How can I edit meta fields in multiple posts without database access? - wordpress

I have 150 posts in my WordPress site that have a custom field value that I need to change. I do not have database access to make these changes and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas about how to automate this process?
The change I need to make is to change to urls from absolute to relative references. I am not sure how to approach automating this and any help getting me in the right direction would be appreciated.
Thank You for your help!

This is impossible without FTP, Database Cpanel or Backend access. I'd spend your efforts on gaining access rather than a work around.
If you have administration access install wp-dbmanager it will allow database table manipulation.
Without database access you could only write a plugin to do this or export specific tables and edit them then re-upload them with the plugin above.


I have a backup of the Wordpress folder but not the SQL database, is it possible for me to recover the website for local use?

I have a backup of the entire Wordpress folder of one of my old websites but, unfortunately, I forgot to also make a backup of the database for it. It's been years since the website expired so there's no way I can get the SQL file that way, and both Wayback Machine and Google don't seem to have any caches left of it (a tutorial I saw mentioned trying that way).
Is it still possible for me to get the website working for local use?
Yes and no, depending on what you are willing to do.
Is it still possible for me to get the website working for local use? No
If you have no database you will not have access to the Posts, Pages, Users, Options and all of the meta.
Is it still possible for me to get the website working for local use? Yes
If you create all of the database entries again to your satisfaction. You will still have all of the images you can re-upload to recreate the database entries for images. Then just re-create all of the pages and users as needed. Plugins may need to be disabled/reactivated/reinstalled and configured as well as your theme settings.
Try , you might be in luck there. Without sqldump its not much to do. If you had a cache plugin active, check if you have any snapshots.

Wordpress user is able to login but can't find it in the database

So, I have an admin user on Wordpress, I can login, I can post, update, install plugins, etc.
But when I try to find my user name, or email on the database wordpress is using (in wp-config file), I'm not able to locate it. and mine is not the only user I'm not able to find in the database.
Now,I got to this discovery, because our wordpress site was hacked not long ago, I'm going through the files, and I see some random code on the top of index.php or other files.
I clean and get rid of this code, and files too ! ( aindex.php, ajax-index.php. etc.)
At some point in the middle of the night, some files is creating this files, and inserting this random code again. SO I need to do this everyday in the morning, otherwise the wordpress admin doesn't work. Any insight on this too, will be very appreciate it.
Anyway, it is possible that whoever hacked the site, is making wordpress to store new users on an external database ?
Thanks, any help will be appreciate it.
Note I'm using: Wordfence, WP security, Cerber Security, Defender, iThemes Security to help scan the files.
In relation to your first point, users are not stored in wp-config.php. They are stored in the database - you can access the database via your (depending on the database manager you're using).
Within the database tables you will find wp_users and wp_usermeta where the information you are looking for will be stored.
You can have a look at this page for some more information.

Reading/writing to the WordPress database using WordPress and Javascript

I am working with a client who is using WordPress. I am not familiar with WP like I am with other frameworks. In this situation, the client wants to allow users to enter data into a form and I will create pages to display this data so it can be managed. I am thinking I need to get the user entered data saved into a table. I will then read from this table to display in another page. I need to do CRUD stuff within WP with JavaScript.
Are there plugins that will allow me to create tables within the WP database? Can I use JavaScript to read/write to them, or do I need to use PHP? I don't have access to the source code so I am doing everything via the functions.php and JS files.
Because I don't have much experience with WP, I am not sure what can be done. Thanks for any suggestions.
While it's definitely doable programmatically, I don't see much reason in recreating the wheel. Perhaps Contact Form 7 would work for you. If not, Gravity Forms can do what you need, but I believe there is a cost for that.

How to create database and use it in wordpress dashboard

i am newbie to wordpress.I just created a free blog in Wordpress.I want to know how to create Database in it and use it. Any links to good tutorial will be great.Thanks in advance.
WordPress itself uses a MySQL database to store (among other things) post content and meta, users, info about plugins, etc.
In terms of creating a separate database from the one that's in WordPress itself, the question you're asking itself makes me very hesitant to think that you should. You'd be dealing with passwords, permissions, and a whole range of very easy to screw up settings that probably aren't worth playing with if you're new to WordPress.
If you wanted to use the database in WordPress itself and have the ability to write queries or create tables, you could look at any number of SQL plugins (eg or that would allow you to query tables in the WordPress database.... I don't recall if the existing plugins would allow you to create/modify tables, but phpMyAdmin or terminal would be just fine for that if not.
Since you're new, let me ***strongly*** encourage you not to modify/delete the default tables in WordPress, especially not on a live site.
Best of luck

User privacy in WordPress file access

Is it possible to create WordPress users that can only view their own uploads and not all of the uploads in the media library? If so, how?
Ultimately, I want to have a password protected interface where I can exchange files with my clients. Because of privacy issues, I do not want clients to be able to view each others files, or see any information about each other. Any ideas on how to make this possible would be greatly appreciated.
There is a plugin that should be able to handle this:
However, you might be better off switching to Joomla to take advantage of DocMan:
