Embed QtDesigner - qt

Is it possible to embed QtDesigner into a PyQt application. I did some searching but can't really find any examples. Found lots about using the interface API but not really how to get the interface in the first place.

You will need to make 3 steps:
Get QtDesigner & QtCreator source
Create bindings from QtDesigner C++ code to python using SIP or Shiboken
Look at QtCreator source of how to embed QtDesigner into your application

I don't think its possible to do it without the source code. I doubt Qt will hand it out either. https://github.com/qt-creator/qt-creator is the source for QtCreator, but I could not find anything similar for QtDesigner.


add module in qt(QML module) [duplicate]

So when I create a new Qt project inside Qt Creator I'm only asked for some simple details like location of the project, build targets, the main window class name (along with header, source and form file) and at the enda choice to add it to version control.
After I create the project I'm only given the qt core and gui modules. My question is how do I add other modules (such as network or opengl). I've looked and looked, yet I cannot find anything on how to add other Qt modules easily. I know I can edit the .pro file, but unfortunately I don't know all the modules in Qt, nevermind the name I'm supposed to put there. Adding external libraries is easy, but how come there's no (obvious) option to add Qt libraries?
Help would be much appreciated ^_^ Thanks!
Oh yeah... I'm running Arch Linux if that's any help.
Edit your .pro file. It should has one line like this:
QT += core gui
Append the desired modules in this line. To get the module's names, just remove the "Qt" part in this list. (e.g. QtSql turns "sql")
I can't find that either.
It seems that in older versions of the "New project" wizard you used to be able to specify which modules you wanted to use, but even then you were not able to alter your choice later. And this seems gone now, so your only choice is to manually edit the .pro file.
As others have pointed out, you simply #include the module you want in the source and add the name of the module in the .pro file to the QT variable.
However the actual documentation you need which no one else has mentioned is the qmake Project Files page. qmake is very powerful and it's well worth getting familiar with how it works and I think that's why they don't provide a complete GUI for it, as it can handle some very complex scenarios.
You have to read the documentation to add the modules.
Frankly speaking, I never really felt like that there needs to be a GUI for that.

GUI designer for Qt

I want to ask if there are any good GUI designers for Qt that work with PySide beside QtCreator because it's huge. But I think that every will work with PySide, as it don't have to generate python3 code but just .ui file.
Yes, there is Qt Designer, which is part of the Qt toolkit itself.
(NB: Depending on your platform, you may need to install some extra packages to use it).

QT multilanguage app

I am new in Qt framework and now, I want to create an app which supports multi-language display. I known there is a way to do: Qt Linguist. I searched, and archieved some information about lupdate, lrelease ... But I just have Qt Creator IDE, how can I run or compile lupdate, lrelease ???
How can I create *.ts file ?
Please give me some code example or guide to do. (I often use Qt Designer to create GUI)
As far as i know, there is no option in QtCreator to use QtLinguist - you have to do it manually. Here you have an excellent documentation about how to do it. I have learned from there also.

Qt Creator - how to see the code of the designer?

I'm using Qt Creator.
I'm using the signals and slots editor, and I want to see the code it generates.
How can I see the code?
Let's say you have in Qt Creator a form file called widget.ui.
Once you've compiled your project, you'll find in your project folder a filed called ui_widget.h.
If you open it, you'll see the code generated by the uic tool.
when you use qt creater, this one is going to create a file with the name of your project, in my case it is called "build-prueba-Desktop_Qt_5_7_0_GCC_64bit-Debug", then in that file you have to look for a file with the "ui_" prefix, into that, you have the code you need

how can I find out why a custom widget isn't showing up in the Qt Designer?

I created a custom widget by following the instructions provided in Qt Creator's help. I followed everything exactly as they said there. My widget isn't showing up with the other widgets. I even tried their WorldTimeClock example. That doesn't show in the Qt Designer either.
How can I debug this?
If you go to Tools -> Form Editor -> About Qt Designer plugins, you will find a list of loaded qt plugins, and you will see an error message next to the ones that failed to load. I think that's the best you can get.
I just encountered this situation. From what I could find, the distributed version of Qt Creator was compiled with msvc, not mingw. Try opening Qt Designer. Do you see your (and the built-in) custom widgets? If so, follow the instructions here to build Qt Creator with mingw. When I did this, my custom widgets appeared in the new build.
