Disable auto font-kerning for firefox and ie10? [closed] - css

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Closed 10 years ago.
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How do you disable auto font-kerning for firefox and ie10? I've spent a while trying to search for a solution but all I get are out dated pages and experimental methods.

Previously, on Firefox, setting text-rendering: optimizeSpeed in CSS prevented kerning (and ligatures). According to Mozilla documentation, such a setting is now ignored “because the standard code for text rendering is already very fast and there is not a faster code path at this time”.
You can prevent kerning by using a font to which the browser does not apply kerning at all. The documentation is vague, but it seems that Firefox applies kerning to some “C fonts” by Microsoft and to DejaVu fonts.
Another, very clumsy, way is to use ZERO WIDTH NON-JOINER (U+200C) characters between letters, e.g. W‌ally to have “Wally” rendered without kerning the “Wa” pair.


Is it safe to use calc in CSS? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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This data from caniuse http://caniuse.com/#feat=calc suggests that practically all browsers now support calc in CSS. Are there any reasons to still avoid using calc for consumer websites? Have any major websites started using calc?
The official level is Candidate Recommendation for W3C and are descripted in draft document CSS Values and Units Module Level 3
Candidate Recomendation is not like Approved but is very near, so (i think) it 'a choice deeply comforted by the state of the documentation of W3C
IE seems to be the problem as usual but as far as I know, the calc element is fairly safe to use, depending on the units you are using (c.f. 'Known issues' with vw vh).
About Opera Mini, I thought it was now using the Chrome engine, even on iOS (iOS Safari engine is specified for iOS on caniuse). Would someone have more details about this?
A very interesting post about this on CSS-Tricks by Chris Coyier.

Appearance of the button's edges in mozilla [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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While I open my site via Mozilla firefox, the edges of buttons is not smooth and well-rounded, I don't have this problem via IE10 or chrome, Please check the following screen-shot:
What is wrong?
Maybe you need the -moz prefix, but I think that the latest Firefox version doesn't need this prefix. Take a look to this website
So your CSS rule should be like
Ps: sorry for my bad English :P

Verdana font issue [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I must implement a website css from psd file. In psd some text is in Verdana, but when I use Verdana in css it appears thicker in a browser than Verdana in the psd file. Does anyone know the reason?
Basically you can never trust that fonts are looking the same in the Web and in Photoshop. So you still have to choose the best size/weight for yourself.
The "problem" with Verdana is explained very well on this website:
Basically Verdana appears much bigger than other fonts when used in a website, compared to other popular fonts you must use it in 85% of the size you would use Arial or Times.

selecting a font from the font-family in css [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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It's supposed that the font-family holds several font names for those times that the browser doesn't support the first one. it check the second font name and so on.
I have a desire font and I put it as a first font in the list, but my mozilla browser picks up another font and doesn't recognise my desire font .However when I clear the rest of the fonts. The browser recognise my desire font and apply it in my site .
(I have test this situation in firebug by just temporary changing the style )
How can I find where does this problem come from?
From the MDN page on font-family,
When a font is only available in some styles, variants, or sizes,
those properties may also influence which font family is chosen.
For a more detailed understanding of how font-family selection works, please read W3C's rules of font style matchin.
Your first font is only available in a few particular variations and which is why it's ignored when other more complete fonts are present. In absence of other options, FF has to use whatever is available.

css not working in IE9 or earlier versions [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I am building a site which runs in Firefox, Chrome, Opera and IE10 perfectly but in IE9 css are not working properly for textbox and round borders.
here is my site link
for testing check this page also
how can I make this to compatible with IE9 or earlier versions.
Well there is an option where you can make the place-holder property work in earlier versions of IE.
You will have to include this JSlibrary.
Try this DEMO in IE9 and below. It should work.
<input type="text" placeholder="This text will dissappear once you type"/>
Regarding your second query about the rounded div's check this link
