How to properly attribute Freebase - freebase

I hope this is the right place to ask this question.
I am attempting to attribute Freebase, but this website:
Does not produce any HTML code or image.
My question is: How do I give proper attribution to Freebase in a mobile app? Specifically, iOS.
Or, is the citation included in the API response sufficient?
citation = {
provider = Wikipedia;
statement = "Description licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License (";
uri = "";
I've tried to access the website via Safari, Mozilla Firefox, and Google Chrome. All of which do not show any HTML code or image.
I've recently found this webpage, which seems to cover all types of licensing for Freebase. Although, I think some of the content is outdated.

Looks like they were the victim of their own API decommissioning. If you look at the information returned by the Topic API, it includes attribution information for the given topic. Basically what they want is:
if you reference a single topic, your attribution should include a link to the equivalent Freebase topic
if you link to multiple topics or derive general info from Freebase, you should link to the Freebase home page.
if you're writing an academic paper, you cite the original Bollacker et al paper on Freebase.
Of course, not only am I not your lawyer or Google's lawyer, but I'm not a lawyer at all and this communication does not establish a client-lawyer relationship. :-)


Which API allows access to Google's Dictionary information?

I know that Google Dictionary was discontinued in 2011, but the dictionary information and definitions are still available through google search results:
Does anyone know whether this information can be accessed through the Custom Search API or the Translate API?
I found this related question (but sadly without a satisfying answer).
I also needed Google Dictionary API for my project, it was not present so I decided to create one.
I scrapped the WebPage for the url where term is any word you want to get meaning of, and created the API, you can find it here Google Dictionary API.
How to use
The basic syntax of a URL request to the API is shown below:<--language_code-->/<--word-->
As an example, to get definition of English word hello, you can send request to:
The API also provides other meanings of the word, example sentences, and synonyms, if any.
If you want me to include any other details, please comment and I will happily extend the API to cover your needs.
In case you wish to see the code, it is on github.
Google Dictionary's content is licenced from Oxford Dictionaries' Lexico. Their API can be accessed from here.
Note their free access platform ("prototype") has a number of limitations:
1000 requests per month
Limited data access
Limited request rate
It doesn't look promising from the API Explorer

Google Translate API as a dictionary?

E.g. - translating "amigo" from Spanish to English.
This gives a result ("friend"), which I'd expect in the API.
Does the API also offer the dictionary-like elements from that page like in the following image?
The API is not free to test, so I've been unable to see if it contains the result I want or not.
If not possible, can anyone suggest a different API for the purpose (multilingual dictionary, at least English -> other languages)?
No. The Google Translate API doesn't expose an endpoint for retrieving the dictionary-like elements you're asking about.
As of today the functions available through the API are for:
Translation of text
Detection of the source language of the given text
Listing which language codes the API supports.
There's no endpoint available for retrieving the audio for the translations either.
On the plus side, I've seen that the API has had its list of supported languages expanded regularly, though, and its language models have apparently been being updated.
Recommendations for other APIs to use is outside the scope of StackOverflow, but some Google searching should help you find what's available.

Creating an indoor map

I wonder if someone here can help here ,in my web application I'm trying to create map section:
In my map section the objective is to show an indoor search like in the attached picture from Yahoo Maps does someone know how they Created the tenants names and level of the floor on the maps it self?
I think the best answer for this one is going to depend on which mapping framework you were interested in using.
If you're using Yahoo maps: Yahoo got that indoor map data from Nokia's here platform. As far as I know, they don't offer an editor for the indoor mapping data. The major mapping platforms often have some self-service mechanism to add or correct mapping data. If you were set on having this available and you were using Yahoo's maps, you might want to try to contact someone at Nokia's "here" and see how you might be able to get that to happen.
With that being said, you can do something like that with Google Maps as well. They have information and a way to add the interior layout of a building here. I haven't used it...I just know that it exists, so I can't speak to it in much detail.
There is also some support for this kind of thing in OpenStreetMap. I would post a link to an example of it, but stackoverflow says I can't post more than 2 links unless I have more than 10 reputation. (Sorry...I'm still relatively new to posting on here.)

Freebase: Find related topics using MQL

On the Freebase website topic pages they have a section called "Related Topics". So for example, in the case of Toy Story it has: Toy Story 2, Cars, Finding Nemo & Monsters, Inc
I've read through examples in the Query Editor, the manual, Stack Overflow and Google but I can't find a way to duplicate that in MQL. Does anyone have any idea how to do that in MQL?
This is an internal Freebase only feature and is not available to the public (also, it's going away when the website is relaunched "soon").
Freebase staff have previously said that you should file a request on the Freebase JIRA if you want this feature to be made available publicly, but they seem to use the bug tracker more as a bitbucket than anything else.

