454306400000/1455256800000
the routing.yml is:
pattern: /getinfo/{desde}/{hasta}/
defaults: { _controller: AcmeDemoBundle:Module/Module:getInfo,desde:0,hasta:0}
I want to create a custom variable on javascript, what can I do ?
Thank you !
PD. Sorry for my english, I'm still learning jejeje
If you don't pass the values of the route placeholders to the path() function, it'll use the default values (both set to 0).
If you can't pass the values, because they are only available in JavaScript, consider using string replacing techniques:
var url = "{{ path('module_getinfo', { desde: '%desde%', hasta: '%hasta%' }) }}"
.replace('%desde%', desde_)
.replace('%hasta%', hasta_)
A simple solution is to use what #wouter J said
But a cleaner solution is to use something like fos js routing which allows you to generate the routes from java script

Symfony 2 redirect route

I have the following route that works via a get:
pattern: /crud/success/
defaults: { _controller: CanopyAbcBundle:Crud:success }
_method: GET
Where Canopy is the namespace, the bundle is AbcBundle, controller Crud, action is success.
The following fails:
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('crud_success'));
Unable to generate a URL for the named route "crud_success" as such route does not exist.
500 Internal Server Error - RouteNotFoundException
How can I redirect with generateUrl()?
Clear your cache using php app/console cache:clear
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('CanopyAbcBundle_crud_success'));
If parameters are required pass like this:
return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('CanopyAbcBundle_crud_success', array('param1' => $param1)), 301);
The first line of your YAML is the route name that should be used with the router component. You're trying to generate a URL for the wrong route name, yours is CanopyAbcBundle_crud_success, not crud_success.
Also, generateUrl() method does what it says: it generates a URL from route name and parameters (it they are passed). To return a 403 redirect response, you could either use $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('CanopyAbcBundle_crud_success')) which is built into the Controller base class, or you could return an instance of Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\RedirectResponse like this:
public function yourAction()
return new RedirectResponse($this->generateUrl('CanopyAbcBundle_crud_success'));

How to use third party api in symfony2

basically I am trying to integrate the thrid party api in symfony2 application. I have the php class from api documention. I want integrate that in my custom bundle controller.
I also looking to add the option to configure the api key and secrets. I don't know how to start. Please look at below that i want to do
namespace Acme\DemoBundle\Controller;
class DemoController extends Controller
public function indexAction()
$myApi = new MyApi($key,$secret); // this is the stuff, I am trying to do!
return array();
First I try to create the library format symfony package. I don't know how to achive this this type. Can Some one tell me what are thinks I need to do.
TO do this in a proper way, you have to declare you api class as a service & use dependancy injection to inject your parameters :
your_api.class: Acme\HelloBundle\Lib\YourApiClass
your_api.key: "key value for your api"
your_api.token: "token value for your api"
class: "%your_api.class%"
arguments: ["%your_api.key%", "%your_api.token%"]
And in your controller & many other places you'll have access like that :
$api = $this->get('yourApiService');
Take a look for more informations :
you can use it as a service:
when i try to implement an extern api, i think about adapter pattern:

How to use a cookie in routing configuration in Symfony2?

I have a City parameter stored in a cookie. I would like to include its value as a pattern prefix in my routing configuration like so:
# MyBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml
resource: "#MyBundle/Resources/config/routing/hotel.yml"
prefix: /%cityNameFromCookie%/hotel
How can I achieve that?
Give us a use case on how you would want this to work because I don't see the difficulty. Routes are made of parameters that you can specify through the generateUrl function, the url twig function or the path twig function.
In Twig you can do this
{{ path('MyBundle_hotel', {cityNameFromCookie: app.request.cookies.get('cityNameFromCookie')}) }}
In a controller action
$cookieValue = $this->get('request')->cookies->get('cityNameFromCookie');
$url = $this->generateUrl('MyBundle_hotel', array('cityNameFromCookie' => $cookieValue));
Or from any places that have access to the container
$cookieValue = $this->container->get('request')->cookies->get('cityNameFromCookie');
$url = $this->container->get('router')->generate('MyBundle_hotel', array('cityNameFromCookie' => $cookieValue));
In the last example, you will probably want to change how the container is being accessed.
If you are concerned about how complicated it looks like, you can abstract this logic and put it inside a service or extend the router service.
You can find documentation about services and the service container in the Symfony's documentation.
You can also list the services via the command php app/console container:debug and will find the router service and its namespace and from this you can try to figure out how to extend the router service (a very good way to learn how services work).
Otherwise, here is simple way to create a service.
In your services.yml (either in your Bundle or in app/config/config.yml)
class: MyBundle\Service\CityService
arguments: [#router, #request]
In your CityService class
namespace MyBundle\Service
class CityService
protected $router;
protected $request;
public function __construct($router, $request)
$this->router = $router;
$this->request = $request;
public function generateUrl($routeName, $routeParams, $absoluteUrl)
$cookieValue = $this->request->cookies->get('cityNameFromCookie');
$routeParams = array_merge($routeParams, array('cityNameFromCookie' => $cookieValue));
return $this->router->generateUrl($routeName, $routeParams, $absoluteUrl);
Anywhere you have access to the container, you will be able to do the following
$this->container->get('city')->generateUrl('yourroute', $params);
If you still think that it isn't a great solution; you will have to extend the router service (or find a better way to extend the router component to make it behave the way you are expecting it to).
I personally use the method above so I can pass an entity to a path method in Twig. You can find an example in my MainService class and PathExtension Twig class defined in the services.yml.
In Twig, I can do forum_path('routename', ForumEntity) and in a container aware environment I can do $this->container->get('')->forumPath('routename', ForumEntity).
You should have enough information to make an informed decision
