Two different form login templates - symfony

my question is: is it possible to have two different login templates using the same firewall in symfony2? You may ask why do I need this? Well, one of them should be rendered typically after clicking sign in button. In turn the second one would appear when user starts his checkout process clicking on button in his shopping cart. Then ideally he should be able to choose on the same page to login normally or to continue buying as a guest. So this is the difference between these two templates:
Pure symfony2 login form
Pure symfony2 login form + option to choose buying as a guest
Any idea guys how to distinct them with symfony2 login structure hidden magic? Or maybe it should be solved somehow differently? I will appreciate any help.

you can have as many login form as you want, only constraints with login form is to post to check_path.


Wordpress Two Steps Autoresponders Form Submition

Need some wordpress gurus insight here!
Basically, I've a plugin call Contact Form 7 to display a form on my site.
May I know how can I achieve these steps :-
User click submit, they will auto-receive a mail containing activation link.
User click the activation link, they will auto-receive another email to containing some text to ask them to upload a picture.
On my end, I'll only receive the lead only when the user completing the 2nd step.
Is it possible to do it with wordpress plugins? Or I need some external api or something?
You can get more information to set up the points for Autoresponders Form Submission
Go Through the link -

Admin/Customer Roles (ASP.NET)

I'm currently working on a website that is for a restaurant. I have created everything I need to but I'm confused on one part:
I have created two roles: Admin and Customer. I have a page that displays a menu.
My main problem is, how would I display this page to the customer as a simple menu page, and how would I display this page to the admin where he would be able to edit the items within the database?
Would I need to create two different pages, one for a standard customer and one for the admin, or could it be done through the sitemap, where a link (the edit menu page) is visible/invisible based on the user who is signed in? (How would I accomplish that?)
You can write your custom code for this, as you have yourself created two roles. you can use the following steps
1) Create form authentication ticket for your roles on login and add it so that you'll be able to authenticate user/roles and write authentication rules in web.config.
2) either create two different page for admin and customer or you can use single page that renders differently based on the role, if you creates a single page make sure you should hide secure admin menu items at server side itself so that it will not be rendered and thus no change can be made at client side for security reason or just add items based on roles dynamically always.
Let me know if you need more details.

Wordpress Plugin requirement

I have a requirement form my client.
He needs a registration form which should be integrated to his site where the user will come and register for that particular event.
Can any one help me what plugin can i use to do this ?? i used plugin but it dint work,
i need something like this, you can see from this link the people can come and register, and there name will be displayed left hand side. similar way i need to ingrate to my site someone please help me.
Thanks in advance
All you need to do is set up a form which posts to the database and then have a table populated from the table.
If you're unsure of how to do this & want to use plugins then I would suggest using the popular contact form type plugins like Fast Secure Contact Form or Contact Form 7.
Take a look at those to figure out which you prefer & then couple it with this plugin to save the form data to the database. That plugin then has short codes that you can put in to display the data.

Wordpress redirect on password to certain page

My client would like to give each customer a password and once entered, this should then redirect them to a certain page. I.e. password 'cake' would go to a page about cakes, password 'cats' would go to a page about cats. Sounds simple enough, is there a plugin that you guys are aware of that would do it? Or is it possible straight from WP itself?
Take a look at Peter's Login Redirect. I haven't used it myself, but it has good ratings, has been updated recently, and it sounds like it can redirect based on the login criteria entered.
On a side note, I can't wait to see this website that features cats and cakes!
Good luck.
I'm sure there are better solutions out there. I accomplished what you are looking for by using conditional fields and html in Gravity forms. To mimic a password, I removed the Gravity forms submit button, and I basically created my own submit button in the html field to redirect the visitor to my desired url. Using conditional fields, I hide the button until the user enters the exact passphrase.
This method also allowed me to create hide/show multiple buttons matching different passcodes. We give private clients different passcodes to redirect them to different pages and content.
I've searched for hours for that solution! Here You go #ajguk: or
The plugin is called "Smart passwor pages" (for those experts that can't reed what the link says). It is as close as it gets 4 me. The plugin is old, but it works. Instalation is simple. You just need to put shortcode [smartpwpages] on a page which gives You a login field and every childpage under page with shortcode (if passworded protected throug WP) will work exactly like you asked. You will need to enter into login field only a password and it will redirect user to a page that this password protects... Just need to make your passwords unique for every childpage.

wordpress user management, how to assign specific page to each user?

I want to create pages in WordPress, which should show to a specific user only not for specific role.
if a page is created for a specific user like "john". it should be viewed by only john, no other users could not see that page.
My Questions are:
How to create a page for a specific user? (from admin).
Note: while creating page we should assign that page to specific user like "john".
Is there any plugins for this?
Is there any way to do this.
I know that it is a bit late but still want to answer in case you need. Try to use plugin. You can customize your pages.
Just an idea:
Why not make a page template for that page? get current user id in the template then show the details depends on the user id? You can check is_user_logged_in() and pull all contents under the if statement and under the else statement you can redirect the user to the login page or just show the message to logged in.
Let me know if everything is clear. Thanks!
This can be done with ease using nav menu plugin and roles creator can create roles with names of your clients and show menu items of user pages to specific roles/person
