make <span> render in one line - css

I'm just fiddling around with jQuery UI. I want a region on my web page to show notifications...however the way jquery demo sites show is not so practical.
The markup on my page goes somewhat like follows:
<div id="msgRow">
<span class="ui-icon ui-icon-info"></span><span id="msg">Some message</span><span class="ui-icon ui-icon-close" id="close-message"></span>
Problem with the above is the message icon, text, and the close icon all appear in separate lines.
How to make them in the same line?
Ps: fiddle showing how its done jQuery ui way:

Give them a common class class with css property,display: Inline-Block.
Display: Inline-Block;


Creating a div (with background image) into a link

I'm trying to make my little icons on this page ( into links.
They're each in a div separately, but whenever I try to do:
<div class="social-btn pinterest"></div>
It doesn't seem to work! How can I link these icons to the respective websites?
The Div is supposed to be inside the Anchor tag.
Check Anchor tag usage
To make the icon click able you have to fix some issues. First of all your icons are not really linked. you can see the Hand cursor because the property defined in the class .social-btn
To make a icon clickable you should follow this approach. put the text inside a tag a better approach also you have to change the font-size:0
.social-btn a
padding: 22px;
font-size: 0;
your HTML should be like this.
<div class="social-btn pinterest">

Incorrect Position on <div> Element

I'm trying to make a simple yet interactive webpage for my school. Our current homepage we use for links is plain and boring.
I've created this: JSFiddle
But when I open the 'Student Links', the 'PHHS Website' button seems to automatically position itself ~50 pixels up.
Code because I have to:
<a class="itemLink" href="">
<div class="itemStudentsLink" id="PHHSWebsite">
<p class="itemText">PHHS Website</p>
If anyone knows why it's acting like this, please tell me. I'm not sure why this problem occurs.
This has to do with the vertical alignment of the blocks and the fact that one of the block's text goes onto two lines. Add
.itemStudentsLink {
vertical-align: bottom;

CSS to open text box when clicking on image

I have a SharePoint 2010 site and would like to use CSS only in the wikipage.
On my page I have a paragraph of information and at the end of it, has a question. After the viewers read the information and the question I would like them to be able to click on an image that says 'answer'. When clicking on the 'answer' image a text box comes up under the question with the answer. I would like the answer to stay on the page, not just hovering over the image.
My preference is to do this solely in css. I don't think I have the capabilities to do it in javascript.
I'm open to both options, I guess. If it is javascript can it be done inline?
Like mentioned by #JofryHS, css doesn't really respond to clicks.
Using inline js click handlers isn't great as it'll leave you having to repeat yourself a lot, but from the sounds of things you're fighting against not having enough access to Sharepoint (sigh, corporate networks).
This uses an inline click handler to show the answer:
<div class="question" id="q1">
What colour is the sky?
<button class="answerButton" onClick="document.getElementById('q1Answer').style.display='block'">Answer</button>
<div class="answer" id="q1Answer">
Overcast and grey, because I live in the UK.
<div class="question" id="q2">
Why does it always rain on me?
<button class="answerButton" onClick="document.getElementById('q2Answer').style.display='block'">Answer</button>
<div class="answer" id="q2Answer">
I'd have thought you figured this out already... It's Britain, of course it always rains on you!
the answers are hidden using css (note the display:none inside the .answer block):
.answer {
.question {
Essentially, all the onClick does is change the css of the answer from display:none to display:block, rendering the answer visible.
There's also a tad of css to make it look shinier, and here's a demo jsfiddle

Forcing Bootstrap's Typeahead Dropdown to Match a Custom Input Width

I'm working with Bootstrap's Typeahead and adding the input like so:
<div class="row">
<div class="span12">
<form class="centered">
<input id="main_search" type="text" class="search-query my-search" data-provide="typeahead">
I have the following CSS code which essentially just expands my search box to be "long" and in the middle of the span:
.centered {
/* Make the main search box wider */
.my-search {
width: 80%;
My question is, when I use the Typeahead, the auto-completed results are only as long as they "have to be" to display the entire word/phrase whereas I want them to be as long as the actually input box. Basically like what you see on with their Instant Search functionality.
This closed issue suggests I should be able to manipulate the CSS to achieve what I want to do, but I'm not great at complex CSS and I'm struggling to get the inheritance just right to get any CSS to actually apply to the correct element. On top of that, I'm unsure how to make sure the dropdown-menu inherits the input's length (so that it'll work despite browser resizing).
Thanks for any help that you can provide!
Current code:
Without you posting your code or a link to the working example, this is just a guess, but try this CSS
.my-search, .typeahead.dropdown-menu > li {
width: 80% !important;

Using a font-awesome stacked icon in a link

I am trying to use an icon-stack inside of a link. When I just use a single icon, everything works as normal. But when trying to use a stacked icon, it doesn't appear in the link like a single icon would.
The first method I am using is:
<span class="icon-stack"><i class="icon-circle icon-stack-base"></i><i class="icon-twitter"></i></span>tweetthis
Seen: Broken Stacked Icon
That gives me something where the two icons are both left-aligned (off center) and the icons appear over top of the text.
I had thought that including the span with the icon-stack class in place of a single <i> would be the way to do it, but it's not. This works fine:
<i class="icon-circle"></i><i class="icon-twitter"></i>tweetthis
Seen: Inline icons
I am not sure where to put the container <span>, or if there needs to be more styles added to it. I've tried various combinations. Setting the a to display:block doesn't help (there are no other styles applied to the link).
When there is no text in the link, the result is the same. Setting the .icon-stack container class to display:block does help it work, but it's not perfect since the base icon is so much bigger than the icon on top.
It this something that is possible? Or am I pushing the limits of how stacked icons should be used?
Here you go..
<a href="">
<span class="icon-stack">
<i class="icon-check-empty icon-stack-base"></i>
<i class="icon-twitter"></i>
link text
Span set to inline-block to ensure that the icon stays in place
body {
a {
span.icon-stack {
This is fixed in 3.2.1-wip branch. Or you can wait for the release tomorrow. :)
