Plugin overwrites Wordpress Page Permalinks - wordpress

I've created a plugin that registers a custom taxonomy which can be used in the permalink structure. It's an issue management plugin. When it's active, all the posts can be displayed fine but pages all return a 404. I have the permalink set to /%issue%/%category%/%postname%/.
Again this works fine for posts but breaks pages. Here is the code:
I've reset the permalink multiple times and deletes .htaccess but nothing works. Could anyone offer suggestions of what hooks or functions might be breaking permalinks for pages?


Set WordPress default post_type post with a slug without using admin Permalink Settings

For a client, they'd like all their posts, which reside under the post_type => post within WordPress to have the blog/ prefix to them.
I know this is doable by going to Settings -> Permalinks and changing the value to blog/%postname%. However doing so, if a client updated a page from About (slug about) to About Us (slug about-us), WordPress will not redirect the slug about to about-us if I change the Permalink settings.
I've looking into inserting an array into the rewrite of the post args, but this didn't resolve anything. I've also looked into using Redirection, but again this did not resolve the issue, as it was unable to actively monitor the slug changes, even with the Options updated within the plugin.
Does anyone know of a function I can hook into, or a solution? Googling this seems to only tackle custom post types, which I am not altering.

Specific WordPress permalinks link to wrong page

I have a somewhat strange issue with WordPress today. This behaviour has only begun in the last week or so as far as I can ascertain.
Any page with the slug "downloads" links to it's parent page instead of to it's own page.
I have tried the following:
Reset permalinks to default and then back to %postname%
Disabled all plugins
Physically cleared the cache
But none of the above fix the issue. The weird thing is that this behaviour is only happening for pages with the slug "downloads". For all other slugs it is fine.
For example there are multiple instances of the slug "get-involved" with different parents and all work fine. But when the same is done with "downloads" the links redirect to their parent. Is anyone else experiencing this issue?
I have also verified in fiddler that the pages are not redirecting, they are actually linking to the parent page with a response code of 200, there is no 301 or 302 thrown.
WordPress will automatically duplicate the same slug with a new name but you should check again, maybe you've re-writing slug manually before. And check your .htaccess.

Permalink Redirect from /%postname%/ to /%postname%.html in Wordpress Hosted Blog

I've just changed my permalinks from /%postname%/ to /%postname%.html
So, links which are in /%postname%/ are showing 404 error.
I want to redirect those links to /%postname%.html in order to avoid 404 error page.
Changing the permalink settings with extension will effect only in posts, not in pages. In many instances like this I always use this plugin, it is a short plugin and editable, you can change the extension (.html) to many other like: .asp, .shtml, etc.
But please note: if you do an edit to your permalink setting please deactivate the plugin and activated it again when your done. Because if you change the permalink setting and didn't deactivate and activate this plugin all the page will appear as not found.
You can see the plugin stats to see how many people used the plugin.

Wordpress Custom Post Types Redirect Issue

When using pretty links with Custom Post Types UI plugin i receive a constant redirect when i preview custom posts i.e people/mark-james. Does anybody have a clue why this is happening? I am using this in conjunction with Advanced Permalinks.
Try resaving permalinks in settings > permalinks. I believe just visting that page cleans stuff.

Is there a way to use a different URL structure for static pages in WordPress 2.9?

I have WP 2.9 installed on an IIS 7 server. Permalinks works with the URL Rewrite add-on for IIS, but I'm wondering if it's possible to use different permalink structures for pages and posts. For instance:
Pages would be:$pagetitle/
Blog posts would be:$entrytitle/
Is this possible?
Standard wordpress permalinks have page titles without dates, and you can also get rid of the date in posts: Customize Your Dated WordPress Permalinks - Perishable Press.
And get rid of the category base, too: Wordpress Supplies » Wordpress Plugins » WP No Category Base
What you're describing is actually the default behavior if you use a custom permalink (at least on Apache... it might be different in IIS).
