Asterisk: Outbound and Inbound call at the same time - asynchronous

I am looking this use case scenario for Asterisk. I am using v 1.8 running a Centos 6.4 Linux distribution.
1.An outbound call is initiated via Asterisk
2.Both the internal extension as well as the outbound call-phone starts to ring.
The first person to pick up (either the internal extension or outbound call-phone) will
hear the a pre recorded message to hold as the call is being connected to the other user
i.e: If outbound call-phone picks up first then he will be asked to hold the line while the call is being connected to internal-phone user.
Any inputs?

My suggestion is almost the same but a little different:
Setup a dynamic meetme room changing the only-person message to "please hold..."
Setup booth calls at same time to destination numbers and set the originate command application parameter as meetme

Create 2 calls
After connect use bridge command or conference room.


IVR call simulation on Asterisk 15 server

I am using Asterisk 15 server and wanted to configure IVR call simulation. My configuration scenario is
1. A subscriber will register to Asterisk server and start a call.
2. The IVR audio will come from the Asterisk sever to sbscriber.
3. Once the subscriber pressed the botton, the call will connect to a number based on DTMF digit pressed by subscriber. Then call will continue for 30 seconds.
I observered for normal call pjsip.conf file is used for configuration of a subscribers.
Could you please help me on below queries ?
1. Which file we need to configure for the IVR call simulation ?
2. Please suggest a good documentation for IVR simulation.
Files are extensions.conf and pjsip.conf/sip.conf
You have read book for beginner, for example "Asterisk the future of telephony".
After that write dialling core or reuse or other core and write dialplan in extensions.conf for you ivr.
What you tried to do usually called "press-1 outbound dialling campaign"

Asterisk: How to connect called Party to another Destination

I need to connect the called party to another destination on an Asterisk.
Simple situation:
Inbound call is coming in, answered, welcome prompt, gets connected by the DIAL command to destination 1 (agent 1st level support).
Agent 1st level has to consult agent 2nd level, while inbound call is on hold/parked. In some situations the inbound call then has to be connected to the 2nd level agent.
Any idea how I can control the call to the called party (agent 1st level)? Isn't it just a call transfer situation with a conversation between the forwarding and the second destination?
I am using phpagi so I can send all commands from php scripts - but it doesn't make any difference to dialplan commands.
Thank you for your ideas and help
You can't do that from AGI, becuase it have no control while in Dial command
You can use transfer from softphone or AMI action Redirect.

How to route call from VoiceBlue Next device to Asterisk Server

I want to setup and IVR Menu i mean if a user calls to a particular GSM Number then the number should be redirected to Asterisk Server and the user needs to Get IVR Menu
I am using VoiceBlue Next firmware version inserted working SIM Card
If i make a call to that particular number i am able to accept call,reject call and other options from VoiceBlueNext Web Interface.
I have made a SIP account in pjsip.conf file and created and extension as 100 in extensions.conf but unable to transfer the call to Asterisk Server
In asterisk server are there any other files to be changed or any settings in VoiceBlue Next
There are not many details to understand your scenario, I have not used VoiceBlue but on Asterisk if you want to receive calls, from your VoiceBlue or any other provider. You have to do two things, one you have to register this peer to allow receive calls, or you can also set allowguest=yes(but very dangerous anyone can send you calls) or add peers at end of pjsip.conf file as little secure way.
Next, you need to add dialplan, suppose if you get any number _X will be any number, now you can put Dial your extension to receive any number from the provider.
As for sip client to call out you have to register peer and both must be in the same context.
Sending outgoing calls, now if you call any number beginning 6 and 7 they will be forwarded to VoiceBlue
for incoming please add following in your pjsip.conf
and in same file on top put following general section
port = 5060
bindaddr =
context = sip
Notice I allowguest = no , so you must provide peer VoiceBlue peer information to receive calls, but if you want to test, make it yes and you will get calls without any security.

Unable to set callerID using ARI

I have a java stasis application on Asterisk 14 using ari4java. It mostly works great. I am now trying to receive an external call and relay it back out. I do following
Incoming call enters Stasis
Create bridge
Add first call(channel) to bridge
Create channel
Add second channel to bridge
Dial( secondChID, "Local/2601", 30)
No matter what I try, the second outbound call gets the callerID of the first inbound call. That is actually OK for many calls, but in this case I want to set another callerId.
Before Dial() I have tried to setChannelVar(CALLERID(num)) and this value I can see in all events coming from Asterisk. But once the SIP call is placed, no sign of my callerID.
I doubt it is the ari4java doing anything wrong as I see the callerID in all the "dial" events. I thought I could force a callerID in sip.conf, but unable to do that too.

Asterisk / Freepbx does not set CallerID to calling party when queue contains a cell phone

Does Asterisk / FreePBX support the ability to pass the caller ID of an inbound caller to a remote support agent (on a cell phone)?
Our work has a queue for incoming calls which contains "remote agents" (people on cell phones). To the cell phone agents, all calls appear to be coming from our main number (385-111-1111). We would like the calls to appear to be coming from the caller (201-555-5555).
This is not a problem with our SIP trunk provider. In the past we used different PBX software, with the same SIP trunk provider, and it was able to set the Caller ID properly. Extensions are capable of setting and passing arbitrary Caller ID, only calls from queues retain the main number.
Outgoing PEER Details:
I've manipulated so many settings that I've come to wonder if Asterisk / FreePBX simply does not support this. Has anyone successfully been able to do this?
Asterisk certainly does. Capture the CID in a dialplan variable at the beginning of the call and set the outbound CID to the same value before passing it on.
There's no direct way to do this within the FreePBX GUI but there is a workaround:
Set up a virtual extension
Enable follow-me on the extension, add the mobile number to the follow-me list
Set the follow-me CID mode to default
Ensure the queue's agent restrictions allow the use of follow-me numbers
Have the agent log into the queue using the virtual extension instead of their mobile number
The default behaviour for the follow-me extension is to pass the incoming caller ID out. So, some flexibility is lost (mobile numbers have to be changed in follow-me settings) but it does allow the desired behaviour.
Asterisk supports setting the callerid for all outgoing or redirected calls. I did this with v1.8 and v13.7 as I'm facing the exact same requirements.
This feature depends on the provider and the contract they setup with you. My Provider calls it "Special Arrangement / Clip no screening". In my case they use "P-Asserted-Identity" to find callerid.
I had to set the following options in the outgoing sip trunk in sip.conf:
