ASP.NET: Disallow certain Active Directory users -

I have an ASP.NET MVC application that uses Windows authentication. I would like for our staff to be able to use the application without having to log in. However, we have certain generic, departmental IDs that are in Active Directory as users. How can I make my application disallow these users, so that if a staffperson is logged in to a computer with one of these generic ideas, the application will make them log in?

I'd put the restricted department users into an AD Group, then you could put it in your web.config under authorizations denying that specific group privileges.
See below for example (DepartmentIDs would be your AD group):
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<compilation debug="true" />
<authentication mode="Windows" />
<allow roles="DomainName\AuthorizedUsers" />
<deny users="DomainNames\DepartmentIDs" />
Users you can also specify as
<deny users="comma-separated list of users">
Or you can deny roles. There are quite a few options here. You can also do permissions in IIS directly, depending on Web Application, Virtual Directory, NTFS Directory access. I'd stick with web.config, but I'm sure you'll hear from other people a few different options.
I also read an interesting article about identity impersonate in .NET, take a look:


Web.Config Authorization for folder access

When managing access rules in the login module. Is there an explicit deny all at the end?
Let's say I have two roles: Administrator and Member
Administrators are allowed into the folder iPhone and Members are allowed in the folder Blackberry
I manage my rules and get the following code in each web.config:
<allow roles="Administrator" />
<allow roles="Member" />
But can Administrators access the Blackberry folder and Members the iPhone folder? Or do I need to add a rule saying deny roles="Administrator"in the Blackberry folder and deny roles="Member" in the iPhone folder?
I take it you mean using an application...
Add in a:
<deny users="*">
after your authorized users.
I think you should also be using user rather than role
When you create a new web application, all web.config settings (global, site and local) are merged together to form the configuration that's really in effect for this application. By default a local web.config does not contain an authorization section but inherits the one defined globally. So you alway end up with a entry. quick and dirty authentication

I'm currently working on a page within one of my company's internet sites that is in response to some production issues we have. The page will be published with the rest of the web site to our DMZ, however I'd like to set-up some quick authentication so only users on our domain (assuming they access the site internally) can access the page. I'd like to use Windows authentication to do so.
Is there a quick way to accomplish this?
If I understand the question correctly, you want to enable security just on one page in your application - not the entire app.
Under IIS, you can manage the security settings on a page by page basis. In the IIS manager, pick the page, and change the security settings so that anonymous is off, and only Windows auth is accepted. You should get prompted for a login when you visit that page.
From Scott Gu's blog
To enable Windows Authentication
within an ASP.NET Application, you
should make sure that you have
“Integrated Windows Authentication”
(formerly called NTLM authentication)
enabled within IIS for the application
you are building. You should then
add a web.config file to the root
directory of your ASP.NET application
that contains an
section which sets the mode to
You should also then add an
section to the same
web.config file that denies access to
“anonymous” users visiting the site.
This will force ASP.NET to always
authenticate the incoming browser user
using Windows Authentication – and
ensure that from within code on the
server you can always access the
username and Windows group membership
of the incoming user.
The below web.config file demonstrates
how to configure both steps described
<authentication mode="Windows" />
<deny users="?"/>
You can apply the auth settings to just a path in this way:
<location path="mypath.axd">
<allow roles="MyRole, AnotherRole" />
<deny users="*" />
<deny users="?" />
You can simply use Windows Authentication settings in IIS. Just turn off Anonymous Access in IIS and set your NTFS permissions on the Web folder to the users whom you want to have access to the site. Your IIS admin should be able to handle this quite easily.

Authorize a directory for anonymous users IIS 7.5?

I'm trying to add a directory for anon access in IIS 7.5. It works under Web Dev but not IIS 7.5
I'm currently using this web.config in the directory. This is a directory with style sheets:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
Note: As an alternative to hand editing this file you can use the
web admin tool to configure settings for your application. Use
the Website->Asp.Net Configuration option in Visual Studio.
A full list of settings and comments can be found in
machine.config.comments usually located in
<allow users="*" />
I've went to the folder and under Authentication, I've changed anonymous authentication from IIS_USR to pool. This seems to have correct it.
I will reward anyone who provides a very good explanation and resources for understanding this setting. Also, how to apply it globally would be good to know -- for all folders.
Since you answered your own question, here is the explanation that might help
Authorization deals with who IIS will offer resources to. Those resources, however, have their own security as they are just files on a file system.
The Authentication element in the config assists in determining how IIS will identify a user's requests after its accepted and as it accesses resources beyond/external to IIS.
This is set at the site level, typically in the applicationHost.config file for your server. It can, if properly setup, be overridden at the site level. pages about this:
The .config version of what you did in the UI is:
<location path="/yourSite">
<anonymousAuthentication enabled="true" username="" />
On the anon. auth method, the username field is who IIS will impersonate when resources are accessed. When you don't specify one, it defaults to use the identity of the apppool.
Now, as to why this mattered ... check the actual file on disk (the .css). If this fixed the problem that would mean IUSR doesn't have access to read that file.
You don't have a location defined for your authorization. You also don't specify what sort of authentication you're using within the web.config (if any).
<location path="/">
<allow users="*"/>

How to deploy and secure an ASP.NET web app to be available to internal and outside users?

My company has several web applications written in ASP.NET. We need to make these applications available to Intranet users as well as authenticated external users. Most of the features are the same for the two groups, though there are some extra features available to the Internal users. The two different sets of users would use a slightly different security setup... our internal people will be authenticated using LDAP against Exchange, whereas the external users will have accounts in SQL Server.
What is the best approach for deploying our web apps? Should we deploy 2 copies to different servers, one configured for an Intranet and one for outside users? Or is there a better way to share the code between the 2 servers, yet have the flexibility to use different web.config settings for security??
This is what you are after:
It is specifically about mixed windows and forms authentication.
You can secure folders by adding an additional web.config file to that folder:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?>
<allow roles="admin" />
<deny users="*" />
What this does is allows anyone with the role "admin" and denies every other user from accessing resources in the folder. There are lots of combinations and possibilities available. Note that the order of declaring permissions here is important. It is worth experimenting with so that you fully understand how this works.
Page-specific settings can be handled like this:
<location path="page.aspx">
<allow roles="Administrators" />

Authorization settings for a folder in ASP.NET

I have an web site, I want restrict all users to access a folder named "log" and I have this element in web.config:
<location path="log">
<deny users="*"/>
and this element before it in system.web:
<allow users="*"/>
but still I have access to this url:
Any ideas?
.txt files are not handled by ASP.NET by default. You'll have to block access to the folder from within IIS.
If you're using IIS 7 you can use Request Filtering to achieve this.
to avoid this confusions I usually create one web.config file at the directories i need to set different permissions.
If you place a web.config file inside your log folder it will work ok (and it will become easier to check the applied permissions at the folder)
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<configuration xmlns="">
<deny users="*"/>
I typed up a summary since many were facing the same situation regarding subfolder authentication.
Subfolder Authorization
ASP.NET can only have a single
authentication mode for one
The different
applications CANNOT share resource
among them.
Let's say the home page should not prompt login dialog. It should let users pass through without whatever login is. However, in the same applicatiopn, in a different folder presumably, another page needs to check user permission against database table using user network login ID. By default IE treats all web site with only hostname a Intranet. By its default intranet setting, it will not prompt the login dialog and pass user login and password to the application if Windows Authentication is used. However, the tricky party is, if the application has an actual domain, IE will think it is an Internet site, and it will prompt the login and password if Windows Authentication is used.
The only way to not to promopt login dialog for Internet site using Windows Authentication, is to also turn on the anonymous authentication in IIS. However, you will lose the ability to capture the login info because the Anonymous has precedence over the Windows Authentication. The good news is there is a way to resolve that issue. If an application subfolder needs to capture the login information, you will need to overwrite the parent authorization in Location element in web.config.
1 In IIS, configure Authentication as follows:
Enable Anonymous Authentication,
Enable Windows Authentication
2 Add the followings in Web.Config.
<authentication mode="Windows" />
<allow users="*" />
<!-- secured is the relative subfolder name. deny anonymous user, so only the authenticated login will pass through -->
<location path="secured" allowOverride="true">
<deny users="?" />
