css not working in IE9 or earlier versions [closed] - css

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am building a site which runs in Firefox, Chrome, Opera and IE10 perfectly but in IE9 css are not working properly for textbox and round borders.
here is my site link
for testing check this page also
how can I make this to compatible with IE9 or earlier versions.

Well there is an option where you can make the place-holder property work in earlier versions of IE.
You will have to include this JSlibrary.
Try this DEMO in IE9 and below. It should work.
<input type="text" placeholder="This text will dissappear once you type"/>
Regarding your second query about the rounded div's check this link


Should I really write different CSS code for different browsers? [closed]

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Closed 9 months ago.
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I am new to web development. I was wondering if I should really write different CSS code for different browsers. If I should, any tips for writing and testing my website in different browsers? Also, which browsers should I write different CSS code for? Thanks!
If you use autoprefixer then it will do all the different browser stuff for you: https://css-tricks.com/autoprefixer/
For testing in different browsers you could use something like BrowserStack
I suggest you write CSS code that targets the largest audience or market. Currently, the most used browser is Google Chrome. If you're more comfortable with another browser such as IE or Safari you can choose to write browser-specific CSS code.
Be sure to check the browser compatibility of the CSS properties you're using on the MDN Web Docs. Cheers!

IE7 (ugg), and Layout Issue [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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Using Bootstrap 3, Respond.js for anything under IE9
Why is my page doing this in IE7?
Let me know what else you need...
Bootstrap 3 does not support IE 7, it supports IE 8 with Respond.js. However IE8 has support for certain CSS properties that IE7 does not handle. The main one that works with the entire Bootstrap system is
box-sizing: border-box
There's an IE7 css and a polyfill for Bootstrap here: https://github.com/coliff/bootstrap-ie7
But even with those things, if you use in your own custom css styles that are not supported by IE7 then they will not show up styled as on modern browsers.
There's other classes like inline-block that don't work with IE 7 either, so in your own CSS you need to use fallbacks.
<section class="row"> has height:100% which doesn't work nicely with IE7. You have to give width in IE7.
If you remove the height: 100% it helps and then add width atleast in percentage to each required element

Appearance of the button's edges in mozilla [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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While I open my site via Mozilla firefox, the edges of buttons is not smooth and well-rounded, I don't have this problem via IE10 or chrome, Please check the following screen-shot:
What is wrong?
Maybe you need the -moz prefix, but I think that the latest Firefox version doesn't need this prefix. Take a look to this website
So your CSS rule should be like
Ps: sorry for my bad English :P

Joomla CSS not rendering on IE or Firefox [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Just had a frustrating couple of hours and I figured I'd haul out the big guns and ask the intertubes.
I have a Joomla site with a 3rd party template that doesn't seem to be rendering CSS in IE8, IE9 or Firefox, however Opera, Chrome and Safari are all reading it like a boss.
Site is: http://www.quizzically.co.uk
Theme is: http://joomlathemes.co/free-orange-template-for-joomla-2.5/
The internet is abuzz with questions from upwards of four years ago with this issue, but I'm not finding anything recent. The old issues are all very personal to the sites that they happened on as well so no love on the answers I did find.
My gut feeling is that something that directs to the CSS is not being picked up or is being ignored by Firefox and IE. I don't know what this is or how to begin looking so any help that can be offered would be ecstatically accepted.
Line 39 of styles.css has an incorrectly coded background style:
#header-w {position:relative; background:"fff }
The " should be a # for the color.
IE and Firefox are using stricter standards than the others, so break once there's an error.
Once that's corrected, the rest of the styles will load.

Disable auto font-kerning for firefox and ie10? [closed]

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Closed 10 years ago.
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How do you disable auto font-kerning for firefox and ie10? I've spent a while trying to search for a solution but all I get are out dated pages and experimental methods.
Previously, on Firefox, setting text-rendering: optimizeSpeed in CSS prevented kerning (and ligatures). According to Mozilla documentation, such a setting is now ignored “because the standard code for text rendering is already very fast and there is not a faster code path at this time”.
You can prevent kerning by using a font to which the browser does not apply kerning at all. The documentation is vague, but it seems that Firefox applies kerning to some “C fonts” by Microsoft and to DejaVu fonts.
Another, very clumsy, way is to use ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER (U+200C) characters between letters, e.g. W‌ally to have “Wally” rendered without kerning the “Wa” pair.
