User privacy in WordPress file access - wordpress

Is it possible to create WordPress users that can only view their own uploads and not all of the uploads in the media library? If so, how?
Ultimately, I want to have a password protected interface where I can exchange files with my clients. Because of privacy issues, I do not want clients to be able to view each others files, or see any information about each other. Any ideas on how to make this possible would be greatly appreciated.

There is a plugin that should be able to handle this:
However, you might be better off switching to Joomla to take advantage of DocMan:


Wordpress/Woocomerce plugin for upload/download files client & admin

new here, don't know if I'm doing this right but thought I may ask here. I tell you about the project real quick.
I'm developing a WordPress and Woocomerce website where the product is to request several electricity contracts (some paid, others not) where the clients need to upload a number of documents for us to do said contract. We, the site admins, need to download the client's documents and, once they are greenlight, ready, confirmed, we will upload them back again for the user/client to download. Also, we need this documents to be accesible to the client via their My Account page.
I have struggled so much to find a plugin that does this. I've found tons of file management plugins but those show the root folder of the server and we don't that. Don't know if you guys can recommend me a plugin that does something like this. Maybe one that uses s shortcode? Any help is very much welcome!

Reading/writing to the WordPress database using WordPress and Javascript

I am working with a client who is using WordPress. I am not familiar with WP like I am with other frameworks. In this situation, the client wants to allow users to enter data into a form and I will create pages to display this data so it can be managed. I am thinking I need to get the user entered data saved into a table. I will then read from this table to display in another page. I need to do CRUD stuff within WP with JavaScript.
Are there plugins that will allow me to create tables within the WP database? Can I use JavaScript to read/write to them, or do I need to use PHP? I don't have access to the source code so I am doing everything via the functions.php and JS files.
Because I don't have much experience with WP, I am not sure what can be done. Thanks for any suggestions.
While it's definitely doable programmatically, I don't see much reason in recreating the wheel. Perhaps Contact Form 7 would work for you. If not, Gravity Forms can do what you need, but I believe there is a cost for that.

User to user email for Drupal site

I would like to allow users of my Drupal site to send anonymous email to each other but have not found a module that does this. Coding is likely not an option for me for this issue as I'm both new to Drupal and don't know PHP.
Does anyone know if there is a module to help with this?
If there are no modules then code I will. Any example code or recommended learning resources would be appreciated.
Could something like this work? It is a private messaging addon, allowing users to communicate on the site, it also provides users with the option "notify-by-email". Assuming i understood your question. Anonymous as in not able to see each others e-mail.

How can I edit meta fields in multiple posts without database access?

I have 150 posts in my WordPress site that have a custom field value that I need to change. I do not have database access to make these changes and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas about how to automate this process?
The change I need to make is to change to urls from absolute to relative references. I am not sure how to approach automating this and any help getting me in the right direction would be appreciated.
Thank You for your help!
This is impossible without FTP, Database Cpanel or Backend access. I'd spend your efforts on gaining access rather than a work around.
If you have administration access install wp-dbmanager it will allow database table manipulation.
Without database access you could only write a plugin to do this or export specific tables and edit them then re-upload them with the plugin above.

Can I find out how many people are using my WP plugin?

I'm wondering is it allowed and also what's the best way to track how many users are currently using and running your WordPress plugin?
It's not really allowed without user permission, best bet is to check your plugin stats for active versions and download counts.
No "phoning home" without user's informed consent. This seemingly
simple rule actually covers several different aspects:
No unauthorized collection of user data. For example, sending the admin's email address back to your own servers without permission of
the user is not allowed; but asking the user for an email address and
collecting if they choose to submit it is fine. All actions taken in
this respect MUST be of the user's doing, not automatically done by
the plugin.
All images and scripts shown should be part of the plugin. These should be loaded locally. If the plugin does require that data is
loaded from an external site (such as blocklists) this should be made
clear in the plugin's admin screens or description. The point is that
the user must be informed of what information is being sent where.
Source: Detailed Plugin Guidelines -
Why not just check how many people have downloaded your WP plugin?
You could make a callback to your server, but many users won't like it.