What are the legalities of repackaging other's RSS feeds into a new presentation? [closed]

Closed. This question is off-topic. It is not currently accepting answers.
Want to improve this question? Update the question so it's on-topic for Stack Overflow.
Closed 10 years ago.
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I know that services like allow you to add content from RSS feeds to your personal page, but in general they are links which draw the user to the site which provided the feed. What are the legalities and implications of using RSS feeds as a data source for a site which repackages the data so as to be unrecognizable that it came from said source.
Does credit need to be given? It is a copyright violation? What is ethical?
What if credit is stated? Does this change your opinion? Does permission need to be granted?
Of course it's ethical! What on earth is RSS for if not for syndication, into as many varied and wonderful forms as developers can think up?
Permission, of course, must be asked for - in the form of a "GET /feed/ HTTP 1.0". And it must be granted in the form of a "200 OK" - or denied in the form of a "403 Forbidden".
Screen scraping is at least morally ambiguous, since perhaps the author only wants humans, and not programs, to view the content (assuming you believe it's within the rights of the author to make that distinction). But RSS? Seriously? No one forces anyone to make a syndicated, easily-mungable format of their content. It's not just useful for new presentations, it's meant for it.
In my opinion it depends on the data source company as to whether they allow it in their terms and conditions.
It probably also depends on where your servers are located (i.e. Which legal framework they fall under.)
Unless it is allowed explicitly or you have written consent I don't think it's ethical.
It also depends on how big your legal department is.
I would say publishing someone else's work without giving them credit will definitely lead to lawsuits or at least strongly worded cease and desist letters (followed by lawsuits).
Well, legalities aside it isn't ethical to not give credit to the source. The AP for example wants credit
The difference between what you are proposing and services like, Netvibes, Bloglines, Google Reader, etc, is that you are the one choosing the feeds, whereas with those other services the user is specifying the feed, and is therefore aware of it's original source.
Even though content is being published in feeds, and is therefore expected to be used with services like the ones I mentioned above, the publisher still retains the copyright over their content, and would usually expect it to be republished as-as. It is also customary to provide the link back to the original source of the content and republishing content without it would be frowned upon at the very least.
I've wondered the same thing for a while and am very hesitant to republish RSS feeds FeedForAll says there is no inherent right to reproduce content. You're asking whether it's ok to mangle the content, I'm pretty sure it's not alright to even reproduce the content. I think it would be like putting
<iframe src=''> </iframe>
on my website.
BTW. This is not a subjective question and this it is important. I'd re-ask this question or edit the title and get more relevant feedback.
Talk to your lawyer.
From AP's RSS site...
AP provides these RSS feeds to individuals for personal, noncommercial use under the following terms and conditions. All others, including AP members or Press Association subscribers must obtain express written permission prior to use of these RSS feeds. AP provides these RSS feeds at no charge to you for your personal, noncommercial use. You agree not to associate the RSS feeds with any content that might harm the reputation of The Associated Press. AP provides this content "as is" and AP shall not be held liable for your use of the information or the feeds. TO THE FULLEST EXTENT ALLOWED, AP DISCLAIMS ALL WARRANTIES INCLUDING WARRANTIES FOR MERCHANTABILITY, NON-INFRINGEMENT AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You agree to use the RSS feeds only to provide headlines, each with a functional link to the associated AP story that shall display the full content immediately (e.g., no jump pages or other intermediate or interstitial pages). You further agree not to frame or otherwise control the browser window (if any) in which the AP content opens, including limiting the size or position of such window. You agree to provide proper attribution to The Associated Press in reasonable proximity to your use of the RSS feed(s), and you agree that you will not modify the format or branding of the headlines, digests and other information provided in the RSS feeds. The RSS feeds may not be spliced into or otherwise redistributed by third-party RSS providers. No content, including any advertisements or other promotional content, shall be added to the RSS feeds. AP reserves the right to object to your presentation of the RSS feeds and the right to require you to cease using the RSS feeds at any time. AP further reserves the right to terminate its distribution of the RSS feeds or change the content or formatting of the RSS feeds at any time without notice to you. By accessing the RSS feeds or the XML instructions provided herein, you indicate that you understand and agree to these terms and conditions. Note: If you do not qualify to use the RSS feeds under this license or are an AP member or Press Association subscriber and wish to uses these feeds, please contact AP text
From Reuters RSS site...
Reuters offers RSS as a free service to any individual user or non-profit organization, subject to the following terms and conditions:
Use will be for non-commercial purposes.
Use is limited to platforms in which a functional link is made available allowing immediate display of the full article or video on the platform, as specified in the feed.
Use is accompanied by proper attribution to Reuters as the source.
By accessing our RSS service you are indicating your understanding and agreement that you will not use Reuters RSS in contravention of the above conditions. Reuters reserves the right to discontinue this service at any time and further reserves the right to request the immediate cessation of any specific use of its RSS service.
If you would like Reuters news for your commercial website, please visit
