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How to implement this UI using QT?
1) There are values in the x, y axis.
2) we can move vertical and horizontal scroll-bars. And the x, y values will change
3) when mouse move to a pointer, its (x,y) values will be shown.
is there any examples I can study to achieve this UI?
QCusomplot download A Thirdparty library will be useul to solve your problem, but it has many featues too. extracting your requirement code is bit challanging. QCustomPlot is derived from QWidget, with pixmap rendering effectively. So it is fast. default license is GPL too.
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Closed 8 years ago.
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We use breeze with API controller.
I want display what dates we have in database to the end user without converting them into UTC.
Same in case if uses chooses any date in the UI it should be saved as it was selected.
I know that JSON.NET date serialization sucks. Also on DOM elements are bound to model properties and it is quite big job to convert date fields into string.
Can you please advise for a fix solution?
I did try implementing custom DateTimeConverterBase and hook it through GLOBAL.ASCX however for some reason my overwritten method does not invoke!
Any help would be appreciated.
Simplest way to do this might be to replace Breeze's breeze.DataType.parseDateFromServer method.
See the answer to this post for more information: breezejs-date-is-not-set-to-the-right-time
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Closed 8 years ago.
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Could someone please explain what large margin optimization is, in a machine learning context? Everything I've found is extremely complicated and I don't know where to start.
Thanks in advance.
In classification, the largest margin problem is simply a search for the separating boundary (hyperplane in most cases) which maximizes the margin aroud it (minimum distance to the objects of each class).
In the simple case of two dimensional data, you can think of it like a search for such line, that correctly separates elements of one class from the other one, and in the same time maximizes the sum of distances to the closest points from both classes. Following image from wikipedia shows such separating line found using Support Vector Machine:
This geometrical concept is very important, as it makes solution unique - if we would simply search for a line that separates our data we would have infinitely many such solutions, and would have a problem to choose a particular one. Largest margin concept shows us exactly which line we want, and as a result, optimization process performed in this problem is generally repeatable (and as numerous experiments have shown - very effective).
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Closed 10 years ago.
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The question is addressed to those who already have experience in programming, graphics 2D or 3D. What is the mathematical background needed for the programming schedules? And how often do you have to apply this knowledge in practice?
Personally, I don't think it matters what language or framework you are using, it comes down to 3 areas you will need to consider from a background knowledge point of view.
Vector Math
Discrete Algorithms
I'd be tempted to get a good grip on all three of these before you begin. Also, start simple - Vectors and Trig are a lot simpler in 2D, then once you get the hang of it progress to adding 3D.
Good luck, have fun!
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Closed 9 years ago.
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Is there a way to parse RDF using .NET? I would like to show the data in some web control?
Yes, there is. For instance with:
In dotNetRdf several classes (for example IGraph.ToDataTable()) offer methods which will convert the RDF triples to a DataTable.
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Closed 3 years ago.
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Hi i am making website
and i am following SDLC Straitegy
so which diagrams are required to draw.
Depends on what diagrams you need!
Diagrams should not be drawn for thr sake of drawing a diagram. It should add value to your development process.
Having said that, You might want to make a Class diagram and a Sequence Diagram for starters. Drawing the overall system architecture wont hurt either.